Donte vs. Omri

Who wins the starting SF spot

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Donte has a beautiful stroke and can really shoot. If he doesn't overfake and overdribble, he's going to have a big year. I think Casspi is falling way behind Donte.
i really dont get you people 1st lets look at casspis ROOKIE YEAR and dontes 2nd year
Green : Full Stats Here :
+ 7.82

Casspi :
Full Stats Here :
EFF+ 10.13

+ 10.13

maybe donte has a bigger potential because his taller
but last year casspi was better on the court and donte may of flashed you with a few nice plays but he also disapeard on the court while casspi had a great 1st half season and hit the rookie wall on the 2nd season because his body wasent regular to play 81 games
i choose casspi
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Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I'm pretty sure we're all going off of what we're seeing in summer league, which arguably isn't the best barometer to gauge from, but it's the only material we've had to work with so far. Based on SL, Donte's shown improvement, while it seems that Casspi has regressed a bit. He seems to be forcing things and looking to make improvements at the expense of team ball. How it looks when glorified rec league is over remains to be seen. That may all change. SL may be too free-wheeling for Casspi.
i really dont get you people 1st lets look at casspis ROOKIE YEAR and dontes 2nd year
Green : Full Stats Here :
+ 7.82

Casspi :
Full Stats Here :
EFF+ 10.13

+ 10.13

maybe donte has a bigger potential because his taller
but last year casspi was better on the court and donte may of flashed you with a few nice plays but he also disapeard on the court while casspi had a great 1st half season and hit the rookie wall on the 2nd season because his body wasent regular to play 81 games
i choose casspi

There's ALOT more to basketball than numbers. I would call last season a tie as far as how they performed. Greene was better defensively, and actually more consistent. Omri was good up until the all star break and them almost completely useless.

You also have to take into account the fit. Greene is taller, he's a better defender, and I would even say a better shooter. Then when you look at Omri's selfishness.. There really is no question who should be starting in my opinion. Greene seems like the much better fit with out starting lineup, he seems to understand his role much better than Casspi.
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There's ALOT more to basketball than numbers. I would call last season a tie as far as how they performed. Greene was better defensively, and actually more consistent. Omri was good up until the all star break and them almost completely useless.

You also have to take into account the fit. Greene is taller, he's a better defender, and I would even say a better shooter. Then when you look at Omri's selfishness.. There really is no question who should be starting in my opinion. Greene seems like the much better fit with out starting lineup, he seems to understand his role much better than Casspi.

Other then the shooting part, I think they're about the same in that aspect.
There's ALOT more to basketball than numbers. I would call last season a tie as far as how they performed. Greene was better defensively, and actually more consistent. Omri was good up until the all star break and them almost completely useless.

You also have to take into account the fit. Greene is taller, he's a better defender, and I would even say a better shooter. Then when you look at Omri's selfishness.. There really is no question who should be starting in my opinion. Greene seems like the much better fit with out starting lineup, he seems to understand his role much better than Casspi.
nailed it

Donte bring's D and shooting ability
i really dont get you people 1st lets look at casspis ROOKIE YEAR and dontes 2nd year
Green : Full Stats Here :
+ 7.82

Casspi :
Full Stats Here :
EFF+ 10.13

+ 10.13

maybe donte has a bigger potential because his taller
but last year casspi was better on the court and donte may of flashed you with a few nice plays but he also disapeard on the court while casspi had a great 1st half season and hit the rookie wall on the 2nd season because his body wasent regular to play 81 games
i choose casspi
Well, it's pretty obvious that you have a player bias.
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i really dont get you people 1st lets look at casspis ROOKIE YEAR and dontes 2nd year

