Fire Geoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heh, it's fine.

I disagree on Price, when we've never even seen the guy get regular time, but he's put on muscle and has looked very good in the summer league. Don't think you can dismiss him yet. Not exactly sure who the back-up PG will be.

No one was dismissing Price, but as you've said we've never seen what he can do. Salmons gives us someone who can play PG if Price can't. Now if Price turns out to be a great backup PG, then Salmons can spend some time at PG and some at SG and SF.
We don't know that though, and we don't know if Salmons will be our back-up PG, or mainly play at PG.

Yes, agreed that Salmons can be the back-up PG for us, if Price/Douby don't get it.

So, despite becoming clearer who could be the PG - yup - it's still up in the air. :p
Sorry, I'm not going to lose much sleep about this and I'm really beginning to think some people need to just chill a little.

Yes, it's unfortunate we didn't keep Bonzi, but it was Bonzi's decision to make ultimately. We can talk about his agent, but Bonzi could have told his agent to back off or accept a deal. He didn't. Life goes on.

As far as Salmons go, none of us have seen how he'll do as a King. It's not like we're expecting him to step in and become uber-player over night.

And as far as Geoff Petrie goes, I'm not gonna grab a pitch fork or wail at the wall. Let's see what else happens. I think Martin will step into the starting 2-guard position quite nice. As far as Petrie stepping down, that's just silly. We're sinking? Okay. Good thing for me I'm up here at 4,000 ft.

Take a deep breath, folks. This isn't the end of life as we know it.
Yup, I'm still interested in what Petrie has in mind. People definately need to chillout a bit. We still have an able starter in Kevin Martin (I'm excited at the prospect of him getting the starting nod). We have some nice young guys signed up. I would like to see what Salmons can provide... seems like he did a great job replacing AI. Futhermore, since most of the people here who are criticizing Petrie have stated on numerous occassions that we are far from contending even with Bonzi on the roster, I fail to see how this really hurts us in the long term. Let's just see what happens.
Like i said if there is no larger deal behind this horrible signing then a petition to fire Geoff will happen this signing is weird and horrible.

this signing is just :(
Good or not he does not replace what Bonzi brings we are just letting Bonzi walk without getting anything in return you don't let a valuable FA walk without anything something in return.

what the hell was Geoff thinking when he made the signing?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
we do not know his (GP) plans .... all we can do is to wait and see ... let's trust Geoff ... he is not idiot and his basketball IQ is higher then our one.
If Albert Einstein had said 2+2=5 that wouldn't have made it true.

Geoff has made mistakes before. He will make mistakes again. He was arong about last year's team, he may yet be wrong about this year's team. He is certainly not off to a good start.
I'm all for speculation, but some of you guys are putting the cart way before the horse, here, and getting bent out of shape along the way.

Do you honestly think that this is it? That we'll go at next season with like 7 guards, a couple semi-big men, and Ron Artest?

Give the man some breathing room, and let him do his thing. Save yourselves the embarassment of eating crow on one of your many, many conclusions you've drawn without any basis in reality or fact.

There's just no point crying over this. Bonzi wanted too much, so Geoff nabbe d his next choice while he could get him. I'm sure it was all laid out beforehand. Let's see what the strategy is here and try to enjoy the ride.

I'm going to wander back off to the obscure ends of TDOS for awhile until something sparks my interest again.
What makes it worse is that we're still stuck with Miller and Bibby. How come the Mavs and the Suns are signing people right and left and making trades to make them better. We supposedly have the best GM in the business. :\


Super Moderator
Staff member
what the hell was Geoff thinking when he made the signing?
That Kevin Martin is our starter at SG and Mike Bibby is our starter at PG and that the depth behind them is questionable right now.

Obviously, Bonzi wanted more than the team was willing to pay. I also can't believe that there was a sign-and-trade deal available that would improve the team.

If the choice was between losing Bonzi for nothing or taking on someone else's mediocre players and their contracts, I'd rather lose him for nothing.
What makes it worse is that we're still stuck with Miller and Bibby. How come the Mavs and the Suns are signing people right and left and making trades to make them better. We supposedly have the best GM in the business. :\
I think the Mavs made a pretty good move for A. Johnson, but we got the guy that the Suns wanted. Their first choice was Salmons and they had to settle for Banks.

BTW- There's a big difference between thinking that Petrie is a really good GM and saying he's the best.
Do you honestly think that this is it? That we'll go at next season with like 7 guards, a couple semi-big men, and Ron Artest?
well...i sorta do... :p

wasn't exactly inspired last year when our haul over the summer was bonzi, reef, and hart, knowing full well that interior defense was a priority.
....there's 2-3 months left in the off-season. Muss/Petrie/Brad have all talked about adding PF/C depth during the off-season.

