American Idol - And the weeks go on (merged)

VF21 said:
I can only hope that it was because people figured he was safe and voted to keep Katharine one more week that led to his departure.

At this point, I don't care who wins. The best guy just went home. I'm gonna be watching to see who signs him.
From what I heard a month or so back. They are all under contract and have to produce any albums for a certain period of time under AI's producers.

Don't quote me on that, I just heard someone talking about it on the radio one day.
I have never really thought Chris was all that great and I have never waivered on that, however, he did not deserve to go home last night. Katharine forgot her words, was pitchy, out of breath, boring and shreaky. It should've been her going home, hands down. Chris was robbed of one more week. Elliott and Taylor have the best voices left. Elliott topping the 2. Whether or not America thinks he is an American Idol we shall see. My head tells me Taylor will win this. My heart says Elliott deserves it.
I too, was not really a CHRIS fan .... I liked him in the beginning and felt he had the potential to make it to the top 24. As the weeks went by, and the finalist were being eliminated ... his style, in comparison to others and themese of the week ... was starting to bore me and he sounded the same from song to song.

Chris was definitely a TOP 10 Finalist. I was glad to see him get this far.

So, my rankings going into next week are:

#1T - Katharine (despite her bad week ... she's still strong)
#1T - Elliott (of the 2 male voices, Elliott is my choice)

#3 - Taylor (I can see Taylor taking this whole thing - it's his style that'll do it for him)
I was never a chris fan his songs all sounded the same to me. Katherine has a great voice but she gets on my nerves.

Elliot is still my favorite.
Yes ILV. Elliot is the best imo as well. He has such a gorgeous voice. And the command and control he has for someone who has not studied and has a hearing defect is exceptional. I just love him.
My rankings:

1t. Elliott
1t. Taylor
1t. Katharine

What is one to do? :confused:

The only thing I can separate from these guys is that I like Elliott and Taylor better than Katharine personality-wise. I don't want to see Katharine win. There's a certain something about her that I really don't like. I would love to see either Taylor or Elliott win... that would make my day. :)
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It looks like not all is lost for Chris. Extra just mentioned in the media that a band will offer Chris a job of lead singer. THis new a new offer not same band that offered him early in the show(Fuel). I wonder what band it is they say it is a famous band.

Studdly rocker Chris Daughtry got the “Idol” boot on Wednesday night, after being deemed the odd-on favorite winner for this installment of the hit FOX reality competition.

While Chris won’t walk away a winner on “American Idol,” his dreams of rocking out forever will still come true.

On Thursday’s “Extra,” Daughtry will get an offer to front a famous band. The surprise will unfold on the “Extra” set, as the band members will appear to make the offer.

And “Extra” can promise, this is an offer that simply can’t be refused! See who wouldn’t let the rocker go home empty-handed!


Father, Husband, KingsFan
Staff member
Fuel and Creed are the big rumors.

Queen just automatically popped into my head because he worked with them on the show.
Latest Rnakings:

1. Katherine - didnt do very well last this week but i still think she has a great voice and a nice pop singer in the future
2. Taylor - Very enthusiasm and loves to sing and his enthusisam goes to his voice which was a great one with elvis
3. Elliot - good singer just nothign special

I think bottom 2 is going to be Katherine and Elliot and Elliot will go.
Daniela said:
I have never really thought Chris was all that great and I have never waivered on that, however, he did not deserve to go home last night. Katharine forgot her words, was pitchy, out of breath, boring and shreaky. It should've been her going home, hands down. Chris was robbed of one more week. Elliott and Taylor have the best voices left. Elliott topping the 2. Whether or not America thinks he is an American Idol we shall see. My head tells me Taylor will win this. My heart says Elliott deserves it.
Yeah, I agree. I think Katharine should've gone last night. Chris deserved to stay on at least another week and I was kinda bummed that it wasn't the way the votes turned out.

Anyway Elliott is still my fave. I just hope he'll make the final. He deserves to be there. I wish he wins the whole thing, but my gut tells me Taylor will. I hope it's one of the guys at least.
IMO ... Chris Daughtrey = whiney a$$ punk

If you haven't heard, Chris and his family are BOYCOTTING American Idol.