maybe donte has a bigger potential because his taller
but last year casspi was better on the court and donte may of flashed you with a few nice plays but he also disapeard on the court while casspi had a great 1st half season and hit the rookie wall on the 2nd season because his body wasent regular to play 81 games
i choose casspi
Watch the Vegas Summer League and you'll see why we are mostly voting for Donte. It isn't really as big of a deal as people make it seem, regardless of who starts the other will get big minutes off the bench. That being said Donte is shooting so much better than Omri, has a massive height advantage, can create shots for himself and has done a good job setting up others. Omri (who I am a fan of too BTW I aint hatin) has just not been consistent at all and also fell off a bit towards the end of the season. He's still real young so I think another year under his belt and then maybe we can have this discussion again.
W.e we will see in the season whos consistnt and whos not
Why are you taking this so personal? I'm really not trying to cause problems, but this is the problem with drafting foreign players. Too many times you have fellow countrymen following them around and create interests for the teams that draft these guys but what ends up happening is they have an agenda and that agenda is wanting their player to succeed no matter how it affects the rest of the team. And then they take offense when it's thrown in their face or if the majority of people don't think said player should be starting or getting the same opportunities, etc...


Hall of Famer
W.e we will see in the season whos consistnt and whos not
Don't make it like that in here. We all accepted Casspi as a great contributor and member of the Kings. When we get poster's in here that have a certain player that is their favorite it tends to cause problems when their guy isn't getting the min they think he should. Here is the thing if Omri shoots 45% from 3pt and Donte shoots %38 it doesn't change my mind. Donte's abilities should be in the starting lineup. Landry is a better post player and defender than JT but I think JT should start with Cousins and Tyreke.

Here is how it works. If you start Tyreke, Omri, Landry and Cousins that is 3 guys that score 20+ and Omri who seems to be a high volume shooter himself. so if Omri starts with that crew Its best if he don't take shots away from those 3. Now you start Donte and he accepts the role of just getting shots in the flow of the game. Omri don't seem to accept that role therefore he should come off the bench when he is not on the court with those 3 all the time. Not saying he should never be on the court with them but Donte should get the most of his minutes with the starters instead of the rest of the bench players. Optimal lineups in my opinion are as follows




The big lineup



Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Either way, this is all about who should start, or who would be a better fit with the presumed other 4 "starting" players. Don't take this as a "who's better" type of thread - I didn't.
I'm pretty sure the minutes will be pretty even among the two regardless of when they play.
lol i am really not mad and no personal feelings i really love donte 2 his one of my favorite players :]
But the question is: are you a Kings fan? As in, the Kings, and not as in, the team the Omri Casspi is on. The Kings. Cause it gets really freaking annoying when we have player fans coming on here and spewing their biased bull****.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
But the question is: are you a Kings fan? As in, the Kings, and not as in, the team the Omri Casspi is on. The Kings. Cause it gets really freaking annoying when we have player fans coming on here and spewing their biased bull****.

It can be a problematic phenomenon, but people coem to their fandom from many different ways. Some stay long enough to become a fan of the team as a whole.
I agree with what alot of you said, and voted Donte even before todays match.

Omri in my opinion aswell, does things he wasn't asked to and isn't very good at when he's given confidence, and tends to loose his head and wants to become the number 1 guy, which he obviusly isnt.. I also think that he has issues accepting that role as a sidekick thos trying so hard to proove he can take more on himself.

Omri comming off the bench will just about force him to do and stick to the things he knows to do and return to his basics, as like he showed last year he's a good team player when he wants to.

I think we judge it too much tho, as this is afterall summer league, and Omri probebly thinks he deserves more of the ball as a 'vet' now.. and I think this will all cool down drasticly once the real deal begins and that this is not an indication to the comming year, or so I believe.. just my 2 cents :)
I am beginning to think that this is Casspi's nature.

I can remember from the latter part of last season Casspi had the propensity to do things that he clearly was not capable of doing ( to the point of being trying too hard ). Apparently, it seems that his bad attitude continues to be revealed in the on-going VSL and I hope this selfishness stops ASAP. I agree that Casspi seemingly thinks he is so good and that he appears so selfish in his plays. He needs to play within the limitation of what he can do and he needs to play for the team and not for himself alone. A lot of times, the kid actually looks awkward and still looks like a high school player trying to impress people. Actually, the only NBA-worth quality Casspi has for now is good height, hard work, and determination. Someone needs to remind him that his skills are nowhere near the skills of Kobe Bryants' or Evans' and he needs to just play within his role as 4th or 5th option and within the flow of the game.

Donte seems to finally understand the concept of team play. He seems like having adjusted to his role as side-kick to the much more skillful players in our team. And because of this, I voted for Donte Greene to start over the seemingly trying-to-be-all-that-good Casspi.

