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  1. Nikos

    [PHX/SAS] -- series discussion (merged)

    Should the Spurs feel cheap about this win?
  2. Nikos

    [GSW/DAL] "We're going to go like hell."

    Maybe you could say Baron is the modern day Isiah. An elite calibur talent and player at his position, who steps up in the big games. Capable of carrying a team in any game. But a consistent elite player in the regular season AND playoffs?
  3. Nikos

    [GSW/DAL] "We're going to go like hell."

    I think your selling the rest of the team short. They played good enough defense on Dirk to shellshock him. Jackson, Richardson, Barnes all played well in spots. I don't see how Baron is an elite player even despite this win, unless he starts dominating in the regular season. He is an...
  4. Nikos

    Efficient Shooters vs. Creators

    The right balance is key. Sometimes player who score extremely efficiently and are moderate at creating their own shot can be as valuable as someone who creates their own shot real well, but scores inefficiently.
  5. Nikos

    Kevin Martin Ranked 14th Best Player In League.. (ahead Of Duncan And Dwade!)

    Well for right now Kevin is about as good as these stats say. He is offensively playing like a Top 10-15 player. No he doesn't have the attributes of a dominant #1, and he is not dominating the ball -- but when your True Shooting Percentage is 70% is doesn't really matter. In all likelihood...
  6. Nikos

    Kings with best defense in the league

    Actually the Kings are indeed first in defensive efficiency.
  7. Nikos

    NBA Player Power Rankings

    If he plays like he did last season, why not? Ultra efficient scorer, playmaker, and a good defender. What makes the idea so far fetched?
  8. Nikos

    Marty Mac: Paul has chance to be something special

    How exactly is Isiah better than John Stockton? Actually how is he really any better than Allen Iverson? True Stockton never had scoring outbursts in the playoff like Isiah, but was better at everything else except rebounding. But still what attributes really make Isiah the superior player...
  9. Nikos

    Marty Mac: Paul has chance to be something special

    Paul is about as good as Isiah was already. Just needs more experience, a good supporting cast and he will be seen in a similiar light. Isiah in reality was a PLAYOFF stud. In his prime (before the Pistons were elite, and before his playoff heroics, he put up much better numbers than the...
  10. Nikos

    Old School King Question circa 9697: Abdul-Rauf

    Any chance I can borrow that tape?
  11. Nikos

    Old School King Question circa 9697: Abdul-Rauf

    This is a question for Kings fans who watched back in the 90s: the Mitch Richmond Era. In 1996-97 Mahmoud Abdul Rauf was a very solid player in the league for 3-4 years prior to his Sacramento arrival. Question is, what happened to him when he came? Why did his production and overall play...
  12. Nikos

    Who will be the next NBA champion?

    As of now I will take Miami in 6.
  13. Nikos

    This Chris Paul guy is for real !

    Yeah, Chris Paul is probably the next elite NBA PG. He is playing like a Top 5 PG so far as a ROOKIE :eek:. Be interesting to see if he keeps it up and grows leaps and bounds from now. If he does, he might be the best PG in the league in a few years. But it is a little early to determine that.
  14. Nikos

    Barbosa says Ginobili flopped...

    No but he put his feet underneath Barbosa on his jump shot ;)
  15. Nikos

    Shareef should be the first!

    If you want context, apply the per 48 minute numbers to those who are actually playing rotational minutes. Sometimes per 48 minute numbers can spot good players who simply don't get the minutes -- but try to at least consider that per 48 minute player comparisons are pretty relevant when that...
  16. Nikos

    I hated that movie!!

    Ouch. Goodfellas and BTTF are two of my favorite movies. How can anyone not like BTTF? Your the first person I know who did not like it, and most loved it as youngsters. (although I don't really consider it a kiddie movie). And your the first person I know who did not REALLY LIKE Goodfellas...
  17. Nikos

    ESPN: Hollinger Profiles: Sacramento Kings

    Not really, I don't care if you buy it.
  18. Nikos

    ESPN: Hollinger Profiles: Sacramento Kings

    They aren't especially subjective -- you have to buy his books to see exactly how he does it.
  19. Nikos

    ESPN: Hollinger Profiles: Sacramento Kings

    Hollingers factors production PER minute. He also says that certain statistics are not worth 1 point (like Efficiency Rating on does). Hollinger factors in Pace as well in PER.
  20. Nikos

    Where does Peja rank amongst fellow foreign NBA players?

    I beleive Manu got a bit banged up during Game 3, and didn't really look the same since. But even so, the statement is not really true. Manu in the past has always been the type to make hustle plays, get rebounds, and assists when his shot is off. Parker is the one who, when NOT HOT pretty...