Blazers @ Kings game Thread

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GameBall said:
The Kings are on pace to win 30 games. If there is not a coaching change or a big trade before the All Star break to make us better on get some cap room, it will be the Maloofs way of saying, "We are not even going to try to build a winner until we get a new arena."
Why would they make their team less desirable to get an arena? This doesn't even make sense. Besides, the Maloofs will get a new arena. It just may not be in Sacramento. Since they are going to get an arena somewhere, why wouldn't they make their team as appealing a product as possible?
kennadog said:
I believe the Kings have scored over 100 points 12 times or so this season?
I heard someone say they haven't, but I must have either misinterpreted what he said or he didn't know what he was talking about, but you are right and I'm wrong. The Kings have scored 100 points 12 times this year. I think what he really said was the Kings average less than 100 per game. OOPS.
^^ i think you probably heard them say the BLAZERS haven't scored 100 pts in a game this season... well, at least up until they played the kings... :(
kennadog said:
Why would they make their team less desirable to get an arena? This doesn't even make sense. Besides, the Maloofs will get a new arena. It just may not be in Sacramento. Since they are going to get an arena somewhere, why wouldn't they make their team as appealing a product as possible?
To get the fans less interested and the Maloofs will have that as a justification to leave. Just like in the movie "Major League" with Charlie Sheen.


Super Moderator Emeritus
GameBall said:
To get the fans less interested and the Maloofs will have that as a justification to leave. Just like in the movie "Major League" with Charlie Sheen.
Hello? That was... A MOVIE.

The Maloofs are businessmen. They do not want to shoot themselves in the foot by ruining A VERY SUCCESSFUL franchise just so they can move. They wouldn't have to. If the arena deal doesn't get done, ARCO will no longer meet the requirements of the NBA and the Maloofs will have to find another place for the team to play, whether they actually want to or not.

This whole idea of the Maloofs scuttling the team to move it is just inane.
The only justification they need is no new arena. Stern has already said he would have to support a move, if they can't get an arena deal done. Fan interest or not.

EDIT: Beat me to it VF.;)
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Peja tweaked a groin muscle and actually left the court and went into the locker room for a number of minutes.
VF21 said:
Peja tweaked a groin muscle and actually left the court and went into the locker room for a number of minutes.
Adelman said he didn't know if Peja was injured or hurt during the game when asked after the game. He said Peja never mentioned that he was hurt so he didn't know. Strange, isn't it.
Starting Five said:
I don't understand why Peja was on the bench when they were down by 12 or 13 in the 4th ? :confused:

It looks to me like they gave up out there..
Other then the first half, peja did not play any good any way. So I can't really blame him, Peja was cold.


KP said:
It's Portland that hasn't scored 100... just needed to come to ARCO I guess, our Interior D, and Rebounding is really improved this year, don't you think? :rolleyes:
Interior defense and lack thereof is almost directly attributable to the penetration our guards are giving up.

It's hard to do too much in there. It really wouldn't matter if you had a shot blocking machine - defense starts outside in.

Look at what little Ronnie Price did. He kept his body in front of his man. A very novel idea. Bibby ought to try it.

Now, this isn't to say we have a couple of hard core defenders down low -- but it'd sure make them look a lot better not having to cover every time for Bibby's mistakes.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Starting Five said:
I don't understand why Peja was on the bench when they were down by 12 or 13 in the 4th ? :confused:

It looks to me like they gave up out there..

I hope you are kidding.

You are aware that Peja is working on some bizarre record for least effective fourth quarter performer of all time aren't you? I believe its something like half of his games this year he has scored zero 4th quarter points. Tonight he got a semi-desperate three in the final three minutes. A veritable explosion by Peja 4th quarter standards. And before he hit it he'd had all of 4 points since the first quarter. There are any number of reasons you could rationally choose to look elsewhere. That Rick actually did is a mild surprise but hardly a mystery. Starters weren't getting it done. Went digging through the bench looking for a spark.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
playmaker0017 said:
It's hard to do too much in there. It really wouldn't matter if you had a shot blocking machine - defense starts outside in.
Whoa...timeout? Defense starts WHERE??

Defense starts inside out. Always has. Stud interior defenders can cover their own men AND erase the mistakes of the perimeter players. Stud perimeter defenders have a much harder time helping weak interior defenders. A stud shotblocking anchor has more effect than any other defender at any other position and can make men out of mice.

And for proof you have to look no further than this very team where Peja and Bibby formed 40% of the starting lineup of the best defensive team in the league bolstered by an long, athletic shotblocking and banging froncourt in 2002-03. (yes, Doug had something to do with that too, but we lost nearly ALL of our length + shotblocking in that one summer (Webb's knee, Clark traded, Pollard traded, even Hedo moved) while keeping Doug, and the defense has never been the same since.


Bricklayer said:
Whoa...timeout? Defense starts WHERE??

Defense starts inside out. Always has. Stud interior defenders can cover their own men AND erase the mistakes of the perimeter players. Stud perimeter defenders have a much harder time helping weak interior defenders. A stud shotblocking anchor has more effect than any other defender at any other position and can make men out of mice.

And for proof you have to look no further than this very team where Peja and Bibby formed 40% of the starting lineup of the best defensive team in the league bolstered by an long, athletic shotblocking and banging froncourt in 2002-03. (yes, Doug had something to do with that too, but we lost nearly ALL of our length + shotblocking in that one summer (Webb's knee, Clark traded, Pollard traded, even Hedo moved) while keeping Doug, and the defense has never been the same since.
You had three solid defenders - but let's never ever pretend that Webber was a candidate for all-star defensive squad. He was good and not afraid to step into it.But people here ar emaking it out to be that Chris Webber was stud defender numero uno. Webber was ALWAYS knocked for being an average defender and for being (*GASP*) soft.

Peja isn't a terrible defender as I've watched him. He's certainly not going to win a trophy for it, but he's serviceable. Plus he's playing SF.

I've watched teams with great shotblockers get ruined by pee-poor defense from the PG. Jason Terry with Theo Ratliff. Damon Stoudamire with Theo. Damon with Joel. Telfair with Joel.

Defense is a team concept. TEAM. If the guards are stopping defenders as best they can and exerting effort, the interior defenders have more faith in playin tight on their respective spots ... and don't become frustrated with having to try to be everywhere all the time.

Vice versa also rings true. If the guards believe their defenders can cover their mistakes, they can play tougher, tighter and so on.

Right now - our defense is failing from the outside in.

We're having to overcommit to cover mistakes on the perimeter and this is leaving the lane open or jump shots open.

Our defense is not failing because we have to drop into the paint to help Reef or Miller very often, if at all. We're not out of position because the C or PF are destroying us from the inside.

Even the doubling on Rqandolph stopped quickly after Reef showed he could contain the big man (and that's a tough matchup). Reef owned him for the most part when he was on the floor with him.

Granted, we've been getting eaten at the C spot --- and that hurts me --- but no one is out of position because of it. We aren't changing things up to cover for Brad Miller's mistakes.

We DO change things up to cover for Mike Bibby. Once a guard penetrates or goes around a screen - we're overcommiting because Bibby isn't in position. It's costing our entire defense.
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Actually, defense starts with an organization that actually teaches defenses and stresses it every day. This staff does not and that is the problem.


Ryle said:
Actually, defense starts with an organization that actually teaches defenses and stresses it every day. This staff does not and that is the problem.
I agree, wholeheartedly.

That's what I meant in my prior post about being a TEAM thing. This goes back to the whole "trust" thing.

If players TRUST that Mike Bibby is going to push through the screen, they wouldn't rush to cover. This goes for all players.
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