I hope Casspi would not turn into be another Nocioni in this team. We don't need players trying to show they have IT, when clearly they don't have IT.
Casspi is bipolar. He starts out missing jumpers badly and looks hopeless. Then he starts raining. I'm happy to see that both of our SF's can shoot well. We really going to need it to win games. My guess is that Donte is going to start but Omri is going to get alot of minutes.
I think right now Donte is better, but it seems like hes not working so hard and trying to fix hes probloms. Casspi maybe has les abillty's than Donte but hes trying alot more than him, working harder than him, and in this year, he will get way better than him.
for sure.

but right now, Donte is better. pepole has to stop posting here in unobjective way as Casspi fans.. this is a forum of KingsFans and its kinda annoying...
I think right now Donte is better, but it seems like hes not working so hard and trying to fix hes probloms. Casspi maybe has les abillty's than Donte but hes trying alot more than him, working harder than him, and in this year, he will get way better than him.
for sure.

but right now, Donte is better. pepole has to stop posting here in unobjective way as Casspi fans.. this is a forum of KingsFans and its kinda annoying...
I'm just curious why you think that Donte isn't working hard on his game and Casspi is working hard? I think it would be safe to say that Donte improved more than any Kings during the past season. All reports I've heard is that he is working hard on both his game and strength.
I'm just curious why you think that Donte isn't working hard on his game and Casspi is working hard? I think it would be safe to say that Donte improved more than any Kings during the past season. All reports I've heard is that he is working hard on both his game and strength.
Casspi is known for intensly working on his game. Donte has the exact opposite reputation until last year. Fair or not, that's why people have these assumptions.
Actually, now I'm thinking Casspi should definitely start, this way, we can showcase him for a trade, and make it seem like he's our No.1 SF all along, so when we trade him we get slightly better value. If we start Dante, then everybody will know that we see Donte as our SF of the future, and they won't give us as much for Casspi in a backup role. Casspi all the way baby! At least till the trade deadline.

Also, I want it be known that I'm not at all anti-Casspi. I think he has some amazing skills, I just think his trade value might end up being better than anything he gives us long-term. I think there has to be one or two GM's out there that feel like they really messed up by passing on Casspi. We should give them their chance to make up for their mistake by way overpaying for him in trade.
Actually, now I'm thinking Casspi should definitely start, this way, we can showcase him for a trade, and make it seem like he's our No.1 SF all along, so when we trade him we get slightly better value. If we start Dante, then everybody will know that we see Donte as our SF of the future, and they won't give us as much for Casspi in a backup role. Casspi all the way baby! At least till the trade deadline.

Also, I want it be known that I'm not at all anti-Casspi. I think he has some amazing skills, I just think his trade value might end up being better than anything he gives us long-term. I think there has to be one or two GM's out there that feel like they really messed up by passing on Casspi. We should give them their chance to make up for their mistake by way overpaying for him in trade.
You should have PM-d everyone instead of broadcasting your idea, now its too late.
Actually, now I'm thinking Casspi should definitely start, this way, we can showcase him for a trade, and make it seem like he's our No.1 SF all along, so when we trade him we get slightly better value. If we start Dante, then everybody will know that we see Donte as our SF of the future, and they won't give us as much for Casspi in a backup role. Casspi all the way baby! At least till the trade deadline.

Also, I want it be known that I'm not at all anti-Casspi. I think he has some amazing skills, I just think his trade value might end up being better than anything he gives us long-term. I think there has to be one or two GM's out there that feel like they really messed up by passing on Casspi. We should give them their chance to make up for their mistake by way overpaying for him in trade.
First, I don't see any reason why we can't keep both Donte and Casspi. They both bring multiple skills but in completely different styles. Secondly, I don't think anyone will read too much into who our starting SF is based on who starts. Donte is entering his 3rd season, so it is logical to think he would be further along in his development than Casspi (even though that is not always the case). In the end, it might simply come down to matchups. I can see Westphal starting either player based on who we are playing against.
Actually, now I'm thinking Casspi should definitely start, this way, we can showcase him for a trade, and make it seem like he's our No.1 SF all along, so when we trade him we get slightly better value. If we start Dante, then everybody will know that we see Donte as our SF of the future, and they won't give us as much for Casspi in a backup role. Casspi all the way baby! At least till the trade deadline.

