Fire Geoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Famer
We now have a total of 8 guards/small forward : douby, price, bibby, hart, garcia, martin, salmon, artest. Might as well count KT in there also since he's about the same size. Is it me or are we modeling after the Knicks.
John Salmons might not be the best signing in the world, but because of it to compare is to the Knicks is crazy.

The Knicks are laughingstocks...

I'll wait until we trade Bibby/Miller for Starbury/James before I'll call us the Knicks.

2004-05 50 32
2003-04 55 27
2002-03 59 23
2001-02 61 21

The panic is valid...which way are the wins going and has anything been done to this team to make anyone believe that we will be better next year. Honestly. I would say this thread is warranted, if not because of today's signing, then because of the last 2 years worth of miscues.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
That's a terrible comparison. Philly plays more of a slow it down game whereas Phoenix is the epitome of a running team, put Salmons on the Suns and his stats would be significantly higher.

Also, i wouldn't call him a known quantity. He's only played 3 years and is just now entering his prime years. There's no way that BJ was less of a known quantity. They were drafted with similar picks (23 v 26), were approximatley the same age and similar accomplishments. Now I'm not saying that Salmons' game or results will be identical to BJ, but I think that GM's like Petrie and Coangelo are good judges of talent and know there is potential that can be tapped.

And if the signing is for 5 million, it really isn't that far off what BJ was signed for when you consider that the salary cap has gone up nearly 20 million since then and the MLE is worth more as well.

The fact that there IS a comparison is what's terrible. Did you miss me lisitng House's career stats? 7 2 and 2 to Salmon's 5 2 and 2? Has nothign to do with Phoenix. Nor, BTW, have you apparently watched Philly the last few years while Salmons has gotten minutes -- very uptempo.

Bobby Jackson STARTED his first year in the league and put up healthy numbers. Even so he was vaguely diappointing at 11.6pts 4.4rebs 4.7ast 1.5stll in 30 min.

If you somehow do not know what Salmons can, and can't, bring, you just haven't been watching. He's played 5000+min in the league now.


Hall of Famer
Im not sure firieng Petrie will do any good at all. Many of the questionalble moves cited look to be as much about Maloof "Hands On" management as about Petrie. so why no Fire the Maloofs thread? I will still specualte taht if the Maloofs contenue to tie his hands GP may sove the GP problem for you.
I haven't heard that it was 5 years at 25 million, if so, yuck.

I'm talking about when some dude said that Petrie screwed the Kings in the Long Term, which I think is a moronic statement. I'm not sure why you are arguing with me about that. Every move that he has done has helped the team in the long term, and didn't help the team in the short term.
but...i want to win now!!!! :D
Having Salmons on the books for a good 5 or 6 million a year, in the later stages of his contract (if the rumors are true) when guys like Martin, Garcia, and Artest need to be reupped, is not really helping in the long term.
Having Salmons on the books for a good 5 or 6 million a year, in the later stages of his contract (if the rumors are true) when guys like Martin, Garcia, and Artest need to be reupped, is not really helping in the long term.
but losing guys like Potato, Corliss and Hart off the books helps alot next year...I'm not too entirely worried about the money part of it, as far as the future and manueverablility goes.
John Salmons
Quincy Douby
Ronny Price
Mike Bibby
Francisco Garcia
Jason Hart
Kevin Martin

Wow! That's alot of guards to carry a whole season. Someone has to be on the move. Hopefully soon
but losing guys like Potato, Corliss and Hart off the books helps alot next year...I'm not too entirely worried about the money part of it, as far as the future and manueverablility goes.
While true, you're going to need to add salary to replace those guys too. Salmons at 2-3 a year is a very solid deal. Salmons at 5-6 a year is blah.

Especially if we are to avoid moves because the extra salary would put the Kings in/near the Lux Tax.
2004-05 50 32
2003-04 55 27
2002-03 59 23
2001-02 61 21

The panic is valid...which way are the wins going and has anything been done to this team to make anyone believe that we will be better next year. Honestly. I would say this thread is warrant, if not because of tody's signing, then because of the last years worth of miscues.

