Blazers @ Kings Game Thread

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you mean you hope our backcourt out rebounds there backcourt right(and even then we may only have that edge cuz Mo is prolly gonna be starting ;) )? Cuz they do have a big frontline and we have...(i have to wait til tip off to actually know for sure)
Are they that big up front? I'm guessing they're starting Prezybilla Rahim and Miles. Both Rahim and Miles are 6'9 so we should match up with them with Peja and Darius. Prezbilla is 7'1 so i guess he's kinda big.
I have to go to bed early tonight so I won't get to listen to the game but I want to say GOOD LUCK KINGS!! GET THE WIN TONIGHT!! >>crosses fingers and toes<<
Twix said:
I hoping too!:eek: But what really matters is the W. Prezbilla got tons of rebounds last time Portland was here. Was it career high?
i think in both points and rebounds :eek:

i dunno he may have topped it by now....who knows
The Blazers are beat up, beat down and a total mess right now. This is a game that we should win hands down (knock on wood)

Not sure what to expect tonight, well except for a win but I mean play wise. I assume Tag may get some time if Skinner doesn't play. If he has a good game maybe he will get in the good graces of RA.
well i feel a bit better knowing Cat will be out there...hopefully he's not in too much pain or anything

where did the time go? i feel like 5 mins ago i looked at the clock and it was 9:00 and im thinking "ugh a whole hour to go" and now i love at the clock and its already 9:40...woohoo!
I hope Cuttino's OK. I don't want him to go if he's still feeling pain. I'll rather have him wait until Thurs vs Mavs.

So looks nice Cat and Corliss is a GO but not Skinner. GET BETTER SOON, BRIAN!!
ya know...ive noticed from watching some highlights of suns games that they aren't blowing teams out of the water like they once did...they are definetly running out of gas...the entire first half this team went back and forth with the Hawks...until sometime in the 2nd half they widened it to 6 pts due to a 3 by somebody...they aren't the same

iheartBrad said:
ya know...ive noticed from watching some highlights of suns games that they aren't blowing teams out of the water like they once did...they are definetly running out of gas...the entire first half this team went back and forth with the Hawks...until sometime in the 2nd half they widened it to 6 pts due to a 3 by somebody...they aren't the same

Nash is beat up and old and crusty. Well he has always been crusty(aka greasy) but he is banged up from what I have read.
BigWaxer said:
Nash is beat up and old and crusty. Well he has always been crusty(aka greasy) but he is banged up from what I have read.
i heard the other day during the Grizz game he went off on the rest of the guys during a TO for not playing defense...imagine that i guess the Grizz scored 8pts in 35 seconds to get right back in the game
piksi said:
Tag will play tonight. The question is - it that a good thing ?
Question onto that is will he take advantage of this chance. If he plays like crap I wouldn't expect to see him for the rest of the year.
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