Arco Crowd last night 5/1/05


I was at the game on Friday night. That crowd was life, cheering, and yelling DE-FENSE through out almost the whole game on every defensive play. The crowd last night was quiet. Right from the very start. Only cheering when a shot was made etc. Not yelling DE-FENSE until late in the game when it really mattered. It was also very quiet towards the end. You have to keep cheering your team on. Anyway, just venting.​


Super Moderator Emeritus
So you weren't at the game last night?

You can't actually judge crowd noise levels by the TV, as the filters sometimes mask a lot of the cheering.

From what I understand from people who were there, the crowd was really into it for the first half... If they faded as the Kings performance waned, I can't really blame them.
Yeah I was there Fri and Sun and I agree. And the rows of people sitting in section 109 upset me a bit, I mean people in the upper deck should have been placed there :)
And the halftime shows! Ugh, the crowd was fired up after the first half and they put on a snoozefest for a halftime show. And so did the kings in the 2nd half :)
BS. I was at both games. It was rocking just as much, maybe more, to start game 4. Less toward the end...... go figure. I never watch the half-time shows, so I can't comment;)

The crowd was not the reason we lost.


Super Moderator Emeritus
As much as I hate to quote Voisin, she said:

On a night when Arco Arena was as boisterous as it has been in years...
As KG pointed out, it wasn't the crowd to blame for anything last night.
Peja said:
I was listening the game on the radio and it sounded pretty loud to me! ;)
Yeah, it was very loud, though the pompoms weren't as cool as the glow sticks/Aerosmith thing on Friday. Also, as mentioned, the half time show was jugglers and a rapper, which I think made us all feel cheap and violated, and forced us into a somber state of self-reflection.

Okay... the halftime show wasn't *that* bad, not as bad as when they get those two musclemen who hold each other up. But it really.... jugglers?

I must now go drink.
CourtJester said:
Also, as mentioned, the half time show was jugglers and a rapper, which I think made us all feel cheap and violated, and forced us into a somber state of self-reflection.
Best part of half time was when Bobby Jackson came out and walked in front of the rapper, stopped, did his own little dance, then went to warm up.

As far as the crowd noise, it seemed awfully loud to me, of course dying down at the very end when things were out of hand. I do have a complaint about the number of people heading toward the exits with about 3-4 minutes left in the 4th. At that point, I don't believe, the game was decided.
i was @ the game last night, 0-3 when going to kings games this year..lost against minnesota(early in the year), lost against phoenix(the goal-tending game), and now last night....i thought it was rockin....i would have rather gotten towels then pom poms though....of course its not gonna be rockin at the end of the game cuz the team CHOKED...i wanted to boo bibby when he missed those 2 free throws.....
I was at the games Friday & Sunday and thought it started out louder on Sunday. And yes, it did get quieter as the game went on... but it was still pretty loud. It's just a little hard to cheer when you are stunned by how badly the team was playing.
I agree. I never thought I would see people leaving a Kings playoff game with 4+ minutes to go and the Kings down only 6 points. Shame on them.
The crowd was very loud, as it should be. I felt left out because I was jumping and kicking and shouting at home just like the other Kings fans at Arco.

I do find it wierd though, Kings fans never leave when we are down that much.

When the TV showed fans leaving, I thought back to Game 3 vs. Minnesota where we rubbed out a 12 point deficit and I figured that would happen again.

It didn't, but Kings fans never cease to amaze me.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Loyal2Royal said:
I agree. I never thought I would see people leaving a Kings playoff game with 4+ minutes to go and the Kings down only 6 points. Shame on them.
To be perfectly fair, shame on the Kings for making it so easy for so many people to leave.
I went to both Friday and Sunday's game... I have to admit there's a drop off of engery on Sunday, especially when we start the 2nd half. It's like a lot of people still haven't went back to their seat when 3rd starts. It's the same time when our team starts to fall off.

My section on Sunday (221) is pretty quiet too, comparing to Friday's (210). I guess people maybe already lost their voice after game 3.. at least me. :eek:
VF, I agree, I felt that the crowd did the best they could and I was very happy at the beginning of the game to see Arco so loud and pumped for the game. We really do have the best fans ever and its nice to know that they haven't given up one bit.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It's just comments, funsc. At this point, I think some of us are willing to try and place blame anywhere it will stick. It's another way of dealing with the pain.

VF21 said:
It's just comments, funsc. At this point, I think some of us are willing to try and place blame anywhere it will stick. It's another way of dealing with the pain.

In that case then I blame the half-time jugglers. Evil, evil jugglers who suck the life force out of the spectators and destroy our teams will to fight. Hear me now jugglers! You can run, but you can't hide! You're worse than clowns! You're failed wanna-be clowns!

Hey yeah, you're right. That actually *did* help with the pain there for a second.

Thanks VF! :)
CourtJester said:
In that case then I blame the half-time jugglers. Evil, evil jugglers who suck the life force out of the spectators and destroy our teams will to fight. Hear me now jugglers! You can run, but you can't hide! You're worse than clowns! You're failed wanna-be clowns!

