I hated that movie!!

Thought that since my 'I hated that song!' thread was such a hit, I would try the same formula with movies. I am speaking specifically about films that have gotten great critical acclaim and success, but which left you scratching your head, wondering what the big fuss was about something that you thought was a pretty bad movie.

And remember, no matter how passionate you are about a certain film, don't get all upset or personally attack someone else who slams it on here.

To start off with here are some of mine:

Good Will Hunting - a four-star movie, raved about by everyone but me, it seems. So boring that I fell asleep halfway. And the Minnie Driver character was unbelievably annoying and the romance storyline fell flat.

Independence Day - no depth, terrible writing and characters, all ridiculous brawn and no brain.

Thelma and Louise - seemed to be just about male-bashing, with the same storyline repeating itself throughout-man/men hurt Thelma and Louise, they get revenge, that is all. No depth or substance. I think the screenwriter must really, really hate men.

Titanic - a sappy, corny soap opera wrapped around grandiose special effects and costumes. 'As Good as it Gets' was robbed of the Oscar!
I definitely have to agree with your last 2 choices RD
One of mine is Braveheart. I was so bored that I fell asleep.
Fried Green Tomatoes is another one, we were talking about that at work last week and I was the only one who couldn't stand it.
I have to include Star Wars, I'm not a sci-fi fan anyway but I just didn't see the appeal.


Hall of Famer
I could go on all day on this topic, but I'll try to stick to relitivly well know work that just stunk up the theater. Gili (and almost any thing else with J Lo in it) Ghost (the ultimate chick flick BEFORE Titanic) The Body Gaurd, The Postman, Message in a bottle, Robin Hood Prince of Theives, Watter World (essentialy ANY Costner films in which he does NOT have a ball in his hand) But I'd have to say one of the worst films in the past 20 years really was Istar.


Hall of Famer
All Lord of the Rings movies...Fantasy needs to go away.

All Star Wars movies...Sci-Fi needs to go away.

Napolean Dynamite...Very overrated and not funny.

The Halloween Series...Despite having the coolest horror movie music, the movies just aren't very entertaining.

The Grudge...Very bad...Very, very bad.
I will have to say that Star Wars.. All the new episodes.. SUCKED!

Gladiator was one that I fell asleep at.

Battlefield Earth sucked.

Spiderman, and Spiderman 2 were HORRIBLE.

Refused to see the Passion of the Christ.

All Harry Potter movies sucked.

Pirates of the Carribean bleh.


Shreck 1 and 2 sucked..


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Hmm...well, since the idea is which extremely popular/highly rated movies did you think sucked I decided to go over to IMDB.com and pull up some of their lists -- 250 highest rated movies, all time highest grossing etc. + see which movies jumped out at me as not having a chance to be there if the world was composed only of mes (in whihc case I wouldn't have made them either):

Some sacred cows on this list:

The Godfather(s) -- all of them. Were good movies. Mildy interesting movies. Also some of the most overrated movies in history (I can say now that I am no longer in a romantic relationship wiht a woman who loved them). Never been quite sure why people are so fascinated by mobsters. Nor with those movies.

Goodfellas -- see my comment about mobsters above. Pesci was cool. otherwise I'd rather watch the Sopranos if I decided I needed a dose of white trash, Italian style.

Das Boot -- legendary anti-war subamarine movie. Finally caught it a year or two ago. Snore.

Forrest Gump -- just shoot me now.

Home Alone (and all similar trash) -- that kid deserved to be shot. Multiple times. I detest cute kid movies where the "cute" kids are complete jackasses and quite clearly for me the bad guys. Does rooting for 8yr old Macaulay Culkin to be disembowled onscreen make me a bad person?

Pirates of the Caribbean -- turn off brain. Check. Ok, ready to watch. Depp was entertaining, so did not hate it. In fact thought it was ok in stupid action fashion. Just ridiculous that that movie would earn $300 mil domestic. People are sheep.

Ona similar note, since I see Mission Impossible II earned $200mil domestic. That movie SUCKED!

Fight Club -- certainly didn't hate this one. Just thought it was incredibly overrated as some sort of visionary thing. I beat up several people when I was growing up. Was I a visionary? Think you have to be rather more shocked than I am by machismo and violence to be blown away by this one, and rather more fascinated by them to get off on it.

Back to the Future -- any of them.

The Mummy(s) -- for people who prefer CGI to brains or scares. Duh.

Fast & Furious I & II -- don't talk to me if you liked these movies.

