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i never had a martini before...more of a rum and coke/malt beverage type of girl....( thats just what ive been told id be i am afterall only 20 years old ;) )

orange soda or grape soda??
id have to say been spending a lot of time there lately...or maybe even shopaholic...and i love being able to buy what you see all the young stars wearing

next person, same question
my mom cooks and depending on what she feels like making she either makes it from scratch or gets it from the box...more so the latter...but we do take out at least 3 times a week

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop (lollipop)?
oh gosh...let me think.......i can't stand the cornyness of those Acuvue contact lenses comercials

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Hall of Famer
RoyalDiva said:
It would bathe what a birdbath could if a birdbath could bathe birds.

When was the last time you drank an alcoholic beverage and what was it?
Beer - when Kings beat Sixers

Why is the banana yellow ?
to attract bugs and animals so that they can eat it and also spread the pollen/seads to different areas so more banana trees can grow...I guess.

If a person is really rude should you be nice to them so they can feel bad, or will being nice make it worse?
It really depends on the first person and the situation...i personally like to be nice with a hint of rudeness...just so the person knows that i understand that they are being rude BUT im STILL gonna be nice

If you could live the life of one celeb who would it be and why??
Oprah...cuz she is a huge inspiration to men and women all over the world...she's smart, funny and filthy stinkin rich...had to add that last part in there :)

Whats your favorite Disney Movie?
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