Fire Paul Westphal


The Game Thread Dude
Excuses, excuses, excuses. The coach is the ultimate leader of the team. He is responsible for DIRECTING the players. Do you really not get that? Please don't call me an idiot again. You really hurt my feelings last time.
So if the Warriors managed to hit all of their free throws and we could get the ball placed up court to win the game because Westphal wasted all of his timeouts yelling a people for taking open 3s and committing a couple of stupid fouls, what would you have said then?
What makes you think Cisco didn't know the situation? After all, he is a vet. He knew exactly how much time was on the game clock and shot clock. That's why the shot clock is on top of the damn backboard. Cisco has been in that situation many times, and he took a stupid shot.

Both Beno and Landry fouled 3 pt shooters. Every player in the league knows you don't foul guys shooting 3's. You think Westphals going to call a timeout and tell them not to foul 3 pt shooters? You think an nba player needs to be told not to foul 3 pt shooters? Every varsity high school player knows that.

Cisco's shot in no ones fault but his own. Beno and Landry each commited rediculously stupid fouls, and we failed to get key rebounds with our best rebounder right under the hoop. It was our vet players, Beno, Cisco, and Landry, who choked the game away in regulation, not the coach.

It's amazing to me how if Tyreke makes a bad pass, or takes a bad shot, everyone blames him. Then when our vets take bad shots, or commit bad fouls, it's all on Westphal and not them.
by that reasoning coaches don't need timeouts or practice since the players all know what to do.
by that reasoning coaches don't need timeouts or practice since the players all know what to do.
I'm not talking about not running plays correctly, not setting good screens, not moving the ball, missing defensive rotations, or that type of mistake. I'm talking about a vet taking a horrible shot when every vet in that situation is responsible for being aware of the clock. I'm also talking about fouling 3pt shooters, which is an obvious no no, at every level of basketball.

A lot of mistakes can fall on a coach, but the mistakes I'm referring to do not.

I'll ask you, where do you personally draw the line between what a coach is responsible for, and what a player is responsible for?
I'm not a van gundy fan personally and elie... hmm not really set a great example off the court has he but hey we've had that debate!

stick with Westphal.
I'm going to try something for a while, just to see if it works or not. I'm going to root for the Kings to lose every night.

Lakers. Jazz. Spurs. Warriors. Doesn't matter. Lose, Kings! Lose!

They have a long, tough patch coming up, the kind where the Spurs would say, Wow, we won 60% of them, we're doing pretty well. One of "those" stretches.

Betcha the Kings won't win 20% of them, which means I'll be happy over 80% of the time. And if life isn't about being happy, what the heck is it about?

Most of what I'm seeing so far is coaching. It's true, they're not that talented. But it's also true that the Maloofs aren't going to have 2 head-coaches on their payroll for 2 years, which is what would happen if they fired Westfault. So he's here for the rest of the year.

Bad players; bad arena situation; bad coach; lazy GM; uncertain naming rights. Why would I root FOR that? AGAINST is much more fascinating.

Yeah, I'm mad at this franchise. There's nothing to root for any more. It's Major League without the happy ending.
Elie should probably get the job since he is already on the payroll and he would be considered an interim coach if we decide to get a new one in the offseason. If somehow he does a great job and manages to right this ship we can just keep him on. In any case, things can't get any worse than they are right now under Westphal and having Elie take over is the least risky move.
I'm not talking about not running plays correctly, not setting good screens, not moving the ball, missing defensive rotations, or that type of mistake. I'm talking about a vet taking a horrible shot when every vet in that situation is responsible for being aware of the clock. I'm also talking about fouling 3pt shooters, which is an obvious no no, at every level of basketball.

A lot of mistakes can fall on a coach, but the mistakes I'm referring to do not.

I'll ask you, where do you personally draw the line between what a coach is responsible for, and what a player is responsible for?
I'm not saying it wasn't a bone head play by Cisco. It was and yes he should have know better. But when you have lost 5 in a row and 15 of 16 the coach better dam well make sure everyone on the court knows the situation. You don't risk it at that point and take the time out to spell it out for everyone. Also, it's not like it's the end of a quarter. It's the end of the game. They still had the 2 timeouts at the end of regulation.
Just saw this tidbit on ESPN site.

The Golden State Warriors rallied from a 14-point deficit at the end of the third quarter to win 117-109 in overtime at Sacramento. That matched the biggest end-of-third-period lead the Kings have blown in a loss since the team moved to California in 1985. The Rockets in 1987 and the Cavaliers in 2009 both came back from 14 down after three to win. All three such losses for Sacramento have come at ARCO Arena.
Tied for the worst 4th quarter melt down since they have been here!
How about Kenny Nat, is he available? LOL
Woodson took a crappy Atlanta team and made them relevant, and did so with guys mostly drafted by the hawks and a few good trades/signings along the way. Nothing the Kings couldnt accomplish as well. I would much rather have either Woodson or Brown coaching this team than westphal right now.
LOL at Grant, this guy is so illogical it's funny. He's trying to say that Cousins needs to be punished, win or lose for the choke sign, in order to help the reputation of the franchise. As if a franchise that's at 5 and 21 is really going to have it's reputation damaged by a choke sign, LMAO. Hello...Grant, they have no reputation to damage!
looking forward to all the smug "told you so" articles that will hit the web later on.
On the positive side, Cousins has been putting up big numbers lately and is #3 on's and espn's rookie rankings, so at least the "I told you so's" won't have performance level woes to back up their agenda.
Showtime, I used to have your same exact views, but the last few games has changed this for me. Can those guys really be that dumb.. or is someone not correcting whats going on?
Larry Brown???

Charlotte owner Michael Jordan said in a release Wednesday that in a mutual decision after Charlotte's disappointing 9-19 start that Brown has stepped down as coach.
Brown, 70, was in his third season as the team's coach.
No successor was immediately named and Jordan said a search would begin immediately.
The Bobcats do not play again until Monday.

Read more:
Charlotte owner Michael Jordan said in a release Wednesday that in a mutual decision after Charlotte's disappointing 9-19 start that Brown has stepped down as coach.
Brown, 70, was in his third season as the team's coach.
No successor was immediately named and Jordan said a search would begin immediately.
The Bobcats do not play again until Monday.

Read more:
Even if Brown would come here, I highly doubt that the Maloofs would pay what he'd want.
Charlotte owner Michael Jordan said in a release Wednesday that in a mutual decision after Charlotte's disappointing 9-19 start that Brown has stepped down as coach.
Brown, 70, was in his third season as the team's coach.
No successor was immediately named and Jordan said a search would begin immediately.
The Bobcats do not play again until Monday.

Read more:
If Charlotte is looking for a new coach I've got one for them...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Now Larry Brown is an interesting study. Just in that a) I have no use for him, in a league full of prima donna players he's a media whoring prima donna coach. b) I have actively lobbied against the idea in the past but c) actually our team, and our personnel, are within the sorts of groups he can coach, and is willing to coach -- he actualy likes rebuilding projects. There is a Chancey/A.I. type here in Reke, we have his Ratliff/Deke/Big Ben guy in Daly, we have somebody who might remind him of Derrick McKey in Donte, we have a guy who could be a Davis other type if he ever got a mean streak (Jason)with a little more, a talented knucklehad inside guy liek Sheed (Cousins). There are a lot of his sort of peices here.; but d) he of course would cost a ton even if interested; and e) he's always demanded substantial roster control, with which he has messed up every roster he's ever had. He could not have that.

In any case both by hsi short attention span and his age he would be a very short term thing, but maybe just long enough to incubate our kids then move on.