All right, I've resisted long enough (one whole round) and now I'm spiralling into the dark precedent set by Madame Gadget.
Bigfoot (2005 Ford Super Duty)
There are literally more than a dozen
"Bigfoots" out there and I don't even know which one is pictured above, but I suppose I'll take the most recent 2005 Ford Super Duty with a 572 c.i. Ford Hemi and 66 by 43 by 25 in. tires.
And plainly put, while G3 has her explosions and rocketery, I'm of simpler tastes ... just driving onto and crushing the abandoned cars left over in my desolate city will be enough joy for me.
Of course, I'll also have the option to take this monster outside the city limits for a little off-roading. And what child of the 80s didn't at one time dream of being behind the wheel of the mighty Bigfoot?
(rhetorical ... no hand raisings!
