Fire Geoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it's that time again picking up Salmons was one worst thing ever what the hell was Geoff thinking? is that what the Organization wants the new arena fans to be pumped about ABOUT FREAKING SALMONS? :mad:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
heh -- I've raised questions about Geoff as deity many times over the last few years, but if the $$ for Salmons are what I think they are, maybe never more than now. Quite the offseason we have going.
Bricklayer said:
heh -- I've raised questions about Geoff as deity many times over the last few years, but if the $$ for Salmons are what I think they are, maybe never more than now. Quite the offseason we have going.
I think my faith in Geoff were lost once we traded Webber but then again it was understandable BUT THIS? Geoff has lost his freaking mind fire this guy please.
Bonzi should fire his agent. He just lost the biggest contract that would be offered to him. There aren't any other teams that will give him the same offer. I would be mad at Bonzi, rather than Petrie. He thought he was worth more than he is. If Bonzi was the stud so many of you make him out to be .. I guess a 10 million/year player, he would already be signed.
wow...I didnt think it was THAT bad of a sign, I mean the Salmons is athletic, plays D, can handle the ball damn good for a 6'6 guy, is bigger than Bonzi at 6'6/210lbs, I mean, I know people loved the hell out of Bonzi, as did I, but it's too damn soon to anticipate anything at this point...too soon. Geoff still has some work to do, and I think he will have something more in store for us sometime soon as far as a s&t or signing, etc. Dont make Geoff out to be a 3-legged dog just yet.
Circa_1985_Fan said:
wow...I didnt think it was THAT bad of a sign
What are you talking about? John Salmons? JOHN FREAKING SALMONS? someone shoot me or hang me for that matter...
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its not that bad of a signing... people are just going crazy because Bonzi prolly wont be back now.. but what could Petrie do about that? they made him and offer Bonzi's agent refused and made a counter offer... it was going no where fast... a sign and trade was possible but we dont know what was being offered back so we really cant judge on that....
Bonzi should fire his agent. He just lost the biggest contract that would be offered to him. There aren't any other teams that will give him the same offer. I would be mad at Bonzi, rather than Petrie. He thought he was worth more than he is. If Bonzi was the stud so many of you make him out to be .. I guess a 10 million/year player, he would already be signed.

John Salmons is useless to us and fills none of our needs, is NOT worth the MLE and yet he got it.

It's Petrie's fault.
Its too late. He has done long term damage to this franchise... :(

What? Think about what you just said. You are blaming him for not signing Bonzi to a long term, huge contract and stating that it is long term damage.

You are seeing them allowing our young guards to step up.

This is the guy who gave us ARTEST for a douchebag (Peja) that would be gone right now. He also helped the team (long term) by getting out of the Webber and Christie contracts.

Everyone is crying about not signing players, when this is clearly one of the worst free agent years in about ten years. Petrie said they spent all their time looking to resign Bonzi, and he didn't want to come back for what the Kings could offer. He then said they will look for trades for anymore players.

Think about it before you post.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
wow...I didnt think it was THAT bad of a sign, I mean the Salmons is athletic, plays D, can handle the ball damn good for a 6'6 guy, is bigger than Bonzi at 6'6/210lbs, I mean, I know people loved the hell out of Bonzi, as did I, but it's too damn soon to anticipate anything at this point...too soon. Geoff still has some work to do, and I think he will have something more in store for us sometime soon as far as a s&t or signing, etc. Dont make Geoff out to be a 3-legged dog just yet.

Have you ever actually seen John Salmons play?

As for Geoff, I am not going to cosign firing him, but if it happened at some point I would be more curious than disappointed. The Maloofs may have saved his job in the near term by forcing the Artest trade, but Geoff himself has just been spinning his wheels for some time now.
wow...I didnt think it was THAT bad of a sign, I mean the Salmons is athletic, plays D, can handle the ball damn good for a 6'6 guy, is bigger than Bonzi at 6'6/210lbs, I mean, I know people loved the hell out of Bonzi, as did I, but it's too damn soon to anticipate anything at this point...too soon. Geoff still has some work to do, and I think he will have something more in store for us sometime soon as far as a s&t or signing, etc. Dont make Geoff out to be a 3-legged dog just yet.
It was that bad of a sign, it was the money part that killed me. We could have had Salmons at a far cheaper price and maybe even resign Bonzi. Now we have Salmons at the full MLE.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bonzi should fire his agent. He just lost the biggest contract that would be offered to him. There aren't any other teams that will give him the same offer. I would be mad at Bonzi, rather than Petrie. He thought he was worth more than he is. If Bonzi was the stud so many of you make him out to be .. I guess a 10 million/year player, he would already be signed.
Have you ever actually seen John Salmons play?

As for Geoff, I am not going to cosign firing him, but if it happened at some point I would be more curious than disappointed. The Maloofs may have saved his job in the near term by forcing the Artest trade, but Geoff himself has just been spinning his wheels for some time now.
Indeed. I was still a Geoff jocker, but this interview really confirmed some of my worst fears. The Kings will improve rebounding "as a team" not by getting the right personnell. Songaila is the type of player we're looking for. Etc. :eek:
John Salmons is useless to us and fills none of our needs, is NOT worth the MLE and yet he got it.

It's Petrie's fault.
Yep, it's Petrie's fault that Bonzi didn't want to come back.

