Fire Geoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, it's Petrie's fault that Bonzi didn't want to come back.

I remember people crying when Tony Delk left, and we signed some dude named Bobby Jackson.

It's petrie's fault that we signed Salmons to the F-ing MLE.

and Salmons is no Bobby Jackson. No Tony Delk. Plus, he's just flat out useless to us.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't have to think that this move DID NOT hurt the Kings in the long term. I don't understand your counter to that.

My point is people need to get off Petrie's arse and think about who really dropped the ball on the deal (his agent).
What are you talking about?

Let me make this very simple:

**** up #1: No Bonzi, but who knows who's fault that is. The part where Petrie gets involved is no Bonzi S&T either. Talent out the door.

**** up #2: John Salmons to a ridiuclous contract. Yes that damn well DOES hurt. John Salmons to a 2 yr $6mil contract? Maybe. John Salmons to a 5yr $25mil contract? Please.
I posted this in the other thread.
We talked about this in that thread as well. I want to add one thing. Whether he is acting on his own or he is acting with the Maloofs controll, it doesnt change that with him as GM we are sinking fast. He ought to step down regardless of who is pulling the trigger on the last 2 years of trades.
It's early to start the lynch mob. There's a lot of offseason left. And I gotta say, a lot of this is on Bonzi. The Kings offered more than anyone else, which is as much as you can ask. He didn't sign. Petrie found as good a replacement as was out there on the market. I think it's safe to assume that they explored all possible S&T scenarios. It's just a crappy situation.

There's still trades, there's still the LLE. I mean, it's ugly, but I'm not grabbing my torch just yet.
Have you ever actually seen John Salmons play?

As for Geoff, I am not going to cosign firing him, but if it happened at some point I would be more curious than disappointed. The Maloofs may have saved his job in the near term by forcing the Artest trade, but Geoff himself has just been spinning his wheels for some time now.
What do you mean Maloofs saved his job it was the Maloofs who let talent to get bled year after year. It is now catching up with us the last couple of years. Who do you think wanted Chris gone more the maloofs or Petrie?
Seriously. People want to jump overboard. The whole key to THIS offseason anyways was getting rid of Adelman. I'm much happier not getting into another long term deal when we have a lot of money going off the books next year. Remember, this is rebuilding.

I will miss Bonzi, he brought a lot to the team last year. But, again, HE didn't accept the best offer that ANY team will be able to give him. Bonzi and his agent are idiots for not taking a long term deal at about 7 million a season. Latrell Sprewell II is Bonzi's new name.
nbrans said:
It's early to start the lynch mob. There's a lot of offseason left. And I gotta say, a lot of this is on Bonzi. The Kings offered more than anyone else, which is as much as you can ask. He didn't sign. Petrie found as good a replacement as was out there on the market.
WHAT? :confused: Okay so Bonzi did not want to stay here you're telling me replacing Bonzi with Freaking Salmons was the best we could've have done? i mean WTF? thats like having a Coon without no ice cream it does not make sense.

Geoff needs to be fired immediately if he has no better explaination then what he offered on the radio.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
the corliss and potapenko contracts are off the books after this year... while webber still has 2 years left.. so in the long run they did save us money... even though i didnt like the trade one bit.... and it hasnt been confirmed how much Salmons will be making but im sure its more than his deal with Toronto... so it could be less than the MLE
Webber has 1 year left on his contract after this one. 1 year. The contracts are a wash. Always were. 2/3 of Webb's contract ends a year early, the other third continues on in perpetuity long past Webb's own. Webb's last for 2 years, Potapenko, Corliss and Kenny last 1, 1, and 4. Meanwhile, we have gotten dramatically less production out of that position and have struggled to stay above .500 ever since the trade went down. Without the Maloofs call on Artest (who fell into our laps), it would be an unmitigated disaster.
It's petrie's fault that we signed Salmons to the F-ing MLE.