Hey yeah, you're right. That actually *did* help with the pain there for a second.

Thanks VF! :)


Mimes are the only thing that can even come close to being considered worse than clowns. And that's only circus clowns.

The bottom few rungs on the "creepy entertainment" ladder, bottom to top, are as follows:

Clowns-for-hire (birthday parties, carnivals, etc.)
Circus Clowns (they get a few points for being college educated)
Freaks/Geeks/Sideshow acts
Cirque du Soleil (as a whole)
Illusionists (with the exception of Penn & Teller.....perhaps)
David Blaine

See, we haven't even gotten to jugglers yet. I'd rank them somewhere close to Open Mic Night Stand-Up Comedians.


Hall of Famer
Yup KG has it right. I was in Arco both nights. Friday was only louder down the streach, but the first half Sunday the palce was nuts! You want to knowck the crowd for the 4th quarter Sunday night be my guest, but ZI just had a hard time finding things to cheer about.
GoSACtown said:
i was @ the game last night, 0-3 when going to kings games this year..lost against minnesota(early in the year), lost against phoenix(the goal-tending game), and now last night....i thought it was rockin....i would have rather gotten towels then pom poms though....of course its not gonna be rockin at the end of the game cuz the team CHOKED...i wanted to boo bibby when he missed those 2 free throws.....
No more games for you!!!! You're jinxing us!!!;)
GoGoGadget said:


Mimes are the only thing that can even come close to being considered worse than clowns. And that's only circus clowns.

The bottom few rungs on the "creepy entertainment" ladder, bottom to top, are as follows:

Clowns-for-hire (birthday parties, carnivals, etc.)
Circus Clowns (they get a few points for being college educated)
Freaks/Geeks/Sideshow acts
Cirque du Soleil (as a whole)
Illusionists (with the exception of Penn & Teller.....perhaps)
David Blaine

See, we haven't even gotten to jugglers yet. I'd rank them somewhere close to Open Mic Night Stand-Up Comedians.

Good, thorough list. I keep going back and forth as to whether ventriloquists are creepier than mimes. On the one hand, there's a part of me that feels deep pity for the self-imposed isolation of a ventriloquist, but on the other hand, at least mimes are quiet, if they're doing their job right that is.

When they start using ventriloquists for the halftime show, then I'm jumping on the conspiracy bandwagon.

ps: I had a friend that went to clown college. Very strange. There was always only one little car in the parking lot. :)
CourtJester said:

Good, thorough list. I keep going back and forth as to whether ventriloquists are creepier than mimes. On the one hand, there's a part of me that feels deep pity for the self-imposed isolation of a ventriloquist, but on the other hand, at least mimes are quiet, if they're doing their job right that is.

When they start using ventriloquists for the halftime show, then I'm jumping on the conspiracy bandwagon.

ps: I had a friend that went to clown college. Very strange. There was always only one little car in the parking lot. :)
Ventriloquists and Puppeteers would probably be next on the list, had I continued past David Blaine. However, I'm not sure which would go first.

DocHolliday said:

I was at the game on Friday night. That crowd was life, cheering, and yelling DE-FENSE through out almost the whole game on every defensive play. The crowd last night was quiet. Right from the very start. Only cheering when a shot was made etc. Not yelling DE-FENSE until late in the game when it really mattered. It was also very quiet towards the end. You have to keep cheering your team on. Anyway, just venting.

I too was at both games and the Sunday crowd was into the game until the mid 3rd. It was very loud and rowdy. When the Sonics defense tightened and the Kings quit running the offense and started the 25% shootfest, by the end of the 3rd it was much quieter than normal and by the mid 4th when they took the lead, the crowd was out of it.
I too was disappointed to see so many bail early, but we saw nothing in the 2nd half to make us think we could pull it out. We sat there for ten minutes after the game, just muttering in our seats. I'm working tonight, but will listen on the radio as best i can. I'd love to see the kings bring it back to ARCO for one more. I care less about winning the series than i do seeing them play good basketball. If they play well and lose, I'll live with it. When they play poorly, it just makes me nuts!!

CourtJester said:
Also, as mentioned, the half time show was jugglers and a rapper, which I think made us all feel cheap and violated, and forced us into a somber state of self-reflection.

Okay... the halftime show wasn't *that* bad, not as bad as when they get those two musclemen who hold each other up. But it really.... jugglers?
Someone called in the post-game radio show after the game and complained that the reason the fans weren't into it after halftime was because of the jugglerings too. :D

I thought the crowd was pretty loud. At least on TV it was.
GoSACtown said:
i was @ the game last night, 0-3 when going to kings games this year..lost against minnesota(early in the year), lost against phoenix(the goal-tending game), and now last night....i thought it was rockin....i would have rather gotten towels then pom poms though....of course its not gonna be rockin at the end of the game cuz the team CHOKED...i wanted to boo bibby when he missed those 2 free throws.....
That's ok. I'm 0-5 seeing the Kings in person. I'm also going to tonights game, so that could easily be 0-6. Ouch