Donte vs. Omri

Who wins the starting SF spot

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Hall of Famer
Just wondering who you guys feel will win the SF battle and why? Not sure if it really matters because I noticed both were on the court at the same time in the summer league game. So I'd imagine you may see that during the season and both will get 25-30 min. Anyway whos name gets displayed on the screen before the game as the starting SF?

Side note. in the SL game vs. Detroit Omri had the ball on a fastbreak and Donte was coming on the weak side wide open. Instead of passing for and EASY shot Omri went up for a contested layup and missed but got the foul. Then in the 3rd quarter Omri hit a 3 pointer and Donte was the first maybe the only player jumping to his feet and pumping his fist in the air and praising Omri.

No matter how it plays out Donte is a good guy.
Omri works harder with less, and Donte has more talent but he hasn't turned the corner with it yet. Being that Donte is better at defense right now, I'd give him the nod.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I think the minutes will be pretty evenly split, but I think Donte's game complements the potential starting 4 better, while Omri will bring a great scoring punch off the bench. If your next five are:

Thompson or Landry
Cousins, eventually Dalembert
5th dude

That's pretty good for a backup unit. That reminds me - I think we need another guard besides Sloan.
I think the minutes will be pretty evenly split, but I think Donte's game complements the potential starting 4 better, while Omri will bring a great scoring punch off the bench.
I agree with this. Omri's got the tenacity you want in a guy off the bench. Also, Donte has been used as a defensive stopper depending on match-ups, and I think that will continue. Considering that a lot of teams have potent swing-men, I think Donte is the starter.

Another thought: It could very well be whoever has the better outside shot gets the nod. Tyreke needs shooters to spread the floor. Both Donte and Omri have had streaky jump shots, so I'm not sure who ends up as the better shooter next season.
Still early, but went with Donte for now. Like his defense with the starting unit, and Omri's toughness and agressiveness are well suited to providing a spark off the bench. Minutes split relatively evenly.


works for me. Another interesting question is whether we start Garcia or Udrih next to Tyreke.
Im in the minority here. I think you start Omri and then bring in Donte. Don't ask me why..... I guess I feel that Omri works very hard and he has a confidence that I just can't overlook. Plus the Donte defense just seems like something you would want to have waiting for the right circumstance.
what about garcia? id have him start. commin into the season healthy should make alot of difference until donte starts being more consistant. his defense is super nice tho
I think Omri had the spot most of last year due to his consistency and Donte's lack thereof. A new year, I think consistency will again be the defining factor Westphal uses to set the lineup.
Casspi looks terrible. How is his free throw shooting still so abysmal? Has he tried to improve upon it at all? He appears way to selfish and doesn't look like he works as hard, maybe he is just tired ... IDK. But it is clear as day Donte needs to be our starting SF until Omri starts producing.
wow i cant believe it after the game today it looks like Casspi is having a really hard time...thats too bad hopefully he turns it around. Donte is looking real good if he keeps this up he will be great this year.


Hall of Famer
I just don't think Omri is accepting his role as the 4th or 5th man. Donte looks willing to accept that role as well as be a defensive presence.
I like Donte starting. He seems more than willing to be the 3rd or 4th option on offense, and plays solid defense. Casspi still seems like he is playing at 100 MPH. That is not always a bad thing, but one I like much more off the bench. Having a high energy player that can come in and score quickly is always a luxury in the NBA.
I agree with what alot of you said, and voted Donte even before todays match.

Omri in my opinion aswell, does things he wasn't asked to and isn't very good at when he's given confidence, and tends to loose his head and wants to become the number 1 guy, which he obviusly isnt.. I also think that he has issues accepting that role as a sidekick thos trying so hard to proove he can take more on himself.

Omri comming off the bench will just about force him to do and stick to the things he knows to do and return to his basics, as like he showed last year he's a good team player when he wants to.

