Fire Paul Westphal



What makes you think Cisco didn't know the situation? After all, he is a vet. He knew exactly how much time was on the game clock and shot clock. That's why the shot clock is on top of the damn backboard. Cisco has been in that situation many times, and he took a stupid shot.

Both Beno and Landry fouled 3 pt shooters. Every player in the league knows you don't foul guys shooting 3's. You think Westphals going to call a timeout and tell them not to foul 3 pt shooters? You think an nba player needs to be told not to foul 3 pt shooters? Every varsity high school player knows that.

Cisco's shot in no ones fault but his own. Beno and Landry each commited rediculously stupid fouls, and we failed to get key rebounds with our best rebounder right under the hoop. It was our vet players, Beno, Cisco, and Landry, who choked the game away in regulation, not the coach.

It's amazing to me how if Tyreke makes a bad pass, or takes a bad shot, everyone blames him. Then when our vets take bad shots, or commit bad fouls, it's all on Westphal and not them.
It wasn't just Cisco's terrible shot. It was forcing the ball down to Cousins about 5 times and letting him shoot or turn it over 5-6 seconds into the shot clock. It was also the same old stuff like letting Tyreke dribble aimlessly and turning it over (2 times out of timeouts). If it was 1-2 things, then, yes, that could be on the players but it was like 8 bonehead mistakes and total gross mismanagement of the game. You probably never played the game in your life and that's why you are having a hard time grasping what is going on.
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Does Voisin know something we don't know? In response to a fan who said he is ready to give up on this team, this is what she had to say:

Ailene Voisin, Sac Bee:
Hello again Doug,
I hear your frustration. I wouldn't "jump ship" yet, though. It's too early. Management has time to make some dramatic changes or at least scrap the approach and try something completely different. Talk to me in two weeks. We should know more.
Is that a hint, or just random speculation?

Showtime, I used to have your same exact views, but the last few games has changed this for me. Can those guys really be that dumb.. or is someone not correcting whats going on?
How do you correct a turnover? The coach doesn't have control over a pivot foot. How does a coach correct a dumb pass, or a missed shot? He can't. This team would have won if they had players who made smarter decisions and executed better. How is Paul responsible for those specific mistakes? Another thing: FT% This team doesn't hit from the line at a good clip. That is totally outside his control as well.


It's not on me to do that. It's your damn thread. Anyone can come on here and say Westphal and Ellie should be gone by christmas. That on it's own doesn't warrent a thread no does it? It's barely a complete thought.
All rainmaker contributes on these boards is defending PW. I think he they might be related.
Westphal can't be out on the floor. He hasn't been turning the ball over and forcing shots. Few of the losses have been on him. What will this new coach do?
Westphal can't be out on the floor. He hasn't been turning the ball over and forcing shots. Few of the losses have been on him. What will this new coach do?

Maybe a coach that doesn't rely on "junk ball" and impatience as a foundation? Everything is a result of the coaching. They are running plays, they just don't work and haven't for about 12 months now. No change. No adjustment other than shuffling lineups left and right. I think he's put everyone in there except himself and the coaching staff. You don't look for gold at the bottom of a box of cracker jacks.
What makes you think Cisco didn't know the situation? After all, he is a vet. He knew exactly how much time was on the game clock and shot clock. That's why the shot clock is on top of the damn backboard. Cisco has been in that situation many times, and he took a stupid shot.

Both Beno and Landry fouled 3 pt shooters. Every player in the league knows you don't foul guys shooting 3's. You think Westphals going to call a timeout and tell them not to foul 3 pt shooters? You think an nba player needs to be told not to foul 3 pt shooters? Every varsity high school player knows that.

Cisco's shot in no ones fault but his own. Beno and Landry each commited rediculously stupid fouls, and we failed to get key rebounds with our best rebounder right under the hoop. It was our vet players, Beno, Cisco, and Landry, who choked the game away in regulation, not the coach.

It's amazing to me how if Tyreke makes a bad pass, or takes a bad shot, everyone blames him. Then when our vets take bad shots, or commit bad fouls, it's all on Westphal and not them.

by that reasoning coaches don't need timeouts or practice since the players all know what to do.
i think thats taking it a bit too far. that would be like me arguing that coaches need more time outs so they remind the players to dribble with 1 hand, dont run with the ball without dribbling, or remember to put the ball in the hoop. you know...things they should already know.
Maybe a coach that doesn't rely on "junk ball" and impatience as a foundation? Everything is a result of the coaching. They are running plays, they just don't work and haven't for about 12 months now. No change. No adjustment other than shuffling lineups left and right. I think he's put everyone in there except himself and the coaching staff. You don't look for gold at the bottom of a box of cracker jacks.
Why has it been working for 3.5 quarters a game the last 4 weeks?
May someone please explain to me while there are two threads dedicated to Westphal?
One is a "fire Westphal" thread. The other is a "seriously dude, fire Westphal" thread. I think we will still need to go through a "furreal man, this coach really needs to get fired NOW" thread and a "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY, PLEASE FIRE WESTPHAL RIGHT NOW BEFORE I KILL MYSELF' thread before something happens.