It's called rebuilding. The Pistons were lottery fodder for a decade between elite periods. The Bulls are on the brink of becoming elite after a similar decade of being titled the "UnwatchaBulls." The Warriors still haven't recovered from the decline of RUN TMC. The Heat went nearly a decade between elite periods and if D-Wade hadn't fallen into their laps, they'd still be a mid-level playoff team (assuming they had Shaq). How long were the Suns absolutely terrible after their last elite period before Nash made them formidable again? Has it been fun to like the Trailblazers since 2000?

The only two teams to relatively recently go from elite to elite in one years time were the Lakers who were able to sign Shaq cause they were in the nation's #2 market and the Spurs who tanked one year and were lucky to get a franchise player in Duncan.

Right now the Kings are rebuilding after an elite period and still have made the playoffs every year. Excuse me, but that is freakin AMAZING considering they had no chance to sign a potential league MVP and did not get the #1 pick in a concensus "franchise player" year.

So Petrie signed a solid backup who plays 3 positions for half of what Bonzi was asking for and for one less season. 3 years from now, I'll bet that most people here will be glad that we are playing Salmons 5 million a year to be a decent backup, instead of paying Bonzi 10 million to be a 33 year old backup.

No, Salmons will probably never put together a season like Bonzi did last year. The truth is Bonzi will probably never put together a season like he did last year. However, Salmons will improve. He will be happy with a backup role. Gives us the versatility we used to have in the past. And again, is being signed for half the money that Bonzi wants from us. 5 years from now, if Salmons is still here, he will be a 32 year old, talented bench player making about 6 million. 6 years from now, Bonzi will be a 36 year old oft injured bench player(assuming old patterns continue to worsten with age) making about 12million if we resigned him.

I know in a perfect world we would be able to sign and trade Bonzi and get something back for him. I still hope it happens. However, he is a free agent, so he has to want to go to a team that has something we want that they would be willing to give that up. From the list I made the other night, there are very few options available. I hope one works, but it would be pointless to sign and trade Bonzi for crud that will eat up our salary cap just to save face.
As for Geoff, I am not going to cosign firing him, but if it happened at some point I would be more curious than disappointed. The Maloofs may have saved his job in the near term by forcing the Artest trade, but Geoff himself has just been spinning his wheels for some time now.
When did your speculation about Geoff's thoughts about Artest become fact? All I've seen on the record is that Geoff signed off on the deal but let the Maloofs make the ultimate decision (as, you know, owners do on big moves). To hear you tell it they handcuffed Geoff to a chair in the basement and played GM for a day.
Having Salmons on the books for a good 5 or 6 million a year, in the later stages of his contract (if the rumors are true) when guys like Martin, Garcia, and Artest need to be reupped, is not really helping in the long term.
Yes, but having Salmons in the books for 5 mil and keeping those other players versus having Bonzi in the book for 10 million and having to lose one is helping in the long-term.
Yes, but having Salmons in the books for 5 mil and keeping those other players versus having Bonzi in the book for 10 million and having to lose one is helping in the long-term.

And if Petrie would have given Bonzi 10 a year, I would have found a rope.
The fact that there IS a comparison is what's terrible. Did you miss me lisitng House's career stats? 7 2 and 2 to Salmon's 5 2 and 2? Has nothign to do with Phoenix. Nor, BTW, have you apparently watched Philly the last few years while Salmons has gotten minutes -- very uptempo.

Bobby Jackson STARTED his first year in the league and put up healthy numbers. Even so he was vaguely diappointing at 11.6pts 4.4rebs 4.7ast 1.5stll in 30 min.

If you somehow do not know what Salmons can, and can't, bring, you just haven't been watching. He's played 5000+min in the league now.
Fine, so then the fact that there's a comparison between House's career stats and BJ's when we signed him is terrible too. Different players, different systems, different physical abilities - laying stats our aren't the same. Also, House has spent a couple of seasons with Suns and Kings teams that share the ball and are about movement. The Philly team Salmons is on is about the ball being dominated by two players. Again, it just isn't a good comparison.

So Salmons 5000 minutes makes him a known quantity, while Jackson's 4000 made him and unknown quantity. 1000 minutes over 3 years equals about 4 minutes a game. I'm really not sure how that makes a huge difference, seems like a pretty arbitrary to me. I don't know of any Moneyball like statistics for basketball that declare after a player's 4500th minute, he becomes a known quantity.