Tim Burton -- easier just to list the director than the movies. Sorry GGG! Know what he's about. Find it oddly entertaining in small doses. Find it quite annoying in large doses. Like let's say movie length. One exception was Sleepy Hollow, where it was appropriate for the story. Otherwise, no.

Quentin Tarentino -- I have hated none of his movies. They are all degrees of entertaining just because of he recognizes no limits. Pulp Fiction was tremendous. But the Kill Bills, the Resovoir Dogs etc. etc., all overrated. I consider Tarentino both billaint and completely self-absorbed. If HE thinks its cool he'll put it on celluoid. But if you don't share his sense of humor he's rarely going to bother putting together an actual coherent movie for you.

Comic Book Movies -- the vast majority of them. Spiderman II was very good. Part I was overrated (despite shooting a scene 2 floors above my head in my old office). Batman Begins was very good. Blade I & 2 were not bad (III was bad enough for both of them). Hellboy surprised me a bit. Have not seen Sin City. The vast majority of the rest have sucked in various degrees and live off off fanboy appeal.

Computer Game Movies -- Have ALL sucked thus far, unless I am forgetting one. See fanboy comment above.
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The computer game movies I liked was the Resident Evil 2. That was a good movie imo..

I will say the first Matrix had me REALLY thinking. Than it went all religeous on us in #2, and #3.

Didn't Tarentino write Jackie Brown? I loved that movie. Resovior Dogs was OK, I have Pulp Fiction on DVD. Kill Bills just plain sucked. I didn't like them at all.

Fast & Furious was wrong on so many levels. I am into imports, and some of the stuff they did was just dumb. Why would you hijack a truck thats moving by shooting a rope through their window? It makes no sense. Why not just get him to pull over, and rob him that way? heh. Plus all that stuff about parts, and what they did to cars was totally fake. There is no way to do some of the stuff they supposedly did.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Gary said:
The computer game movies I liked was the Resident Evil 2. That was a good movie imo..
:eek: ;) Friend brought it over. I was mildly interested in seeing it. Mildy. I had the laptop out and was back to working within 30 minutes. Proof that lots of loud noises and special effects CAN be boring for me without interesting context.

Was slightly better than Alone in the Dark though (if nothing else just because of Mila). AITD was just embarrassing.
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Gary said:
I will have to say that Star Wars.. All the new episodes.. SUCKED!

Gladiator was one that I fell asleep at.

Battlefield Earth sucked.

Spiderman, and Spiderman 2 were HORRIBLE.

Refused to see the Passion of the Christ.

All Harry Potter movies sucked.

Pirates of the Carribean bleh.


Shreck 1 and 2 sucked..

How did you not like spiderman, and spider man 2, shrek, shrek 2? Thats impossible!!

those are ALL great movies!!

I dislike Pairates of the Carribean, Forrest Gump, Spanglish, Harry potter movies, and a lot of otehr movies I can't think of right now. :D
Bballkingsrock said:
How did you not like spiderman, and spider man 2, shrek, shrek 2? Thats impossible!!

those are ALL great movies!!

I dislike Pairates of the Carribean, Forrest Gump, Spanglish, Harry potter movies, and a lot of otehr movies I can't think of right now. :D
I just didn't like Spiderman. I really can't tell you why I didn't like it, but I just didn't. I couldn't get into them.

As for Shreck, hmmmm.. Just dumb imo. Never watched the second because the first was so bad. Not my type of movie.

I did like Forrest Gump! Great movie. Made ya think.
Ouch. Goodfellas and BTTF are two of my favorite movies. How can anyone not like BTTF? Your the first person I know who did not like it, and most loved it as youngsters. (although I don't really consider it a kiddie movie).

And your the first person I know who did not REALLY LIKE Goodfellas. Everyone I know has at least liked it a lot, and most list it as their favs. Quite a shock.

What are some of your favorite movies out of curiosity Brick?
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I'm afraid I can't participate in this list...I'm too offended by some of the picks that all of you have made!

And, no, Lord of the Rings is not one of the picks I'm offended by. I also HATED those.

Oh, shoot...I participated!
Bricklayer said:
The Godfather(s)
Gotta disagree with you on these ones. I'm less impressed with the mafia-ness of these than the little details of growing up in an Italian-American family. But, either way, solid film making.

Bricklayer said:
Forrest Gump -- just shoot me now.
Ditto. Got sucked into its schmaltz the first time I saw it, have wondered why every time since.

