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I did know that but only because my son's 5th birthday is on March 26th and when I glanced at the calendar it is the day after his birthday this year.

What is your absolute favorite song to listen to right now? (mine is Snoop Dogg "Let's Get Blown)
^me too One Thing by Amerie...its my favorite song of the moment...i love the sound of the band in it...::turns it on as we speak::

What do you think of those new Bermuda shorts that are coming back in style..not for the men cuz thats not a risk for them to wear they look like regular shorts...but for it or hate it?


Homer Fan Since 1985
iheartBrad said:
^me too One Thing by Amerie...its my favorite song of the moment...i love the sound of the band in it...::turns it on as we speak::

What do you think of those new Bermuda shorts that are coming back in style..not for the men cuz thats not a risk for them to wear they look like regular shorts...but for it or hate it?
LOVE IT!! Trust you get older, the bermudas look better. :p

What color is your hair and is it your natural color?
6th said:
LOVE IT!! Trust you get older, the bermudas look better. :p

What color is your hair and is it your natural color?
6th you should have a warning that people shouldn't stare at your avatar for too long! aaahh...I see spots!...:D many funny stories!! Let me think of a short one...I was driving down the road with my friend in the passenger seat a couple of years ago and my car had a sunroof which was open and a HUGE dragonfly flies straight down into the car and I hit my brakes in the middle of the road, stop, and my friend and I run out of the car SCREAMING at the top of our lungs and running around the car...the people behind us must have thought we were on a bad acid trip or something. :D

Same question for the next person....I LOVE hearing peoples funny stories...

PS...Who loves my new avatar!!...Mike is such a hottie!...Much to my husbands dismay the Bibster is the new object of my affection..hee hee :p
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The only thing I can think of is when I was a baby, my family was at a county fair, just innocently strolling along, and a giant pig escaped from his pen and running-charged right into us, knocking us all down like a bunch of bowling pins. My mother landed in a pile of pig poop. Although she didn't think it was very funny...

Which is a worse negative personality trait to have: arrogance or egotism?
Id have to go with arrogance...i think everyone has a least a little bit of an ego

Is the computer you access from on a regular basis a laptop or a desktop computer?

and yes Em i like your avatar i use to have that has my wallpaper (you should try that)
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I never heard of that show, so I just looked him up on and yes, he is pretty good-looking and cute although I wouldn't say incredibly sexy.

Am I the only one here that thinks Ethan (William Mapother) from 'Lost' is soooo cute?
RoyalDiva said:
Am I the only one here that thinks Ethan (William Mapother) from 'Lost' is soooo cute?
I knew that Mapother was Tom Cruise's real last name so I checked, and lo and behold, that dreamboat you're talking about is his cousin. I'll have to see a pic before I go on and on about how cute he is. ;)

Same question, to a girl this time.
I have actually never seen that show so I have no idea if he's cute or not....Sorry! :p

If you could come back in your next life as someone, anyone, who would it be and why? hubby would have an absolute seizure if he turned on the computer to see half naked Mike....:p
OMG! Do you know how bad you would get clowned in Philly if you wore a pair of reebok classics. Especially back when I was in grade school, which I am not the far removed from. I also know that young kids today are just as bad if not worse then when I was growing up. So I would have to say air force ones. 1. because I like them better and 2. because reeboks are a no no.

Do you like and/or would you wear colored tims? (another item that is outlawed in Philly. Tan or black, that is the rule)
I personally don't have any mom has black my dad has tan ones and my sister has pink and white ones...around here people match them to the outfits...i rarely see the tans ones anymore...and too me they are rather boring looking...but to answer the question would i ever wear colored tims...yes i would...i actually want a pair of navy blue ones

Have you ever watched THE OC...and if so do you like the show?
BBallGrl15 said:
OMG! Do you know how bad you would get clowned in Philly if you wore a pair of reebok classics. Especially back when I was in grade school, which I am not the far removed from. I also know that young kids today are just as bad if not worse then when I was growing up. So I would have to say air force ones. 1. because I like them better and 2. because reeboks are a no no.

Do you like and/or would you wear colored tims? (another item that is outlawed in Philly. Tan or black, that is the rule)
God knows Philly is the bastion of good taste. :rolleyes:

Not saying it's your fault, BBallGrl15, don't get me wrong.

Proceed as usual...
Mr. Cavallero because he would just hand out automatic A's to the athletes and cheerleaders and let them get away with anything behavior-wise.

What is your most favorite elementary school memory?
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