Adding to that, Jackson's first year on the Kings (4th year in the league), he only averaged 7-3-3. By the end of that season he had played 5567 minutes and his career averages were narrowly above Salmons and Jackson was hardly a known quantity at that point, it was really the next season that he came into his own.

Long story short, Salmons may never be Bobby Jackson. However, to say that a 26 year old, playing on his first non-Iverson team is a finished product and a known quanity, especially when he was pursued by Coangelo and Petrie, doesn't seem accurate.
Fire Geoff, Vote NO on the arena and kick the dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or maybe we see how this turns out. I know most of you are part time gm's and have all the inside info but lets see what this team looks like and plays like when the season starts.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member

And if Petrie would have given Bonzi 10 a year, I would have found a rope.
Agree wholeheartedly.

Look. The Kings of recent years have been a team where players have come and generally thrived, oftentimes performing above and beyond what was assumed to be their talent level due to the type of basketball played and the unselfishness of the team.

We have a new coach and probably some significant changes in values and goals and player evaluations and the approach to playing the game.

I say we give GP and Muss and the players (all of them) a chance to practice and see what they can do together.

We don't even know what other moves are in store and as a result who is going to be here and who isn't when camp starts.

If Bonzi wanted that much $$$, we're better off without him because the team would have been financially hamstrung with that contract until the last year as an expiring one.

Maybe we overpaid for Salmons. Maybe we didn't. I say we give him a chance to show whether he deserved it or not before throwing him under the bus.
Agree wholeheartedly.

Look. The Kings of recent years have been a team where players have come and generally thrived, oftentimes performing above and beyond what was assumed to be their talent level due to the type of basketball played and the unselfishness of the team.

We have a new coach and probably some significant changes in values and goals and player evaluations and the approach to playing the game.

I say we give GP and Muss and the players (all of them) a chance to practice and see what they can do together.

We don't even know what other moves are in store and as a result who is going to be here and who isn't when camp starts.

If Bonzi wanted that much $$$, we're better off without him because the team would have been financially hamstrung with that contract until the last year as an expiring one.

Maybe we overpaid for Salmons. Maybe we didn't. I say we give him a chance to show whether he deserved it or not before throwing him under the bus.
My sentiment exactly!
Indeed, it's garbage. Geoff isn't getting fired, it was just made out of ignorancy, pre-maturity, and frustration. Gotta look at things from both sides of the situation.
Indeed, it's garbage. Geoff isn't getting fired, it was just made out of ignorancy, pre-maturity, and frustration. Gotta look at things from both sides of the situation.
What the hell is pre-maturity? Are you looking for immaturity?

I agree with the sentiments of Warhawk. If I remember correctly, Salmons played very well at the end of the 04-05 season when AI went down. I think he could be a much better player when he is freed from that system and brought here. That being said, he still doesn't fill a need like many have mentioned.
What the hell is pre-maturity? Are you looking for immaturity?

I agree with the sentiments of Warhawk. If I remember correctly, Salmons played very well at the end of the 04-05 season when AI went down. I think he could be a much better player when he is freed from that system and brought here. That being said, he still doesn't fill a need like many have mentioned.
Pre-mature - uncommonly or unexpectedly early.

As in, some people or a few or the thread starter wanted/wants Geoff fired because of losing Bonzi and signing Salmons for most of the MLE/full MLE. Yet the off-season still has 2-3 months left.

That's why I said and included pre-maturity.
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I agree with the sentiments of Warhawk. If I remember correctly, Salmons played very well at the end of the 04-05 season when AI went down. I think he could be a much better player when he is freed from that system and brought here. That being said, he still doesn't fill a need like many have mentioned.
I think he fills a need for a backup PG. Sure Petrie still needs to bring in a big man and I know some people hoped we could do that through free agency, but it's not as if Salmons is a complete replica of our current players. He's more proven as a backup PG than Douby or Price.
gah kingsfan: sorry, i realized pre-maturity was a word just, i don't commonly think of that word when it comes to tendencies of forum goers. Immaturity seemed to fit better, my bad.

And yeah, now that I think about it, he'll be a hell of a lot better at PG then Hart or Price and maybe can get Bibby the rest he will need if hes going to be able to function at all at the end of the season.
Heh, it's fine.

I disagree on Price, when we've never even seen the guy get regular time, but he's put on muscle and has looked very good in the summer league. Don't think you can dismiss him yet. Not exactly sure who the back-up PG will be.