Bricklayer said:
Home Alone (and all similar trash) -- that kid deserved to be shot. Multiple times. ... Does rooting for 8yr old Macaulay Culkin to be disembowled onscreen make me a bad person?
If so, then color me a bad person. A fictional movie should not leave you with both homicidal thoughts towards an 8-year-old and a desire to call child protective services.

Bricklayer said:
Pirates of the Caribbean
I liked this one way more than I expected to. It was downright enjoyable. But good? Not so much. The fact that this is what got Depp his first Oscar nomination is laughable... and a little sad.

Bricklayer said:
Fight Club
I love this movie. Never saw it as visionary... certainly never saw it as something to emmulate. Again, solid film making.

Bricklayer said:
Tim Burton -- easier just to list the director than the movies. Sorry GGG!
I like his style. I like his weirdness. But, my favorites of his films are the less successful (and less Burton-y) of the bunch -- Ed Wood, Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

Bricklayer said:
Quentin Tarentino -- ... If HE thinks its cool he'll put it on celluoid. But if you don't share his sense of humor he's rarely going to bother putting together an actual coherent movie for you.
I'm okay with that.

Bricklayer said:
Comic Book Movies -- ... Have not seen Sin City.
See it.

Bricklayer said:
Computer Game Movies -- Have ALL sucked thus far, unless I am forgetting one.
The first Resident Evil was good, zombie-killin' fun. And, mmmmmmmmm Milla.

My additions:

- anything directed by Steven Spielberg not titled Schindler's List
- the Star Wars prequels and the ruined versions of the original trilogy
- anything directed by Ron Howard
- anything directed by Joel Schumacher
- Gone With The Wind
- Steel Magnolias
- Dances With Wolves

Much more to come, but my date's finally ready for the Halloween party.
The movie I hate with a passion is

My sister loved this movie that might have added to my hatred of this movie. The music alone has to be the worst movie music of alltime.

Note to self: never listen to John sing again.
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you people are KILLING me, LOTR, harry potter, star wars are among my favorite all time movies! same with gladiator.


monsters ball: that was a horrible movie. the story sucked, so did the acting. i don't know how in hell halle berry won the oscar, becuase she was awful.

AI, artificial intelligance: i couldn't even finish the damn thing. it was horrible. Waaaaaay too much going on

one flew over the cookoo's nest: i will say this though, the acting was fantastic. the story was what i hated. they KILLEd the book, and that really pissed me off. i enjoyed the book very much, and to see it be destroyed like that really made me mad.

ben hur: i thought it was about chariot races, it was mostly about jesus and religion. i was very disappointed

signs: very disappointing movie, very boring. plus the alien dudes were really wierd and fake looking

excalibur: boooooring. i'll have to read the book it's based on, but the movie itself had no flow and was just way too boring.


Homer Fan Since 1985
You can almost pick genders and/or ages by these lists....but, not quite. ;)

I hate the Austin Powers movies.

I also detest anything with Jim Carey.

In both cases...just stupid, stupid, stupid.


Super Moderator Emeritus
6th said:
You can almost pick genders and/or ages by these lists....but, not quite. ;) .
Once again, I'm totally amazed at the wide diversity of people we have on this board. It's a tribute to all of us AND to the Sacramento Kings (and a couple of other teams) that we manage, despite our differences, to come together and discuss pretty much everything under the sun while respecting each other's opinions.

I haven't said it in a while but it bears repeating:

I LOVE KINGSFANS.COM and the great people who post here!!!

Go Kings!!!!!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
ker0ber0s said:
im AMAZED no one hasn't mentioned this movie yet.

britney's "Crossroads"
Think it was restricted to POPULAR movies. ;)

I had forgotten about Signs BTW. Should have made my list. Thank you for reminding me Evenstar. Can be summed up in one word: "Duh."
ker0ber0s said:
im AMAZED no one hasn't mentioned this movie yet.

britney's "Crossroads"
Maybe nobody else has seen it too.;)

As for my most hated movie:

Thin Red Line - First time i slept in a movie house

Monster's Ball - Second time i slept.

Movies I love:

LOTR - can't believe that some could actually hate this movie
Braveheart - see LOTR
Schindler's List - best of Spielberg
I lreally iked some things about 'Signs', but have to agree with others that there were some really boring parts. And that one scene with the alien running past those kids celebrating a birthday party in Brazil, that seemed to freak everyone else out, but I thought it was really stupid.