Fire Paul Westphal

You know, I was actually thinking of bumping this at the half. We were beasting it (first half of this game), and have been playing a bit better these last ten games or so. I wanted to see if opinions have changed.

The youngsters are showing a bit of progress, there isnt that scary regression we were witnessing during the first couple months of the season. The team as a whole is showing progress with more frequency.

However, Westphal's rotations are still head scratchingly bad. I want to give credit where credit is due: Detroit played some great second half defense. However, Westphal coached a terrible second half. We were getting hammered and he stuck with the same crew for way too long.

Personally, because of the last ten games or so, I'm off the fire Westphal bandwagon. I'm still firmly in the dont resign Westphal bandwagon though. I'm starting to think he isnt as bad a coach as we thought, but that he's still a bad coach.
Oh gee, the "Don't re-sign Westphal bandwagon". Guess we should bump this thread in 2 years then, huh? :D
Your right. Meanwhile, it was obviously the players fault that Westfail didn't make any adjustments in the 2nd half.
No adjustments were needed. Our guys simply did not execute correctly. We didn't make free throws, didn't make open shots, and turned the ball over. We were getting the shots that we wanted.


Hall of Famer
Oh gee, the "Don't re-sign Westphal bandwagon". Guess we should bump this thread in 2 years then, huh? :D
I thought he was done this summer for some reason, but you're right... He has another year doesnt he?

OK...I'm on the fire Westphal bandwagon still, but I think we might as well keep him through this season. Another top 5 draft pick would be awesome :p
I thought he was done this summer for some reason, but you're right... He has another year doesnt he?

OK...I'm on the fire Westphal bandwagon still, but I think we might as well keep him through this season. Another top 5 draft pick would be awesome :p
He would have been, but we picked up his option over the summer. Sigh...

And hey, we might as well keep him for the rest of the season and NEXT season. We'll have 4 players on this team that we picked in the top 5! Might as well re-sign him and go for an entire team of top 5 draft picks!
Uh, you forgot about the other side of the court mrs. Westphal.
Sorry, but our problems were on offense in the second half. When we were turning it over seemingly on a fourth of our possessions and missing open shots on two of the other three, the Pistons were able to run and get easy shots on us.
Sorry, but our problems were on offense in the second half. When we were turning it over seemingly on a fourth of our possessions and missing open shots on two of the other three, the Pistons were able to run and get easy shots on us.
That works both ways friend. We were able to get a lot of the baskets we did in the first half due to getting stops and pushing the pace. Hard to do when you allow layup lines and open j's. And our offensive execution down the stretch was awful, both on the part of the players and the coach that seems unable to take advantage of the talents, however limited they may be, that he has at his disposal.

But if you think this was another example of fine coaching, I don't know what else to say.
That works both ways friend. We were able to get a lot of the baskets we did in the first half due to getting stops and pushing the pace. Hard to do when you allow layup lines and open j's. And our offensive execution down the stretch was awful, both on the part of the players and the coach that seems unable to take advantage of the talents, however limited they may be, that he has at his disposal.

But if you think this was another example of fine coaching, I don't know what else to say.
I never said it was excellent coaching, but it was easily good enough for a win. Shooting 50% from the free throw line is completely inexcusable and that is 100% on the players.
No adjustments were needed. Our guys simply did not execute correctly. We didn't make free throws, didn't make open shots, and turned the ball over. We were getting the shots that we wanted.
I agree. It seems every time we have a tough loss, which is about 85% of the time, some posters start blaming westy for everything, and blame the players for nothing. It's amazing to me.

Westy can't shoot the damn ball for our players, neither can he physically complete a pass for them, or make their free throws for them. Goes back to what I said after the last loss, if you're going to blame Westy completely for the 2nd half, then he deserves all the credit for the outstanding 1st half, right?

There are things I blame Westy for, and I have my reasons for wanting a different coach in the future, but I saw none of that tonight.
I agree. It seems every time we have a tough loss, which is about 85% of the time, some posters start blaming westy for everything, and blame the players for nothing. It's amazing to me.

Westy can't shoot the damn ball for our players, neither can he physically complete a pass for them, or make their free throws for them. Goes back to what I said after the last loss, if you're going to blame Westy completely for the 2nd half, then he deserves all the credit for the outstanding 1st half, right?

There are things I blame Westy for, and I have my reasons for wanting a different coach in the future, but I saw none of that tonight.
Paul Westfail is a terrible coach, and he deserves no credit, even if we beat the Lakers by 40+ ;)
Paul Westfail is a terrible coach, and he deserves no credit, even if we beat the Lakers by 40+ ;)

I can't complain about the coaching much lately. The Donte thing is weird, but I'll wait for Donte to prove he's not a bum(here or elsewhere) before I decide it's 100% the coach's fault.

