A lot of you really need to calm down and stop the fear from running down your leg.
This isn't over by any means. As others have stated, it is hard for a local team to negotiate with MSE when their door is shut to negotiations. But, the dirty little secret that Seattle is trying to gloss over with it's strongly-worded press release is that it is no longer up to Seattle or MSE. It is up to the NBA - you know, the ones who "convinced" MSE not to move to Anaheim when they wanted to and negotiated the arena deal here in Sacramento that MSE shot down in glorious flames to the distress of Stern and the NBA.
Chill out and let the process move forward. This isn't a sprint to be won this week. It will be decided in a couple months time and no press release from Seattle is going to change that.
The deal submitted is like an opening salvo with terms and a price to sell something, terms and a price that can no longer be negotiated by MSE. Except now we have a chance to meet those and keep the team.
So, everyone take a deep breath, follow Crown Downtown in our efforts to get a new arena constructed (we will be going to the Sacramento City Council again, etc. - so get your a**es down there and be heard!), pledge at HereWeBuy if you can, show support for KJ, and have some faith. KJ is assembling a team (that should be revealed soon) to present a counter-offer to keep the team.
The hard part has been to get MSE to agree to sell the team! We are now at the point where MSE is irrelevant and lacks any control over the outcome. Quit crying about a lack of information at this point because things are still developing and we will hopefully soon know the details of how to match the deal that was just submitted to the NBA.