Family pics

We're a gret looking bunch but how come there's no pics. of our fearless leaders? Jeremy,VF and brick you should post so we can see who's so mean lol just kidding you guys are great
Okay here's me at Halloween...I'm not really a demon, I have blue eyes which always give me the whole "red eye" effect in pictures, which in this picture was appropriate given that I'm the devil...;)


Okay this is the last one...I just got new photo software and I've gone photo CRAZY!! Forgive me! This is me and the hubby...(again) the last time we went to the California State Fair!! I love the Fair! It always reminds me of being a teenager and going like every single night, and getting sick after eating too much and getting on a fast ride! Then there's another pic of my kids. Christopher (who just turned 5 on the 26th) and Katie (who's now 19 months) last easter. There.. now everyone has seen the whole fam!


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I like turtles
My crew. Me on the right.

I spend way too much time at the beach

Last picture from St. Patrick’s Day 05 in Georgia. (me with the bright orange undershirt)


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VF21 said:
Do my eyes deceive me? It appears your boys (who are very good looking BTW) have excellent taste in NBA apparel.

They are some cuties aren't they? "My boys" ..are my boys I work with.(Some of my closest friends here.) They are quite a bit younger than me, hence, the "my boys" moniker. :)
Sorry for the confusion. :eek:


Super Moderator Emeritus
hoopsfan said:
They are some cuties aren't they? "My boys" ..are my boys I work with.(Some of my closest friends here.) They are quite a bit younger than me, hence, the "my boys" moniker. :)
Sorry for the confusion. :eek:
Whew. I was thinking you are much too young to have boys that age, but I didn't want to say anything because then it would look too much like a touchy-feely moment with a Lakers fan and I have to watch that kind of stuff you know.
