Blazers @ Kings game Thread

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Did I wake up in 1988 today? PHEW this one is tough to swallow, didn't even want to comment. At one point I think I was so frustrated I just started to laugh.

Just ugly uninspired basketball. It's not even fun to watch.
I agree VF, these players don't fit together. I can actually imagine some of them doing quite well, IF put on a team with the right teammates. I'm just so hoping that something can be done to fix this team. (And I really, really hope it doesn't take years to do it.)


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BMiller52 said: this sucks man, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks, man this team is making me go crazy. We're the worst team in the WC. I donno, I wish we atleast had some young players. I really hope Rick tears into these guys.
Tears into them and say what? Instead of acting like the team did something to personally insult you, why not try and look at the big picture for a change?

This is a team that is so far out of alignment that it barely functions. Imagine having an engine with all good parts, but with the spark plug wires improperly sequenced. You could waste a lot of time and money trying to fix it. So, what do you do? You check the basics first!

In this case, our basics - meaning the roster at hand - simply doesn't meet the specs for a successful team. The fact they've won any games at all is a testament to their desire to win, despite fatal flaws in the team make-up.
chelle said:
I agree. The question for me now is whether any of our players have enough trade value to get what we need.
Hopefully, other GM's see the problem the same way: we have a bad mix of good players. It's like cooking, I guess. Not just any old combination will produce a good result.

Here's to hoping we get a new recipe soon.
VF21 said:
Tears into them and say what? Instead of acting like the team did something to personally insult you, why not try and look at the big picture for a change?

This is a team that is so far out of alignment that it barely functions. Imagine having an engine with all good parts, but with the spark plug wires improperly sequenced. You could waste a lot of time and money trying to fix it. So, what do you do? You check the basics first!

In this case, our basics - meaning the roster at hand - simply doesn't meet the specs for a successful team. The fact they've won any games at all is a testament to their desire to win, despite fatal flaws in the team make-up.
But is why it doesn't fit chemistry or talent? I think it's both, and that is the hardest thing to fix.
Portland will actually contend for the playoffs in few years with their young talent . IF you look at their roster , you can see some talent but will test their fans patience .
IMO we need an athletic guy next to brad. I don't know who that is though. We need other guys who can hit 3 pt shots besides mike. We need petrie to make trades, and not bad ones either, this roster seems petriefied...
BMiller52 said:
IMO we need an athletic guy next to brad. I don't know who that is though. We need other guys who can hit 3 pt shots besides mike. We need petrie to make trades, and not bad ones either, this roster seems petriefied...
LOL...nice touch
BMiller52 said:
IMO we need an athletic guy next to brad. I don't know who that is though. We need other guys who can hit 3 pt shots besides mike. We need petrie to make trades, and not bad ones either, this roster seems petriefied...
I bet that comment actually makes its way back to Geoff! Nicely done. ;)
BigWaxer said:
Did I wake up in 1988 today? PHEW this one is tough to swallow, didn't even want to comment. At one point I think I was so frustrated I just started to laugh.

Just ugly uninspired basketball. It's not even fun to watch.
Yeah REALLY!...has there been any Rodney McCray or Othell Wilson sightings around Arco lately?? Randy Brueur??
Tonight made it crystal clear. It's time for Rick Adelman to go. The substitutions were just baffling. Garcia stinks up the room for three quarters and stays in the game. Then, he makes two layups in a row in the fourth and he brings his starters back in. Skinner didn't even play until the fourth when the Blazers were driving through the lane at will. Corliss appeared in the middle and never returned. Price was giving an A+ effort and he's replaced in the fourth by Bibby who never ever plays like a point guard. Bibby averaged 8 assists in Vancouver and he's averaging less than 5 this year. He has NEVER made an All Star team!!! Time for Bibby, Peja, Miller, and Adelman to go....NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard Francisco Garcia say, "The three point shots are going through in practice..." That's because he's playing against the King's defense!!! Why did Juan Dixon look like Ray Allen tonight? The Kings have not scored 100 points all season long. I am also tired of Coach T (Tom Abatemarco) saying after the game on the radio that fans shouldn't boo their team or leave early. My ticket cost $115!!! Why would I not have the right to boo if the team is playing with no heart and making bad decisions and Rick Adelman never calls a timeout when the Blazers were killing us in the third quarter? The fire sale begins tonight, starting with "FIRE ADELMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
GameBall said:
I heard Francisco Garcia say, "The three point shots are going through in practice..." That's because he's playing against the King's defense!!! Why did Juan Dixon look like Ray Allen tonight? The Kings have not scored 100 points all season long. I am also tired of Coach T (Tom Abatemarco) saying after the game on the radio that fans shouldn't boo their team or leave early. My ticket cost $115!!! Why would I not have the right to boo if the team is playing with no heart and making bad decisions and Rick Adelman never calls a timeout when the Blazers were killing us in the third quarter? The fire sale begins tonight, starting with "FIRE ADELMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
yeah...I'm sure Petrie is thinking the same thing...not....unfortunately nothing is going to happen...even though I thought Adelman would get fired with a loss tonight...realistically I dont see Geoff firing his boy
The Kings are on pace to win 30 games. If there is not a coaching change or a big trade before the All Star break to make us better on get some cap room, it will be the Maloofs way of saying, "We are not even going to try to build a winner until we get a new arena."
Circa_1985_Fan said:
yeah...I'm sure Petrie is thinking the same thing...not....unfortunately nothing is going to happen...even though I thought Adelman would get fired with a loss tonight...realistically I dont see Geoff firing his boy
But will the Maloofs go over Geoff's head and do it themselves?

It's possible.
Excellent loss ;)

Wasn't too surprised about the Portland bench, as that is what beat Minny on Friday.

Peja played pretty well in his return, I wasn't expecting anything huge from him.
LOL! Coach T just said the Maloofs are missing games because of the weather! HAHAHAHAHAHA... This guy is unbelievable, is anyone else listening to this?


KP said:
LOL! Coach T just said the Maloofs are missing games because of the weather! HAHAHAHAHAHA... This guy is unbelievable, is anyone else listening to this?
yup, coach t sugarcoats everythings. This guy is the perfect butt kisser.
Circa_1985_Fan said:
yeah...I'm sure Petrie is thinking the same thing...not....unfortunately nothing is going to happen...even though I thought Adelman would get fired with a loss tonight...realistically I dont see Geoff firing his boy
Yes, although the Maloofs may force Geoff's hand on this one.
kennadog said:
I believe the Kings have scored over 100 points 12 times or so this season?
It's Portland that hasn't scored 100... just needed to come to ARCO I guess, our Interior D, and Rebounding is really improved this year, don't you think? :rolleyes:
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