The 1st half was awesome, that 3rd quarter was just unbelievable.
I was obviously kidding, but if we're not going to play Donte, then just stick with the rotations that we have now. That means, no more playing big minutes for Jeter or Taylor. I know they got most of that because Evans was out, but what I don't understand is how Donte goes from a starter and then all of sudden is benched and never seen again? Taylor should NEVER see playing time over Greene.
It's funny how everyone else disagrees with you, and you're the only one being stubborn and unwilling to look at the game itself...and yet we're closed minded *rolls eyes*
actually i dont disagree with him. there are games where the coach is totally to blame, but this is not one of them. if the team could have made the "free" throws. we could have won. i dont expect them to be perfect at the line. but if we would have at least shot at the same percentage as detroit. we'd be ok. if the coach puts in a crappy lineup or doesnt make the right subs, yeah he is to blame. if the team is missing free throws, cant execute plays, or just missing shots, thats on the team
The game was lost on defense in the 2nd half. Certainly not on offense. We're a terrible shooting team a bottom 5 in the league but we still were able to win some games (or at least almost almost win some games) at such off off nights playing tough defensively. And that group of players that was on the floor in yesterday was tortured in every way imaginable. Yet no adjustments were made. If you couldn't see that then I'm sorry for you.
As soon as Detroit had that 6-0 run you could just see the body language totally change. Until the players lose that here we go again mentality well keep losing.
I wasn't convinced before but I am now. This guy needs to go ASAP. What did shoot, 51% from the free throw line? Inexcusable. If a coach can't hit his free throws, he's useless.
As soon as Detroit had that 6-0 run you could just see the body language totally change. Until the players lose that here we go again mentality well keep losing.
That's probably part of it but a lot of why they have that mentality has to do with the team's talent level. They know they don't have enough talent to win unless they play their absolute best or get lucky. There's no margin for error with this team. It takes everything they've got to build a good sized lead and when the other team makes a run and comes back, it takes the wind out of their sails. That can happen even to good teams but you're way more susceptible to it when you aren't a good team.


Hall of Famer
Watched the game at my house with Uncia03. He and his wife are visiting. We both sat there during the last 5 o 6 minutes of the game and asked the same question. Why is Casspi playing PF? Why is Thompson, who was our best player in the first half, sitting on the bench with just one foul. Why isn't he in the game guarding Villanueva? Why was Cousins held out of the game until there was just a little over 3 minutes left in the game. Yeah, he was in foul trouble, but he still had two fouls to give, and Westphal played him the entire fourth quarter in one game with five fouls on him.

You guys can love Westphal to death, but I'm sorry. I can no longer handle his crazy lineups and his in game decisions. Its one thing to pull a player because he has 4 fouls, or because he just got a technical and you want him to cool off. Its quite another to forget about two bigs sitting on the bench while your getting killed by a pee poor PF named Villanueva. There was no way in hell that Casspi is strong enough to keep him off the block..

Good offense and defense is all about continuity,and that comes from playing the same guys together over and over again so that they trust one another on defense, and really know each others games on offense. The key word is trust, and that means the coach has to trust the guys he picks to work it out on the court. They will fail at times and they will succeed at times. And as time goes on, they will succeed more than they fail. Westphal doesn't trust anyone except maybe Tyreke or Beno. Thus he keeps jerking everyone else on the team around.

Camera went to Thompson sitting on the bench with around 2 minutes left in the game. He looked visibly angry, and I couldn't blame him. The one advantage we had over Detriot was size, and we just pissed that advantage away, at the very moment we needed it in the game. Westphal handled the timeouts well too, didn't he. How many did we have left at the end?

Some of you seem to think that its all about the players. If thats the case, then just hire Mickey Mouse to coach the team, and then you can defend him. You know what, Mickey might accidently play Greene.
Watched the game at my house with Uncia03. He and his wife are visiting. We both sat there during the last 5 o 6 minutes of the game and asked the same question. Why is Casspi playing PF? Why is Thompson, who was our best player in the first half, sitting on the bench with just one foul. Why isn't he in the game guarding Villanueva? Why was Cousins held out of the game until there was just a little over 3 minutes left in the game. Yeah, he was in foul trouble, but he still had two fouls to give, and Westphal played him the entire fourth quarter in one game with five fouls on him.

You guys can love Westphal to death, but I'm sorry. I can no longer handle his crazy lineups and his in game decisions. Its one thing to pull a player because he has 4 fouls, or because he just got a technical and you want him to cool off. Its quite another to forget about two bigs sitting on the bench while your getting killed by a pee poor PF named Villanueva. There was no way in hell that Casspi is strong enough to keep him off the block..

Good offense and defense is all about continuity,and that comes from playing the same guys together over and over again so that they trust one another on defense, and really know each others games on offense. The key word is trust, and that means the coach has to trust the guys he picks to work it out on the court. They will fail at times and they will succeed at times. And as time goes on, they will succeed more than they fail. Westphal doesn't trust anyone except maybe Tyreke or Beno. Thus he keeps jerking everyone else on the team around.

Camera went to Thompson sitting on the bench with around 2 minutes left in the game. He looked visibly angry, and I couldn't blame him. The one advantage we had over Detriot was size, and we just pissed that advantage away, at the very moment we needed it in the game. Westphal handled the timeouts well too, didn't he. How many did we have left at the end?

Some of you seem to think that its all about the players. If thats the case, then just hire Mickey Mouse to coach the team, and then you can defend him. You know what, Mickey might accidently play Greene.
If I could, I would signature this entire post. Well done, sir. *claps*
I wasn't convinced before but I am now. This guy needs to go ASAP. What did shoot, 51% from the free throw line? Inexcusable. If a coach can't hit his free throws, he's useless.
I love how that's the excuse for bad coaches. Yes, we were terrible at the FT line, but as bad as we were, it shouldn't have mattered in the end if the right adjustments were made. It's like I said before, Paul Westfail is now the Mike Singletary of the NBA. He keeps trying doing the SAME thing all day, and is convinced that it's the players fault if it doesn't work. HEY PAUL, teams make adjustments when things aren't working in a game. If our starting SF can not slow down the opposing teams' SF, maybe we should think about putting someone DIFFERENT on him. Maybe someone like...gee, I don't know...our best SG/SF defender on the team?


Of course, if this was Cousins getting beat by his man over and over, he would have been pulled immediately (which he was, after Monroe beat him a few times in the 3rd).

But keep making excuses for your bad coach. I'm sure next game, we'll do something else that you think lost the game for us, and you and your Westfail supporting friends will be here to blame that instead of looking at the real problems on this team.