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awww^ (I love Shania and i officially have that song stuck in my head)

Im not married but i want my wedding song to be "I Love You" by Faith Evans--first time i heard that song i said "thats my wedding song right there"

next person, same question
iheartBrad said:
awww^ (I love Shania and i officially have that song stuck in my head)

Im not married but i want my wedding song to be "I Love You" by Faith Evans--first time i heard that song i said "thats my wedding song right there"

next person, same question[/QUOTE Our Wedding Song is going to be, "God Blessed The Broken Road," by Rascal Flats.......says it all......for us, anyway.

Reception.......D.J. or live band?
Live Band, but only if they perform the Old School Dan Band's version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart."

Keeping with the (SNL/Kings) theme - If Christopher Walken says "I've got a fever!" What is the only cure?
Pollardo! said:
Live Band, but only if they perform the Old School Dan Band's version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart."

Keeping with the (SNL/Kings) theme - If Christopher Walken says "I've got a fever!" What is the only cure?
More cowbell.

...back to normal programming...
well its still winter-esque on my front although this week has been rather "nice" so far with temps in the low 40s

Who do you think is going to get the 8th playoff spot in the East...Indy/Phi/ do think that last 7, 8 spots are going to shape out?


Homer Fan Since 1985
iheartBrad said:
well its still winter-esque on my front although this week has been rather "nice" so far with temps in the low 40s

Who do you think is going to get the 8th playoff spot in the East...Indy/Phi/ do think that last 7, 8 spots are going to shape out?
I am thinking Indy is out of it....Jermaine is probably out for the season. So, between Phi and Orl, I am going with Phi, but they better start working together or it won't happen.

Who do you "love to hate most" in the NBA? (I am talking an individual, not a team)
Oh my god!! I HATE that guy too!! I don't know exactly what it is about him but I have always disliked him incredibly. It all started when he played for the Lakers, and I still hate him!

IF you could ask the Maloofs one question that they had to answer honestly what would it be?
EmKingsFan4 said:
Oh my god!! I HATE that guy too!! I don't know exactly what it is about him but I have always disliked him incredibly. It all started when he played for the Lakers, and I still hate him!

IF you could ask the Maloofs one question that they had to answer honestly what would it be?

I would ask if they have ever driven up next to another car and asked for some Grey Poupon.;)

ok seriously.. I would ask them why dont they put up more money then the 15-20% standard that they only want to spend.

What are your plans today on a nice and cool thursday?
Well here in England at Lakenheath Air Force Base it is a beautiful day...maybe 62, 63 degrees sunny and very's almost dinner time here and we're grilling burgers...mmmm!

Next person same question
nothing exciting that i know of..prolly running a few errands here and there...and then home in time to watch THE OC and CSI and then ofcourse the Kings game

Do you have a cd player in your car?

If you're celebrating your birthday at a restaurant and the wait staff does the whole singing "Happy Birthday" deal to you, do you get really embarassed or do you like it?
I pretend to hate it...but I secretly LOVE it! ;) ssshhh, don't tell

Which is your FAVORITE Disney/Pixar movie? Toy Story 1 or 2, A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo, or The Incredibles? Am I missing any?
well considering Ive only seen 2 of the above listed...and regardless if i did see the other three i still think my favorite would be Finding Nemo

Do you get an actual paycheck to cash/deposit from your job or do you have direct deposit?
Well I'm a stay at home mom and student so I get paid everyday in hugs and smiles and giggles :D But the love of my life who is in the Air Force gets paid (direct deposit) every 2 weeks..

What is your favorite vacation spot in Cali? (mine is Monterey) Isn't it beautiful?


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iheartBrad said:
Ive never been to California..unfortunately :( seriously is one of my dreams though...

next person, same question

Hmmm. As a kid it was Sly Park. Now since I havent ben to too many places Id say Yosemite.. or Sequia National Park.I think. Not sure. SF aint bad either.

Same Q2U
slugking50 said:
Hmmm. As a kid it was Sly Park. Now since I havent ben to too many places Id say Yosemite.. or Sequia National Park.I think. Not sure. SF aint bad either.

Same Q2U

Downtown San Diego. That is if it's still as much fun as when I moved from there. Monterey's nice too.

Why do paper cuts hurt so bad?
No, mostly I just feel bad for them. My baby brother (I say "baby brother" but he's going to be 21 this year!) gets them and he seems so miserable when they act up, I can't help but feel lucky that I've never had to worry about them.

Okay ladies, (or guys if ya like ;) ) which Kings player (past or present) do you think is the MOST attractive?
geez..the MOST attractive Id have to say Matt Barnes..he looks like the kinda guy i would go out with...::shrugs::...but there has been a handful of hotties that have been on that kings sideline...woo!

So what do you have planned for this Friday night...??
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