Also, I want it be known that I'm not at all anti-Casspi. I think he has some amazing skills, I just think his trade value might end up being better than anything he gives us long-term. I think there has to be one or two GM's out there that feel like they really messed up by passing on Casspi. We should give them their chance to make up for their mistake by way overpaying for him in trade.
Geez we get some depth and all of a sudden we want to give it away :rolleyes:

And besides, Omri's marketability is a massive incentive for Maloofs to KEEP him. He is most popular sportsman in Jewish community worldwide and the Jewish community is one of the most prosperous in the world. Do you REALLY think Maloofs would trade him away and turn their back on all of that money?!

Couple that with the fact that the kid can play and has potential to be one of the better players in the NBA and from a business perspective, Omri is a gold mine for a franchise.
Geez we get some depth and all of a sudden we want to give it away :rolleyes:

And besides, Omri's marketability is a massive incentive for Maloofs to KEEP him. He is most popular sportsman in Jewish community worldwide and the Jewish community is one of the most prosperous in the world. Do you REALLY think Maloofs would trade him away and turn their back on all of that money?!

Couple that with the fact that the kid can play and has potential to be one of the better players in the NBA and from a business perspective, Omri is a gold mine for a franchise.
I don't think Casspi is ever going to truly accept being second fiddle to Donte. Still, the way I see it, Casspi, while very talented, has alot of issues, and he might not ever pan out. Yet, his trade value is probably pretty decent with a few of the GM's out there. I could easily see him being very overvalued. Why not take advantage of this? Garcia can back up Donte, so no need to worry about that. SF is Garcia's most natural position. If we do trade Casspi, we better get something pretty decent in return. We either trade him for a first round draft pick from a crappy team that will likely end up with us having another lottery pick, or we get a legit starter at the 2 guard spot that would be a perfect compliment to Tyreke. Basically a younger Ray Allen.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't think Casspi is ever going to truly accept being second fiddle to Donte. Still, the way I see it, Casspi, while very talented, has alot of issues, and he might not ever pan out. Yet, his trade value is probably pretty decent with a few of the GM's out there. I could easily see him being very overvalued. Why not take advantage of this? Garcia can back up Donte, so no need to worry about that. SF is Garcia's most natural position. If we do trade Casspi, we better get something pretty decent in return. We either trade him for a first round draft pick from a crappy team that will likely end up with us having another lottery pick, or we get a legit starter at the 2 guard spot that would be a perfect compliment to Tyreke. Basically a younger Ray Allen.
Sigh. I may not completely disagree with you about Omri's ego and how he would react if he ends up being a bencher...but then again we are talking about a 21 yr old kid entering his 2nd year. Seems reaosnable to give him more than 12 months to chill out a little. And the rest...

First of all we don't need nor even want a younger Ray Allen next to Tyreke. That just spells Kevin mess all over again. Secondly, once you realize that you being to realize that the Kings really don't have any major holes right now. There is promise at nearly every position. SG would indeed be the weakness, but its not a terribly important position, in particular next to a player like Reke. How many total All Star SGs have started next to Payton? Kidd? Nash (Finley)? Deron? CP3? Or All Star PGs next to Wade? Kobe? TMac? Etc. That's a spot for roleplayers -- no team, not even the Miami Nazgul, have 5 stars out there. A few stars then roleplayers. SG will just be our roleplayer position. And you get beyond that and there's almost nothing to trade for at this point. No reason to give up a Casspi, who fits a need as part of this team's future as well as almsot anyone we could get back.
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What I like about PW is that he gives everybody a chance to earn their starter status equally. Omri may not be as talented as Donte but he is very competitive and it may come off as him having a big ego but that's OK. It makes him more competitive. Jamal Crawford and Ginobili are both elite players but never had a problem with coming off the bench at some point in their career. I think the smart guys realize that playing time and winning is more important than worry about who starts. Ultimately, the guy who defends better is going to get the job. Championship teams excel at defense and it is a premium for the Kings. Right now I would say the consensus is that Donte defends better so he will start for sure.