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i take showers at night...i never can take a shower in the morning cuz i either get up too late...or i don't wake up with enough time to take one before going out...i haven't taken a bath since i was a kid...i don't like grosses me Chandler from FRIENDS once said "its something about soaking in your own filth that doesn't sit right with me" hehehehe...thats exactly how i feel

next person, same question
oooo toughie...their is nothing like a good rnb song or album...but im gonna give the edge to rap/hip hop whatever you want to call it...its easier to dance to and i LOVE to dance

Do you have a tattoo? If so of what?
::gets chills:: snakes scare me..i hate snakes so I'd rather choose a hamster..something that's cute and cuddly but hamsters are too wild, always trying to run somewhere ::still doesn't know where her hamster got to:: one morning I woke up and he was out of his cage and we searched the whole house for days and never found him..i think he fell into the trash can or somehow got out b/c he was really nowhere to be found..ok that's enough of my story, but what about a guinea pig? They are the best pet you could have :D so sweet

What would you choose..a guinea pig, a hamster or a snake?
i don't like rodents or sister had a hamster once his name was Gerald...i never once even touched him....ugh....but i guess in the spirit of the ASK THE PERSON BELOW game if i HAD to pick one it would be a hamster (DEFINETLY a hamster over those other two)...but really id much rather get a nice lil fish or perhaps a puppy

Which would you rather....a BIG protective dog like a German Shepherd or a Rotweiller(sp?) OR would you rather have a small lapdog like a Yorkie that he could put a pretty lil pink bow on or a Maltese that you could put the snuggliest lil sweater on??

:) aww i just love dogs
My favorite dogs all tend to be either huge dogs that think they're lap dogs (Great Dane, Bull Mastiff, etc.) OR little dogs that think they're big giants (Jack Russell Terrier, etc.), but nothing in between. Don't know why. As for which I'd rather have -- I'd love to be able to have a whole bunch of dogs, but my schedule is much more cat friendly.

I saw a lady walking her cats on a leash this afternoon -- am I correct in thinking that this is surely a sign of SEVERE insanity?
GoGoGadget said:
My favorite dogs all tend to be either huge dogs that think they're lap dogs (Great Dane, Bull Mastiff, etc.) OR little dogs that think they're big giants (Jack Russell Terrier, etc.), but nothing in between. Don't know why. As for which I'd rather have -- I'd love to be able to have a whole bunch of dogs, but my schedule is much more cat friendly.

I saw a lady walking her cats on a leash this afternoon -- am I correct in thinking that this is surely a sign of SEVERE insanity?

Yes. Well maybe they both have issues;)

what are you going to be doing this weekend besides watching the Kings tomorrow?
No. I had an outdoor cat who would always run under the deck if I let him outside. So instead of having to go under the deck and drag him from under it, I would take him on walks. I had a cat leash:D . Also when I lived in Cali I used to walk my iguana, I had an iguana leash. But now in Maryland its too cold to walk him.

edit: oops! i answered GGG's question. sorry.

I'll be buying a snake this weekend

Since I've decided to get a snake today, but what kind of snake should i get?
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slugking50 said:
Yes. Well maybe they both have issues;)

what are you going to be doing this weekend besides watching the Kings tomorrow?

Girl Scout cookie site sale 2- 4. wanna know where, pm me and come get buy cookies! ;)

Since I've decided to get a snake today, but what kind of snake should i get?

corn snake, i hear they're the easiest to take care of

anybody going to the player appearances today?
well considering im sitting inside my house sheltered from the freezing cold and MORE in CT...i don't think ill be able to make it to the player appearances...i do think it blows that like all the player appearances are like in the same 2 hour span all over the Sacramento chance of seeing everyone...i think thats stupid...but hey im not seeing them anyways...

Now that Prophetess reminded me it IS girl scout cookie time i don't think anyone in the family bought any...gotta check on that

Whats your favorite kind of girl scout cookie?
mmm...caramel delites. Those are the ones that have chocolate and caramel and kind of a coconutty flavor to them. Yummy!

Do you have a tattoo if so what and where? If not, what would you consider getting a tattoo of if you were to ever get one?
yes, i have a tattoo of a lil red heart on the lower right side of my stomach at almost parallel(sp? im having a brain fart i can't remember how to spell it) to my hip bone...does that make sense..?

What do you think of Howard Stern? (Am i the only one who thinks he is absolutely disgusting?)
I think he is very disgusting also! Sorry but find something better to do! Maybe I feel this way because Im a female! Males may feel different!

What is your favorite sport to play? Why?
yes..big time! I wrote a BOOK about him! lmao, it was like a 'diary' book where every day I'd write up exactly what happened between us and direct quotes and everything. I still have the book (not that it was long ago, lol) and it's thick! lol it has pics and everything in it ::shakes head:: I'm embarrassed, but i think it's halarious when I think back to it. He was such a cutie.. and yes he was young!

Same question..
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
yes..big time! I wrote a BOOK about him! lmao, it was like a 'diary' book where every day I'd write up exactly what happened between us and direct quotes and everything. I still have the book (not that it was long ago, lol) and it's thick! lol it has pics and everything in it ::shakes head:: I'm embarrassed, but i think it's halarious when I think back to it. He was such a cutie.. and yes he was young!

Same question..

No way. You ever see my teachers?!;) There was only 1 I thought was attractive. Her name was Mrs Johnson. She was 31-33 I think. Ironically, she looked just like Anne Marie Johnson from the TV Series "In The Heat of the Night" I was a freshman in HS. She was actually one of the few teachers I actually liked. As a teacher of course.

Will you be doing anything before the game besides flicking your thumbs waiting for the Pregame shows to start?;)
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