Carmello Anthony?

None of the above.

What people continue to miss is this -- we have the talent already here. Its young talent, but its better talent than all but a handful of teams have. And peopel are so blind to it they have made compeltely ridiculous statements aobut us being the least talented tema in the league, or even in history. Suffice it to say I am glad you guys aren't our scouting department.

People also continue to have some rather ridiculous grass is greener on the other side fantasies always obsessing about how great it is to have guys who have been in the league for years and year without getting anything significant done. Its just desperation. Blind desperation. We've got two Top 20 talents on the roster already. It might be two Top 10 talents. We've got another high pick, we've got the most caproom in the league.

Agreed with this. We suck, not due to a lack of talent, rather due to a lack of experience. When the experience is on par with the talent, we'll begin to dominate the league.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
(okc and portland may be good models of rebuilding with youngs but what have they won?)
Really? OKC is clearly close to championship basketball. Portland, rather unfortunately, seems to have been cursed by the knee gods. But I'd take either model over MLE roster-filling in a cheap attempt to win anyday of the week...and twice on Sundays. The time frame we're looking at isn't 5-10 years, but people on this board seem to think it is. Look at what Derrick Rose has done in Chicago. I'd say he and Tyreke are on a similar trajectory, statistically speaking.
Really? OKC is clearly close to championship basketball. Portland, rather unfortunately, seems to have been cursed by the knee gods. But I'd take either model over MLE roster-filling in a cheap attempt to win anyday of the week...and twice on Sundays. The time frame we're looking at isn't 5-10 years, but people on this board seem to think it is. Look at what Derrick Rose has done in Chicago. I'd say he and Tyreke are on a similar trajectory, statistically speaking.
bricklayer used the term "hasnt won anything" for carmelo meaning hasnt won a ring. last i remembered okc and portland haven't won anything since rebuilding. are they rebuilding the right way? yes, but until they win a championship, we cant say their way is fool proof. i agree that we shouldnt be adding MLE type mediocre players as bandaids to the team. what we are doing is correct and im very happy we are doing it the right way. but i feel we need a good veteran as the key to take the kings to the next level as opposed to relying solely on rooks and sophs.


Hall of Famer
bricklayer used the term "hasnt won anything" for carmelo meaning hasnt won a ring. last i remembered okc and portland haven't won anything since rebuilding. are they rebuilding the right way? yes, but until they win a championship, we cant say their way is fool proof. i agree that we shouldnt be adding MLE type mediocre players as bandaids to the team. what we are doing is correct and im very happy we are doing it the right way. but i feel we need a good veteran as the key to take the kings to the next level as opposed to relying solely on rooks and sophs.
I don't think anyone is arguing with you on those points. Its Melo thats the bone of contention. I'm still not sure why were talking about him. There is no way on gods green earth that he's coming to sacramento.
as prohkorov calls him, carmela. we, the kings don't need carmela. he can take his act somewhere else. someone else can take his cap kiling contract its in the 20 mil per season iirc. he wants his cake and eat it too. the kings don't need to be held hostage by his entourage's demands if he ain't feelin it here in sac.
I don't think anyone is arguing with you on those points. Its Melo thats the bone of contention. I'm still not sure why were talking about him. There is no way on gods green earth that he's coming to sacramento.
you're right. he's not gonna come here and if we keep playing like we did these last 2 games, we wont need him. we still arent playing perfect but cousins has stepped his game up and these scoring droughts have become shorter.
I know this was posted in June. At this point I honestly don't think I'd trade Cousins for Carmello straight up. Call me crazy but I think Cousins has the potential to be a better all around player than Carmello in a few years. Carmello is pretty darn good but he isn't a first tier star in my opinion.


Hall of Famer
I know this was posted in June. At this point I honestly don't think I'd trade Cousins for Carmello straight up. Call me crazy but I think Cousins has the potential to be a better all around player than Carmello in a few years. Carmello is pretty darn good but he isn't a first tier star in my opinion.
Well the rule is, if all things are equal and you have to choose between a big man and a little man (Melo in this case) you always take the big man. Not as many trees around that grow those big guys. Talented one's that is.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Anybody wanna bet the lakers end up with Carmello?
don't klnwo why you would have a bad feeling about that. No offensive room for both Melo and Kobe. Might keep the window open a few years longer wiht Melko replacign Kobe, but no room for him onthat team right now. ALready have multiple guys upset about not getting enough shots, anfd then you want to throw ina guy accustomed to getting 20+ himself? Let them have him.
don't klnwo why you would have a bad feeling about that. No offensive room for both Melo and Kobe. Might keep the window open a few years longer wiht Melko replacign Kobe, but no room for him onthat team right now. ALready have multiple guys upset about not getting enough shots, anfd then you want to throw ina guy accustomed to getting 20+ himself? Let them have him.
I agree with this for the most part. However, the Lakers have quite a history of bringing in stars and trying to make it work. Malone, Payton, Shaq, Artest, etc. etc.

My thought on this is: If the Nuggets end up trading Anthony for some assortment of Artest, Bynum, cash, pick, or what have you, as a Nuggest fan I would be calling for the GM's head. I would be at the front of the mob storming the arena. That New Jersey package was ridiculous. Denver was taking NJ to the cleaners on that one.