I think we judge it too much tho, as this is afterall summer league, and Omri probebly thinks he deserves more of the ball as a 'vet' now.. and I think this will all cool down drasticly once the real deal begins and that this is not an indication to the comming year, or so I believe.. just my 2 cents :)
I agree with what alot of you said, and voted Donte even before todays match.

Omri in my opinion aswell, does things he wasn't asked to and isn't very good at when he's given confidence, and tends to loose his head and wants to become the number 1 guy, which he obviusly isnt.. I also think that he has issues accepting that role as a sidekick thos trying so hard to proove he can take more on himself.

Omri comming off the bench will just about force him to do and stick to the things he knows to do and return to his basics, as like he showed last year he's a good team player when he wants to.

I think we judge it too much tho, as this is afterall summer league, and Omri probebly thinks he deserves more of the ball as a 'vet' now.. and I think this will all cool down drasticly once the real deal begins and that this is not an indication to the comming year, or so I believe.. just my 2 cents :)
Well said, Boogie-havoc!
Yeah, Casspi seems to have traded some athleticism for some strength, and looks slower for sure--he's trying to adjust to his new body, but he would be better off as that slasher/shooter he was last year. Also, he could be primed for a regression--Donte, albeit a summer league king, could have a breakout season this year, and while I thought Casspi largely was starter quality last year, Greene might get the lion's share of the minutes (as might Garcia as one of the veteran presences on the team).
Donte will outshine Omri by end of SL. It's nice to have 2 starter quality SF though. Donte is more explosive and if his shots starts falling, he can easily get in a zone and put up 40 pts. If he's off, we can bring in Omri and have him get the minutes. Good situation to be in.
Neither, both are bench players...

jk, I won't pick until after preseason start/ends.
That's nice. If you always wait and see then, you can never be wrong. It's still more fun to try to predict now. That's the point. Let's see who's got good vision.
If Donte had Omris drive and determination this wouldn't even be a discussion. Donte has all the tools to become a star in this league...a 3 ball, good touch around the basket, nice midrange j and he can D up successfully up to 3 positions. His biggest flaw is he just comes off to me too happy to be here and that he doesn't want to work to be good, he's always chuckling on the bench it frustrates me. If he can cut that out this year and atleast show a different side on the court he is our starting 3.

Omri is a great player I think he brings alot and if he starts this team wouldn't miss a beat, I just think if Donte turns that corner we go from being a good team to a SCARY team.
After the first 2 summer league games, which I understand isn't all the best players in the NBA, I'm saying Donte gets the starting nod. He has been consistant both games. Casspi has struggled running the floor. Coach Thorpe thinks this is because he added some bulk, which has slowed him a little. He still has a problem shooting free throws.

Donte has been all around better so far. I'm going with Donte as of now.
If Donte had Omris drive and determination this wouldn't even be a discussion. Donte has all the tools to become a star in this league...a 3 ball, good touch around the basket, nice midrange j and he can D up successfully up to 3 positions. His biggest flaw is he just comes off to me too happy to be here and that he doesn't want to work to be good, he's always chuckling on the bench it frustrates me. If he can cut that out this year and atleast show a different side on the court he is our starting 3.

Omri is a great player I think he brings alot and if he starts this team wouldn't miss a beat, I just think if Donte turns that corner we go from being a good team to a SCARY team.
I don't buy this at all, I think donte is a hustler. I also doubt very much that him laughing and joking around are bad things I feel that shows how happy he is to be on the team which begets determination
Im in the minority here. I think you start Omri and then bring in Donte. Don't ask me why..... I guess I feel that Omri works very hard and he has a confidence that I just can't overlook. Plus the Donte defense just seems like something you would want to have waiting for the right circumstance.
Omri does work really hard which is why I think he'll make it in this league but in the NBA you play your best player, not the most confident one or the one that really trys harder, this isn't grade school. Also dontes defense isn't something we should reserve for a special situation, you want all your players playing top notch d all the time.