Ask The Person Below

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Count my earnings for the day. Spend it all on booze and babes. Look for another bag of money and hope that my luck carries over.

Favorite country to live in other than your own?


Homer Fan Since 1985
Gargamel said:
Remember a sitter I had when I was going on 4.

How many times do you say the F word a day?
If you mean Fudge, 3-4 times per day. If you mean what I think you mean, I try not to.

Is it time for basketball yet????????
Because they're little, and tiny, and stingy little bastards. I gave myself a papercut with a manila folder today. Youchies!!

RoyalDiva said:
My least favorite email are urban legends that are sent as something true, as a 'warning'. i.e., "don't lick envelopes because roach eggs might nest on your tongue!!"
This, for the record, is horribly, horribly wrong. The images it put in me head are.....just not good.

RoyalDiva said:
A diamond bracelet or a pearl necklace?
Man. I am such a perv.

Am I the only gutter brain who went there??
Nope. :p

Why is it that two people can get along so well and then once there's a relationship between them, fights are constant and all hell breaks loose?
because each one expects the other to either change or remain the same and whatever one they expect the other person does the opposite.

why do companies not just put the yearly bonus in your paycheck so you have it every month instead of one time a year?
So that they can decide to remove it in the middle of the year if they want to and also to ensure that you're working all the way to the end of the year so that you earn the bonus.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?
doone said:
So that they can decide to remove it in the middle of the year if they want to and also to ensure that you're working all the way to the end of the year so that you earn the bonus.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?
The sound of silence. Call me Garfunkel.

How many Simon & Garfunkel songs can you name below?
zero -_-.. sorry..
unless you count ''the sound of silence'' if that is one of their songs.

Whats the worst virus your computer ever had?
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