I'll end there, cause I just might say something that isn't to family friendly :mad:
Folsom Al said:
IMO ... Chris Daughtrey = whiney a$$ punk

If you haven't heard, Chris and his family are BOYCOTTING American Idol.

I'll end there, cause I just might say something that isn't to family friendly :mad:
:eek: Seriously?? If so, I have lost total respect for him. He and his family should take a lesson from Paris Bennett and her family. When she got eliminated, her family had big smiles on their faces and were applauding, not because they were happy she got eliminated of course, but just showing their respect and great sportsmanship. I can't stand it when someone on that show gets the boot and the family/friends are all sitting there fuming and pouting. Grow up and be good sports.
Well not just showing good sportsmanship. Without AI, its safe to say odds are we would never have heard of Chris.

I am surprised they would be so upset, It's the public not AI that voted him off. Did they expect AI to rig the votes? While I liked Chris its votes like these that let me know the votes really count and that we all aren't being fooled by some TV producer.
My wife was telling me last night something that might have SET THEM OFF:

Supposedly .... you know how there are now TWO PHONE NUMBERS to call for each Finalist ... well, one of the numbers for Chris said the following message when dialed ... "Thank You for voting for Katharine"

So, could be a couple of things wrong with this ...

#1 - they called for Chris and voted for Katharine
#2 - the recording could've been incorrect and the vote still counted for Chris

This isn't the first time this has happened, in the past I remember they asked everyone to VOTE AGAIN.

Not the case this time ...

Makes you wonder ..... Chris may have a leg to stand on :confused:


Super Moderator Emeritus
^^If that's the case, then he definitely has a leg to stand on. I hope so - I sure couldn't see him or his family making a big deal if it was simply that he'd been the one with the fewest votes.

This could get interesting. They just might have to extend the show one more week and bring him back for a total redo of that particular episode.

Gee, what a ratings bonanza! How lucky would that be for them?

(Yes, there is enough sarcasm dripping off those last two sentences to float a battleship...)


Super Moderator Emeritus
At this point, I think they're almost forced to have a "do over." Otherwise the "taint" will always be there.

This is bad all the way around. If they don't have a "redo," then whoever wins will pretty much have an asterisk and there will be a LOT of irate viewers. I don't think Fox wants that.

If they have the "redo," and someone else is eliminated then his/her fans are gonna be irate.

A compromise of sorts might be just to "throw out" that competition entirely, bring Chris back for a new week of competition, and go on from there.

Regardless of what they do now, however, they're bound to have some angry fans.

This is just dumb. How hard is it to make sure you have the right phone numbers for the right contestants and the right messages lined up for each phone line? Answer: A lot easier than dealing with the after-effects when you screw it up.
Official Kings Fans American Idol Power Ranking Week 17

OK American Idol heads. We are in the home stretch of one of my favorite TV shows of all time. Though I believe that Kat McPhee should be home right now, it is going to be interesting to see how she performs tonight. If she is as brutal as she has been the last 2-3 weeks, she is going home tomorrow (IMHO;) ). I think we as Kings Fans are judging this competiton very accurately. Because over the last six weeks first place in the power ranking consist of the last three contestants. Good Job :D . However......Based on this week's power ranking. IT IS A DEAD HEAT!!!

1t. Katherine - 12 (3 first place votes)
1t. Elliott - 12 (2)
1t. Taylor - 12 (1)

1. Katharine - 22 (3 first place votes)
2. Chris - 18 (2)
3. Elliott - 17 (2)
4. Taylor - 14 (1)

1. Katharine - 35 (4 first place votes)
2. Elliott - 26 (4)
3t. Chris - 21 (2)
3t. Taylor - 21 (1)
5. Paris - 20

1. Kathrine - 32 (2 1st Place Votes)
2. Taylor - 24
3. Elliott - 23 (1)
4. Chris - 22 (2)
5. Paris - (1)
6. Pickler - 10

1. Taylor - 38
2. Kathrine - 32
3. Chris - 31 (2)
4t. Elliott - 29 (3)
4t. Paris - 29 (1)
6. Pickler - 26
7. Ace - 12

1t. Elliott - 43 (2 first place votes)
1t. Kathrine - 43
3. Chris - 42 (3)
4. Taylor - 36
5. Paris - 32
6. Pickler - 28
7. Ace - 20
8. Bucky - 16