It's interesting, but, quite the truth. :)

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
well...i sorta do... :p

wasn't exactly inspired last year when our haul over the summer was bonzi, reef, and hart, knowing full well that interior defense was a priority.
Indeed. I was actually just reading over some of the old threads from last year after Abdur-Rahim signed; people were pointing out how our defense was still bad, and the usual suspects turned up to insist that Petrie wasn't done.

Except he was. And we were terrible until we salvaged the season by dumping Stojakovic's dead weight.

And the year before, I remember how everybody on the board (pre-crash) was talking about acquiring Ostertag, and how that couldn't be it.

Except it was.

If anything, Petrie's track record shows that he may, in fact, be done.

Which will make me a sad panda.
are you guys counting the summer leaguers as part of the moves?

because i remember myself saying "there's no way they keep all of the philly trio this summer!" last summer.:(
They have to make the team out of training camp. Which I think one at least will, hopefully both of Williams/Amundson.

So was I, but that was then with longer contracts. We have a different roster situation now, a coach with a different mind-set, team is going in a different-style-direction, and there's 2-3 months left in the off-season
well...i sorta do... :p

wasn't exactly inspired last year when our haul over the summer was bonzi, reef, and hart, knowing full well that interior defense was a priority.
That's what disturbs me. We've had NO indication from Petrie in the last few years that he sees the need for bigger, better post players.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Indeed. I was actually just reading over some of the old threads from last year after Abdur-Rahim signed; people were pointing out how our defense was still bad, and the usual suspects turned up to insist that Petrie wasn't done.

Except he was. And we were terrible until we salvaged the season by dumping Stojakovic's dead weight.

And the year before, I remember how everybody on the board (pre-crash) was talking about acquiring Ostertag, and how that couldn't be it.

Except it was.

If anything, Petrie's track record shows that he may, in fact, be done.

Which will make me a sad panda.
In reading all those old threads, was there any mention of whether Petrie said he was done or that he was still going to work to address certain areas?

I ask because I honestly don't remember him saying anything like what he's saying this time around.
I have this feeling that it's going to be a repeat of last year. We will keep the team as it is and when we get spank half way through the season, Petrie will make another trade and we will make a run for the 8th spot .
I have this feeling that it's going to be a repeat of last year. We will keep the team as it is and when we get spank half way through the season, Petrie will make another trade and we will make a run for the 8th spot .
*shakes head* No need to have a big hope, or little to no hope. Just keep an open mind about it.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I have this feeling that it's going to be a repeat of last year. We will keep the team as it is and when we get spank half way through the season, Petrie will make another trade and we will make a run for the 8th spot .
And that was, in fact, what I was looking for.

It was kind of amusing, in a bittersweet sort of way, to see how many people were projecting us to win the Pacific last season; how many people actually thought that we'd be not only better, but much better, than we were the season before. I think that uolj, slugking and Venom were the only ones that were close in their predictions.
Off with his head!! Seriously, its truly pitiful how every season we talk about rebounding/shotblocking and never do anything about it. Then there's all the defense talk when we always just acquire offensive guys without looking defensive bigs. We still haven't been able to move these pieces from Philly...and what do know, we've committed ourselves to yet another of their unwanted players for 5 mil a season. Good Lord! Why can't we ever address our weakness?
What makes it worse is that we're still stuck with Miller and Bibby. How come the Mavs and the Suns are signing people right and left and making trades to make them better. We supposedly have the best GM in the business. :\
Immediatley discount the Mavs from any discussion here. Mark Cuban is willing to spend well over the luxury tax and has made that abundently clear. The Maloofs are not and I don't blame them. Now if we were one role player away with an elite team, I'd hope they would relent, but I digress. Petrie is under the contraints of not making the Kings a luxury tax paying team. If the Maloofs would spend like Cuban, we might have Bonzi and Salmons.

What have the Suns done to get better? The signed Marcus Banks (after their first choice Salmons fell through) and Eric Piatowski. They also sold both of their first round draft choices for cash. While Banks is a solid signing, how pissed would fans here be if we sold our picks and if you're excited about old man Piat you are in the vast minority.

So to compare our off season to the Suns:

We add Salmons and Douby, while they add Banks and Piatowski.

Yes, we'll lose Bonzi, but we may sign and trade him or make other moves.

Meanwhile, to avoid the tax, the Suns are talking about trading Barbosa (in fact the Banks signing was a sign he's gone) and are considering trading Marion as well, since they still have to sign Amare and Diaw to big deals.
Indeed. I was actually just reading over some of the old threads from last year after Abdur-Rahim signed; people were pointing out how our defense was still bad, and the usual suspects turned up to insist that Petrie wasn't done.

Except he was. And we were terrible until we salvaged the season by dumping Stojakovic's dead weight.

And the year before, I remember how everybody on the board (pre-crash) was talking about acquiring Ostertag, and how that couldn't be it.

Except it was.

If anything, Petrie's track record shows that he may, in fact, be done.

Which will make me a sad panda.
Except he wasn't. Two years ago he traded Doug and Webber midseason. Then last season he traded Peja for Artest. So he wasn't finished yet either year.