I remember people crying when Tony Delk left, and we signed some dude named Bobby Jackson.
If you can't come to terms with Bonzi... Fine... But then you use the ENTITRE MLE on SALMONS! I mean come ON! Not only that, but you don't even adress the needs of the team! I mean I could totally see if they signed a big man that didn't necessarily deserve the entire MLE, but you signed another TWEENER GUARD/Forward (Douby/Garcia/Martin) for the entire MLE. I think Rick made it perfectly clear that you don't become a better defensive team or a rebounding team by doing it as a team. You need the personel. And apparently Geoff doesn't see that. JOHN F'ing Salmons...
Bricklayer said:
Have you ever actually seen John Salmons play?

As for Geoff, I am not going to cosign firing him, but if it happened at some point I would be more curious than disappointed. The Maloofs may have saved his job in the near term by forcing the Artest trade, but Geoff himself has just been spinning his wheels for some time now.
Excellent post, Brick Geoff has lost the magic touch for a while now and his consistant bad picksup are killing me as a fan i think picking up Salmons just might have lost all my faith for Geoff and this Organization.

it's time for Geoff to go and i really mean it...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
What? Think about what you just said. You are blaming him for not signing Bonzi to a long term, huge contract and stating that it is long term damage.

You are seeing them allowing our young guards to step up.

This is the guy who gave us ARTEST for a douchebag (Peja) that would be gone right now. He also helped the team (long term) by getting out of the Webber and Christie contracts.

Everyone is crying about not signing players, when this is clearly one of the worst free agent years in about ten years. Petrie said they spent all their time looking to resign Bonzi, and he didn't want to come back for what the Kings could offer. He then said they will look for trades for anymore players.

Think about it before you post.
You should think about this before you post:

1) the Maloofs made the call on Artest. Geoff was a noted nonfan and sat on the sidelines.
2) The Webber trade was garbage, garbage we are still paying for to this day with one of the least productive $15mil contracts in the league belonging to Corliss Thomapenko.
3) the issue is yes, a) losing Bonzi; BUT more importantly it is signing John Salmons to a ridiculous amount of money. You are going to be hard pressed to justify (read cannot) a $1 million per point contract.
You should think about this before you post:

1) the Maloofs made the call on Artest. Geoff was a noted nonfan and sat on the sidelines.
2) The Webber trade was garbage, garbage we are still paying for to this day with one of the least productive $15mil contracts in the league belonging to Corliss Thomapenko.
3) the issue is yes, a) losing Bonzi; BUT more importantly it is signing John Salmons to a ridiculous amount of money. You are going to be hard pressed to justify (read cannot) a $1 million per point contract.
I don't have to think that this move DID NOT hurt the Kings in the long term. I don't understand your counter to that.

My point is people need to get off Petrie's arse and think about who really dropped the ball on the deal (his agent).
Have you ever actually seen John Salmons play?

As for Geoff, I am not going to cosign firing him, but if it happened at some point I would be more curious than disappointed. The Maloofs may have saved his job in the near term by forcing the Artest trade, but Geoff himself has just been spinning his wheels for some time now.
yes, actually I have watched Salmons play quite a few times for Philly, which has a screwed up offensive system in the first place, one that doesnt allow for anyone not named Iverson to do much...and once they got that OTHER A.I. guy in there, Salmons got scraps. I saw him play a few times while he was playing at Miami...he's not THAT bad of a player, for God's he Bonzi?? That's an obvious answer...did we make Bonzi a good offer?? $7 Million a year seemed like a decent offer to me, and to alot of others on this board who were saying 'not to overpay for Bonzi' . Yes, I think we may have overpaid for Salmons...but do we know what motive Geoff had in doing this?? No...not at this point...but NONE of us know what intangables came into play with Bonzi, or in this signing of Salmons.
Excellent post, Brick Geoff has lost the magic touch for a while now and his consistant bad picksup are killing me as a fan i think picking up Salmons just might have lost all my faith for Geoff and this Organization.

it's time for Geoff to go and i really mean it...
wow...get the rope, I guess...there's about to be a hangin'...
I posted this in the other thread.

Why is Petrie getting blamed for this when this is clearly has Maloof fingire prints all over this. From what I am reading and what VF says that there will be no sign and trade that means that we did not want to get salary back. This talent bleeding all over again because the Maloofs not Petrie did not want to spend money. The Maloofs lied yet again and we are blaming Ptrie for this:mad: :mad: :mad: . The Maloofs are the ones that did not want Bonzi back at market value. also people who said we could get better a SG on market then tell me who. I know people have mentioned Ariza but Orlando already said they would match any offer of MLe or lower.


You should think about this before you post:

1) the Maloofs made the call on Artest. Geoff was a noted nonfan and sat on the sidelines.
2) The Webber trade was garbage, garbage we are still paying for to this day with one of the least productive $15mil contracts in the league belonging to Corliss Thomapenko.
3) the issue is yes, a) losing Bonzi; BUT more importantly it is signing John Salmons to a ridiculous amount of money. You are going to be hard pressed to justify (read cannot) a $1 million per point contract.
the corliss and potapenko contracts are off the books after this year... while webber still has 2 years left.. so in the long run they did save us money... even though i didnt like the trade one bit.... and it hasnt been confirmed how much Salmons will be making but im sure its more than his deal with Toronto... so it could be less than the MLE
It's early to start the lynch mob. There's a lot of offseason left. And I gotta say, a lot of this is on Bonzi. The Kings offered more than anyone else, which is as much as you can ask. He didn't sign. Petrie found as good a replacement as was out there on the market. I think it's safe to assume that they explored all possible S&T scenarios. It's just a crappy situation.

There's still trades, there's still the LLE. I mean, it's ugly, but I'm not grabbing my torch just yet.