Bonzi To Houston (MERGED)

Too bad we didn't wait on the Salmons signing. If Geoff was so confident in his offer, why not wait a little? Seems they rushed to sign any replacement to make up for Bonzi's initial rejection. Come on...Salmons for the MLE or Bonzi at 2.5? That's a no-brainer.
...sigh. We got nothing except an overpriced John Salmons from this whole ordeal.

Well...there's really nothing we can do about it now. Houston got a good deal, and Bonzi turned down what might have been the best thing he ever had going for him his whole career. Because I love and respect the guy, I hope it works out for him, but if it doesn't, he's got no one to blame but himself. Good luck Bonzi! You'll always get a standing "O" from me! :)
"This isn't about the money, this is about being in the right place," said Wells' agent, Merle Scott of BDA Sports."

F-OFF!!! don't give us that! To think that Wells had nothing to do with turning down our offer is stupid. Bonzi was loved here, had an amazing year, we offered him more then we should of, and he turned it down looking for more money some where else.
Now that your out about 30 million, don't say that its not about the money and Houston is the right place to be, good luck playing in Tracy's shadow.

Bonzi screwed us, I'm done with it.

IMO Kings are better off, Martin will have his breakout year this year.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I just don't see this going well for Bonzi considering his coach has almost the exact same style of coaching as Fratello and we all know how that turned out.
Significant difference actually -- Fratello is apparently an ******* as a coach and every team he has coached has burnt out on him. Yells, screams, demeans, all of that. JVG is something else. Watched his act in NY. He completely squelches offenses, but his players are often remarkably loyal to him given the strictures they have to play under. Think it might be an almost complete lack of public ego (which is probably appropriate given that he looks like a bald rodent ;) ). In any case, I think Ron would have a problem with JVG, because Ron wanted what we gave him last year -- freedom on offense. But with Bonzi, not sure that has ever been a major issue. He's been more of a PT/respect guy, and he's likely to get quite a bit of both in Houston. JVGs offensive system may even be better for him. He's a clear #3 weapon, and JVG loves nothing more than to walk it up and pound the ball into the post, which just happens to be where Bonzi excels.

As for Battier -- regardless of what he thinks of Bonzi, I'd be shocked if Shane Battier of all people actually caused a problem for them. Its like SAR causing a problem with Bibby or Kenny. May not like them, but just not a disruptor.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Good Riddance! This is what greed does to you.
You mean what greed does to us. There are two losers here, and one of them is the Kings. Only winners are the Rockets, who score one of the Top 10 FAs for complete peanuts. Dangerous team if healthy. Thank god they still don't have a competent PF (unless Bonzi counts in that regard).
Yeah, that whole deal stunk. Not only am I going to miss his hustle, but now I'm stuck with two dogs: girl's name is Peja. Boy's name is Bonzi.....sigh. Oh well. We used to have a pug named Vlade and Parakeet named Christie!

And my wife even let me talk her into naming our three-year-old (note the time frame) Jackson!

I swear here and now, that I will never name anything, goldfish, hamster, whatever, Artest.
"This isn't about the money, this is about being in the right place," said Wells' agent, Merle Scott of BDA Sports."

F-OFF!!! don't give us that! To think that Wells had nothing to do with turning down our offer is stupid. Bonzi was loved here, had an amazing year, we offered him more then we should of, and he turned it down looking for more money some where else.
Now that your out about 30 million, don't say that its not about the money and Houston is the right place to be, good luck playing in Tracy's shadow.

Bonzi screwed us, I'm done with it.

IMO Kings are better off, Martin will have his breakout year this year.
I don't get the anger towards Bonzi. I think too often people forget that this is a business for the people involved. Contract negotiations aren't usually going to be approached with the level of emotion and fanatacism that we have as fans.

He made a business dicision, very likely based on some bad advice, and it didn't pay off. He gambled and lost. But the frequent suggestion that he somehow owed us something after being on the team for one year just seems a little silly to me.
After looking at the Rockets forum, seems two schools of thought on the starting line up:

C - Yao
pg - Alston
SG - Bonzi
SF - McGrady
Pf - Battier


C Yao
PG Alston
Pf Juan Howard
SF Battier
SG McGrady

Bonzi 6th man

One comment was made that Battier was not part of the Committee to get Bonzi

If first Line up, maybe he doesnt want to start at PF (more natural SF) or if second line up if Battier,Mcgrady, Bonzi share the SF/SG Bonzi would take more of his minutes than Tracy.

If they move Battier to starting PF, then Juan Howard may not be too pleased either

Has Battier ever played much PF in the past?

