WOW .... Oh, what a night !!!!
I liked it all .....
The weird thing is, I was familiar with Elliott's choice .... I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed Paula's choice - love that song - "What You Won't Do - You Do for Love". Clive's choice was good as well .... I admit, I am a HUGE Elliott fan ... I'd love to hear him sing "Oh Happy Day". But, his weakness is SHOWMANSHIP ... it's just not there. He can improve in this area, but he just may not get the votes.
I am disappointed ... but, he just may not make it to next week.
I felt Randy's choice for Taylor was boring ..... there's just not much to the words/melody for me - YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL ... it was good, I'm just not a fan of the song. I enjoyed Clive's choice of Springsteen and I was okay with Tenderness. Taylor's STRENGTH - has fun, enjoys himself ,... interacts. He's just not MY choice of #1
Katharine - I enjoyed all of hers songs - but, man ... too much eventually TURNS ME OFF. Agree - she nailed "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" .... that was pure excellence. FLY was all over the place for me and NOTHIN' BUT THE BLUES .... girl can sing, just surprised on her own choice .... Her foundation is very strong, she's coachable and should make it to next week.
For me, based upon last nights performance:
#1T - Taylor
#1T - Elliott
#3 - Katharine
Overall rankings:
#1 - Katharine
#2 - Elliott
#3 - Taylor
but, if I were to make a guess .... Elliott is going home