and Salmons is no Bobby Jackson. No Tony Delk. Plus, he's just flat out useless to us.
but tell me who the hell Bobby Jackson was before he came to Sacramento?? Has ANYONE given Salmons much of a legit shot playing behind the 2 A.I.'s?? Nope. How many healthy seasons has Bobby Jackson had the last 5 seasons before last year? How old is Bobby Jackson? Now dont get me wrong, I love B-Jax like the rest of us, but c'mon, lets look at the factors in play here.
We talked about this in that thread as well. I want to add one thing. Whether he is acting on his own or he is acting with the Maloofs controll, it doesnt change that with him as GM we are sinking fast. He ought to step down regardless of who is pulling the trigger on the last 2 years of trades.
Of which I replied. I am not going to post my reply on this thread if you want rebute go to the other thread then.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sorry, I'm not going to lose much sleep about this and I'm really beginning to think some people need to just chill a little.

Yes, it's unfortunate we didn't keep Bonzi, but it was Bonzi's decision to make ultimately. We can talk about his agent, but Bonzi could have told his agent to back off or accept a deal. He didn't. Life goes on.

As far as Salmons go, none of us have seen how he'll do as a King. It's not like we're expecting him to step in and become uber-player over night.

And as far as Geoff Petrie goes, I'm not gonna grab a pitch fork or wail at the wall. Let's see what else happens. I think Martin will step into the starting 2-guard position quite nice. As far as Petrie stepping down, that's just silly. We're sinking? Okay. Good thing for me I'm up here at 4,000 ft.

Take a deep breath, folks. This isn't the end of life as we know it.
Seriously. People want to jump overboard. The whole key to THIS offseason anyways was getting rid of Adelman. I'm much happier not getting into another long term deal when we have a lot of money going off the books next year. Remember, this is rebuilding.

I will miss Bonzi, he brought a lot to the team last year. But, again, HE didn't accept the best offer that ANY team will be able to give him. Bonzi and his agent are idiots for not taking a long term deal at about 7 million a season. Latrell Sprewell II is Bonzi's new name.
The idea in "rebuilding" is to move FORWARD.

This is two steps back.

And the key to this offseason was improving on our young talent base, getting rebounding, defense, filling our needs, and a nice end to the season, not firing Adelman.

This is a 5-year 25 mil deal for JOHN SALMONS. JOHN SALMONS. Again, JOHN SALMONS. 25 mil. 5 years.
Seriously. People want to jump overboard. The whole key to THIS offseason anyways was getting rid of Adelman. I'm much happier not getting into another long term deal when we have a lot of money going off the books next year. Remember, this is rebuilding.

I will miss Bonzi, he brought a lot to the team last year. But, again, HE didn't accept the best offer that ANY team will be able to give him. Bonzi and his agent are idiots for not taking a long term deal at about 7 million a season. Latrell Sprewell II is Bonzi's new name.


Webber has 1 year left on his contract after this one. 1 year. The contracts are a wash. Always were. 2/3 of Webb's contract ends a year early, the other third continues on in perpetuity long past Webb's own. Meanwhile, we have gotten dramatically less production out of that position and have struggled to stay above .500 ever since the trade went down. Without the Maloofs call on Artest (who fell into our laps), it would be an unmitigated disaster.
so isnt that 2 years?

i do believe we got the short end of the stick in the trade... i was expecting big dog or sam dam back in the trade......
Webber has 1 year left on his contract after this one. 1 year. The contracts are a wash. Always were. 2/3 of Webb's contract ends a year early, the other third continues on in perpetuity long past Webb's own. Webb's last for 2 years, Potapenko, Corliss and Kenny last 1, 1, and 4. Meanwhile, we have gotten dramatically less production out of that position and have struggled to stay above .500 ever since the trade went down. Without the Maloofs call on Artest (who fell into our laps), it would be an unmitigated disaster.
Sorry, I'm not going to lose much sleep about this and I'm really beginning to think some people need to just chill a little.

Yes, it's unfortunate we didn't keep Bonzi, but it was Bonzi's decision to make ultimately. We can talk about his agent, but Bonzi could have told his agent to back off or accept a deal. He didn't. Life goes on.