But with Yao, Tmac and Bonzi maybe an undersized PF in Battier with Juan behind him could work?
This sucks, not only do we lose Bonzi for nothing, but we had to lose him to a team that could be fighting with us for playoff position and it just makes the rockets even better than before.
After looking at the Rockets forum, seems two schools of thought on the starting line up:

C - Yao
pg - Alston
SG - Bonzi
SF - McGrady
Pf - Battier


C Yao
PG Alston
Pf Juan Howard
SF Battier
SG McGrady

Bonzi 6th man

One comment was made that Battier was not part of the Committee to get Bonzi

If first Line up, maybe he doesnt want to start at PF (more natural SF) or if second line up if Battier,Mcgrady, Bonzi share the SF/SG Bonzi would take more of his minutes than Tracy.

If they move Battier to starting PF, then Juan Howard may not be too pleased either

Has Battier ever played much PF in the past?

But with Yao, Tmac and Bonzi maybe an undersized PF in Battier with Juan behind him could work?
At clutchfans i could say about 90% if not more are saying that bonzi will start, very few people are saying that bonzi will come off the bench. And it would be another very poor decison for Bonzi to sign with the rockets to come off the bench if he wants to be a free agent the following year. Also many want battier to start over howard after such a poor season and this move would be easier with the signing of Bonzi. And yes Baitter is capable of playing both foward postions he did so with the Grizz.
Not sure how happy a team could be knowing that Bonzi said he was leaving after the first season and then having his agent say its not about the money. Its all about the money always. T-Mac must be happy though Bonzi will only be on the team for a season. Im just worried that this could come back and bite us in the ***. I wish he went over to charlotte instead of houston, but then again i also wish we got something out of this as well.
This sucks, not only do we lose Bonzi for nothing, but we had to lose him to a team that could be fighting with us for playoff position and it just makes the rockets even better than before.
If T-mac and Yao where healthy they would have made the playoffs no matter what. Just a few years ago when T-Mac and Yao healthy they were title contenders, Bonzi just adds to the fire power.
They are trying to build a team simailar to the lakers and Heat, 2 superstars and good to avg role players. I am angry we got nothing out of this, this really stinks.
Not sure how happy a team could be knowing that Bonzi said he was leaving after the first season and then having his agent say its not about the money. Its all about the money always. T-Mac must be happy though Bonzi will only be on the team for a season. Im just worried that this could come back and bite us in the ***. I wish he went over to charlotte instead of houston, but then again i also wish we got something out of this as well.
Don't the rockets have his bird rights when he opts out? And i don't think anybody will sign him to a long term contract or give him much money at the age of 31 and with a stacked f/a class. To me the Rockets have the inside track no matter what happens.
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Why would the rockets want Bonzi? They need a PG, not more scorers
They lack a proven SG and they also want t-mac to play the 3. And right now the rockets have 3 pgs and 4 if sura comes back. And if you remeber in the 1st round with the Mavs the rockets lacked a 3rd scoring opinition after yao and t-mac and really that has always been a problem since they traded for T-mac, they hope bonzi will finally fill that hole.
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Significant difference actually -- Fratello is apparently an ******* as a coach and every team he has coached has burnt out on him. Yells, screams, demeans, all of that.
I recently watched an old game where he lit up Kevin Willis for taking a qtr ending shot too early in a tight game against the 88 Lakers. He sought Willis out when they were walking back to the bench during TO and he got in his face dropping F bombs and such, "WTF are you doing some stupid Fing S like that?!?!". If he did the exact same thing today, I'd fear for his life.
Not sure how happy a team could be knowing that Bonzi said he was leaving after the first season and then having his agent say its not about the money. Its all about the money always. T-Mac must be happy though Bonzi will only be on the team for a season. Im just worried that this could come back and bite us in the ***. I wish he went over to charlotte instead of houston, but then again i also wish we got something out of this as well.
The Rockets get what the Kings got -- Bonzi in a contract year. History suggests he'll be on his best behavior and save his inevitable meltdown for the team that signs him to a long term deal.
Well, this is a depressing turn. Not only does this vault the Rockets past us in the west, but we got nothing for losing Bonzi. I had already resigned myself to this being the rebuilding year I'd been dreading since the Webber trade, but I'd at least hope we could parlay the bidding war over the best remaining free agent into a draft pick. Looking at the teams in the west, not only do I think our talent is questionable compared to playoff hopefuls, but I'm concerned about our depth as well.

If we lose any of our starters for extended time there's no Bobby Jackson/ Scott Pollard/ Hedo to fill in like in the past. Even last year, when Bonzi got hurt we were able to bring Kevin Martin off the bench. Our bench this year really consists of Garcia, Douby, Salmons, Woods, and either SAR or Kenny Thomas. It could be a serviceable bench IF Garcia plays like he was right before he hurt his ankle last year and Douby becomes the steal of the draft, but I'm less than confident.