Hall of Famer
One is a "fire Westphal" thread. The other is a "seriously dude, fire Westphal" thread. I think we will still need to go through a "furreal man, this coach really needs to get fired NOW" thread and a "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY, PLEASE FIRE WESTPHAL RIGHT NOW BEFORE I KILL MYSELF' thread before something happens.
Ahh ok, I understand now. So basically what your saying is it is and ALWAYS will be the coaches fault when a team is as dysfunctional as the Kings are?
Why has it been working for 3.5 quarters a game the last 4 weeks?
It's not that accurate. Sometimes it's a half. The last game it was indeed 3.5 quarters. It works for that long because that's about the time the other team stops turning the ball over and starts controlling their offense. They also change their defense and keep all of the defenders in the paint and jam 3 guys at Tyreke when he drives or 3 guys jam the paint when one of Landry or Cousins post up. Pretty easy to pick out, and the stats prove it. The Kings are terrible in the assist column but they are among the best at causing turnovers and gaining extra possessions.

It's that last 12-14 minutes when a team has to rely on it's offensive strategies. This team has no real half court system.
It's not that accurate. Sometimes it's a half. The last game it was indeed 3.5 quarters. It works for that long because that's about the time the other team stops turning the ball over and starts controlling their offense. They also change their defense and keep all of the defenders in the paint and jam 3 guys at Tyreke when he drives or 3 guys jam the paint when one of Landry or Cousins post up. Pretty easy to pick out, and the stats prove it. The Kings are terrible in the assist column but they are among the best at causing turnovers and gaining extra possessions.
I might add that teams don't really think they can lose to us anymore, so they coast for 2 or three quarters until it's time to get serious, then they shut us down. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they don't even bother doing scouting reports on us, and just evaluate us on the spot, and come up with a plan at half time. With the way we have been playing, that should be enough for them.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
May someone please explain to me while there are two threads dedicated to Westphal?
For a while there this one was starting out as more of a "who are the other coaching options thread". But now it really has become Fire Westphal Pt II, so I am going to merge them.
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Watching the end of the Rockets/Clips. Rockets up by 4 with 18 seconds left. Scola just fouled a 3 pt shooter. Clips are out of timeouts. Sound familar yet? 1 point game Adelman called timeout after the free throw !
How do you correct a turnover? The coach doesn't have control over a pivot foot. How does a coach correct a dumb pass, or a missed shot? He can't. This team would have won if they had players who made smarter decisions and executed better. How is Paul responsible for those specific mistakes? Another thing: FT% This team doesn't hit from the line at a good clip. That is totally outside his control as well.
Proper preparation.
I don't think for a second it'll be by Jan 1. However, 5-21, and the schedule has been relatively kind so far... They keep losing to teams that are on the second night of a back-to-back. Keeps happening. They've played more home games than road games. They haven't had any epic 5-game Eastern trips yet.

5-21, and the worst is yet to come.

Probably second half of January. That's my prediction. I temper this with the Maloofs' seemingly obvious plan of not paying two head coaches. They could arrange a buyout, I guess, but I'd think Westfault's agent would very strongly advise against that.

Player talent is also an issue with this team, though. I hope it's clear to Petrie that he wouldn't be able to bring in Phil Jackson (and yes, I know he's already employed) and magically have a 50 win team. They might improve a bit, but this still isn't a 30 win team with the best coach I can think of. With Westfault, I'm not sure they have 17 in 'em.

30-78 so far. Ouch.
Interesting article on Westphal for those of you who haven't seen it. Not good. Say what you will, but more and more players appear to be complaining to the media. The atmosphere in the lockerroom must be horrible at this point.

Sources close to the situation say that Westphal has "all but lost his team" as well as the confidence of the Maloofs. Players, who expected improvement this season, believe that Westphal's rotations and actions have made it nearly impossible for the young team to find success.

Westphal's actions have made him quite the enemy in the locker room. One player explained that the losses are frustrating enough, but how Westphal has handled the struggles has only made things worse. His distribution of minutes and decisions to fine and bench players has come under fire from the group.

One source says that many of the players "thought they'd be playing and winning" coming into the season so this start has been tough to swallow. The Kings have not lived up to their expectations and the team's "veterans and should-be stars" believe that Westphal is to blame.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Of course the x-factor there is always: Hoopsworld. How many "sources close to the team" could this random hoopsworld guy know who don't mop the floors at night?

If its true of course it would only reinforce the need for Westphal to be fired posthaste.