As far as Salmons go, none of us have seen how he'll do as a King. It's not like we're expecting him to step in and become uber-player over night.

And as far as Geoff Petrie goes, I'm not gonna grab a pitch fork or wail at the wall. Let's see what else happens. I think Martin will step into the starting 2-guard position quite nice. As far as Petrie stepping down, that's just silly. We're sinking? Okay. Good thing for me I'm up here at 4,000 ft.

Take a deep breath, folks. This isn't the end of life as we know it.
Amen VF!:) C'mon folks...calm down a bit...have a scoop of ice cream...I think the heat is getting people far too uptight.
Webber has 1 year left on his contract after this one. 1 year. The contracts are a wash. Always were. 2/3 of Webb's contract ends a year early, the other third continues on in perpetuity long past Webb's own. Webb's last for 2 years, Potapenko, Corliss and Kenny last 1, 1, and 4. Meanwhile, we have gotten dramatically less production out of that position and have struggled to stay above .500 ever since the trade went down. Without the Maloofs call on Artest (who fell into our laps), it would be an unmitigated disaster.
but without the Maloofs wanting to get rid of chris we would not be in an unmitigated disaster situtation we almost in now.
What are you talking about?

Let me make this very simple:

**** up #1: No Bonzi, but who knows who's fault that is. The part where Petrie gets involved is no Bonzi S&T either. Talent out the door.

**** up #2: John Salmons to a ridiuclous contract. Yes that damn well DOES hurt. John Salmons to a 2 yr $6mil contract? Maybe. John Salmons to a 5yr $25mil contract? Please.
I haven't heard that it was 5 years at 25 million, if so, yuck.

I'm talking about when some dude said that Petrie screwed the Kings in the Long Term, which I think is a moronic statement. I'm not sure why you are arguing with me about that. Every move that he has done has helped the team in the long term, and didn't help the team in the short term.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
What do you mean Maloofs saved his job it was the Maloofs who let talent to get bled year after year. It is now catching up with us the last couple of years. Who do you think wanted Chris gone more the maloofs or Petrie?
Might well have been the Maloofs call as well. Have long suspected it.

Nonetheless, if they did not trade for Ratest last season, we struggle on home and into the lottery and there is a rope being warmed up for Geoff just outside his office. Last year's squad was his creation. He did little, and what little he did was soft.
Might well have been the Maloofs call as well. Have long suspected it.

Nonetheless, if they did not trade for Ratest last season, we struggle on home and into the lottery and there is a rope being warmed up for Geoff just outside his office. Last year's squad was his creation. He did little, and what little he did was soft.
But what i am saying he had little to work with. It is the Maloofs who were the ones that let bleeding of talent to continue. No team is going to be successful when they lose talent year after year for nothing.
#55 I stated before...who was Bobby Jackson before he came here?? A 6-1 young, shooting/point guard who averaged 7 pts. and 3 rebs. a game. And who is John Salmons?? A young, 6-6, 3 position guy who averages 7 pts and 3 rebs.
Yoda said:
I felt this way last Feburary...when I needed a nice cup of hot chocolate. This just confirms what I hoped was not true. Our great GM is not anymore.
Amen to that Geoff has lost the magic touch hes nothing more then a guy who loves to frustrate fans with the moves he makes. if there is larger trade covered for this pathetic signing then i am not wasting another dime next season to watch the Kings play.
I don't know what to think any more. I will wait and see how the rest of the offseason goes (or doesn't). I want to see Salmons play before i call for Geoff's head.
#59 I stated before...who was Bobby Jackson before he came here?? A 6-1 young, shooting/point guard who averaged 7 pts. and 3 rebs. a game. And who is John Salmons?? A young, 6-6, 3 position guy who averages 7 pts and 3 rebs.
Salmons is a nice one player, however he does not not fill our needs and a long term high priced (KT-like contract) is not the right price.
Wait .... Salmon's contract is not a long term high priced contract. It can't be. What are you talking about?????

Yoda, go back to Degaba - how ever you spell that.