The other scary part of the Kings perhaps struggling is what will it do to Ron Artest.

Don't get me wrong I'll still pick the Kings as the 7th seed with my heart, but my head is saying there are eight teams that on paper are better than us, and the Warriors and Grizzlies could defintely move past us as well pushing us as deep as 11th in the west.
^I wouldn't punch Houston's ticket just yet. They're still a team without a decent point guard OR a power forward and they don't have a bench, except for Bonzi. McGrady, even when healthy, is just not the player he was a few years ago. He's too scared to drive to the rim and he settles for jump shots. Yao is turning into a superstar, but I just don't see how it all comes together.

And dear god, the Warriors are NOT moving past the Kings. I seriously do not understand how people can bash Don Nelson for two months straight, PRAYING that he didn't come to the Kings, and now all of a sudden he's taking the god-awful Warriors to the playoffs? Give me a break!
yay rockets, they have bonzi by the balls. when the contract is basically up next year... they don't have his bird rights so they can pay him the MLE! you rock bonzi! thank god this episode is over. i was sick of hearing all the bonzi crap.
We looked great on paper at the beginning of last season and we all know how that turned out... Houston could make some noise if healthy. even though i expect salmons to do good, we have a weak bench and i consider them even weaker than last seasons if possible. We have Woods, Amundson/Williams, and Pot as our C and PF along with SAR or KT. Garcia is a ? and Douby is a rookie. Jason Hart is not a dependable option, though i would like to see him do good for once. I can't believe we are going into the season with a bench like this. The only guy off the bench i can rely on somewhat is SAR and Garcia (to an extent). Salmons is a vet so he should do all right and the questions with the coaching are still unanswered. However, we will find out some of these answers soon enough.
We looked great on paper at the beginning of last season and we all know how that turned out... Houston could make some noise if healthy. even though i expect salmons to do good, we have a weak bench and i consider them even weaker than last seasons if possible. We have Woods, Amundson/Williams, and Pot as our C and PF along with SAR or KT. Garcia is a ? and Douby is a rookie. Jason Hart is not a dependable option, though i would like to see him do good for once. I can't believe we are going into the season with a bench like this. The only guy off the bench i can rely on somewhat is SAR and Garcia (to an extent). Salmons is a vet so he should do all right and the questions with the coaching are still unanswered. However, we will find out some of these answers soon enough.
1. Thanks, Bonzi and good luck. Too bad your agent was such an idiot.

2. This year's team, including the bench, is starting off with LOW expectations... mediocrity with just a couple of bright spots.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
^I wouldn't punch Houston's ticket just yet. They're still a team without a decent point guard OR a power forward and they don't have a bench, except for Bonzi. McGrady, even when healthy, is just not the player he was a few years ago. He's too scared to drive to the rim and he settles for jump shots. Yao is turning into a superstar, but I just don't see how it all comes together.

And dear god, the Warriors are NOT moving past the Kings. I seriously do not understand how people can bash Don Nelson for two months straight, PRAYING that he didn't come to the Kings, and now all of a sudden he's taking the god-awful Warriors to the playoffs? Give me a break!
Don Nelson was a compeltely pointless choice for us as a 7-straight playoff team that at the team was thought to be trying to make a title push.

However, for a struggling franchise that hasn't made the playoffs in a decade, he is proven gold. 2nd winningest coach of all time. 18(?) or some suhc playoff appearances? And the Warriors aren't exactly awful. With all of their struggles and a far inferior coach last year they won something like 34. Bad, but not irretrievable. I think they lose out on the massive playoff rush and will do well to reach .500, but once Nellie steps on the accelrator there and starts throwing out wacky mismatch lineups, there's three decades of history that suggests its going to cause all kinds of problems for everybody but the top teams.

As for Houston, Yao turning into a superstar makes up for McGrady slipping (if he has). And now the Bonzi signing even moreso. They've got bigtime interior presence even with utter garbage at PF. Skip might even become a passable PG, although I have my doubts. More talented than many though. In any case, NBA history is rife with teams running such decorated studs as Bill Wennington, Kenny Smith, Jaren Jackson, Luc Longely and Udonis Haslem, and still winning a ton of games. Heck, even JWill. And the Rockets have that same structure -- 2 bigtime stars, a perfect #3 scorer in that he can contribute without the ball, an excellent roleplayer in Battier, and then the shaky just-have-to-get-enough-out-of-them Skip/Juwan combo. Actually, likely as not, Battier is going to play a lot of PF alongside TMac and Bonzi. Not predicting title, but that structure has won many many games over the years, including last year's title.