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I don't really play video games...but i usually dominate any Tony Hawk video game-Tony Hawk Underground i guess its called....i can't even stand on a skateboard in real life...but in game im the best

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iheartBrad said:
I don't really play video games...but i usually dominate any Tony Hawk video game-Tony Hawk Underground i guess its called....i can't even stand on a skateboard in real life...but in game im the best

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My brother won a competition 5 years ago as promotion for Tony Hawk 2 (he had a top first - or second score in the world). Activision paid for us to go to San Francisco and compete for $25k with top 12 people in the world. My brother broke his arm right before the trip so he ended up in 10 place (out of 12), but it was stil fun. They put is in Nikko hotel, visited X-Games and met a bunch of celebrities including Tony Hawk and Sum 41.

MY favorite game of all time is Wizard of Wor.

Should chess be considerd a sport?
well to me, i consider a sport..anything to do with physical activity..and chess doesn't really cut it if you ask me. No offense to all the chess players who consider it a sport though :confused: (^^ and Tony Hawk video games are my fav too)

Would you rather see your favorite music artist in concert or go see your favorite bball team play? (if on the same night and you had to choose one or the oppurtunity)
oh GOD tough one ID24 7...If i had to choose right now i would go for the Kings game just cuz Ive been really really into the kings lately and i haven't actually gone to a concert since last summer (Projekt Revolution) which is very unlike me im usually going to a concert like every other month...but since none of my favorite musical artist are currently doing all that much as far as music is concerned its easier at this point for me to say Id go to the Kings game...besides I haven't seen the Kings play live with the new guys yet

sorry that was kinda wordy^

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Kingsgrly10 said:
Umm I would have to say a kings game also! I went to one concert a few years ago and didn't care for it too much!

What are you doing for SpRiNg BrEaK!?!?
I was going to vegas but I decided to go for my bday next month instead. Now i'm just gonna meet up w/my friends that go to other colleges and do fun stuff.

What are you going to do for spring break?
iheartBrad said:
::looks around:: umm neither...

Which do you prefer shopping at the mall or shopping online?

I still dont trust online shopping yert so id go with a mall but im by no means a

Anybody get rattled by the T Storms last night and this morning?
slugking50 said:
I still dont trust online shopping yert so id go with a mall but im by no means a

Anybody get rattled by the T Storms last night and this morning?
I got rattled by the ones this afternoon. Didn't get any last night.

Have you ever been addicted to anything?


Homer Fan Since 1985
Nicotine.............big time. It has been 2 1/2 months and all I would have to do is smoke 1 cigarette and I would be just as addicted as I was after smoking for over 30 years.

What is your favorite color?
DSL....We've had it for about 2 years now, and now that we have it I don't know how we lived without it!! I feel like a DSL salesperson, whenever a friend tells us they don't have it we always end up selling it to them...:p

Does anyone else LOVE Brian McKnights new CD "Gemini?"
oooh, I make some KILLER chicken enchiladas...almost famous amongst those at our Air Force Base..;)

PS Brian McKnight is kind of R&B and jazz with a voice like velvet....:D

Next person same question........
I couldn't cook anything if my life depended on it or if somebody told me i would win ONE MILLION DOLLARS (well that might not be completely true ;) )...but still i don't have a favorite meal to cook cuz i DON'T cook...BUT i can throw together a MEAN peanut butter and jelly sandwich...woo wee!

Do you have syblings? If so are they older and/or younger?
Two sisters, 11 and 14 years younger than me -- I got all the joys of being an obnoxious only child while I was growing up AND I've got little sisters to torture now. Score!!

Same question.
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