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  1. The_true_KING

    Peja and Vlade going to taiwan this august

    Believe me he'll improve his game much more playing for the national team than staying in Sac.!!! They have really hard preps. and they are well known for that. I've read a few articles regarding S&M national tim preps. and from what I've read I must say that he'll only benefit from them. R.
  2. The_true_KING

    Kings @ Pistons Game Thread

    Honestly, I don't think the Kings will lose tonight. The Pistons are on a really bad streak and Sac shoudl play really bad to loose. I expect Tag will step in 'cause the Pistons don't run up and down all the time so that will give him some time to rest. Not having Skinner is a bad thin but it...
  3. The_true_KING

    Kings @ Nuggets Game Thread

    I like the development of the game so far. Peja is red hot, Tag is great inside presence, Thomas plays well and I think Cat is starting to show up. 70-30 we will win this one. It would be a great win!
  4. The_true_KING

    Kings @ Nuggets Game Thread

    Guys is Peja unbelievable or what???!!!!!
  5. The_true_KING

    Kings @ Nuggets Game Thread

    Has it started yet??!!!! I'm afraid this is the only possible way for me tonight to "watch" the game... GO KINGS!
  6. The_true_KING

    Grades v. Clippers 03/19

    Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!!!! While watching the game for the first 3 quarters I thought Mobley will get an F from Brick. P.S. Cat kinda remindes me of J. Williams with his shooting. When he's on fire he's on fire but apparently he doesn't know when to stop. Any opinions on that?
  7. The_true_KING

    76ers v. Bulls

    A.I. had 11 turnovers and 11-26 FG... Even if they had had M.Jordan they would have lost this one... I'm wondering if he's ever looking at his stats????
  8. The_true_KING

    Kings @ Clippers Game Thread

    go and win Hope they will win this one, it's my b-day today so that would be one good gift. BO KINGS!!! :D
  9. The_true_KING

    Can we show Peja some love finally ?

    I'm sick and tired of people saying Peja needs to create his own shots. What do they think, that he's just standing there waiting for the ball to come??? Tonight he was doubled on several occasions but stil managed to pull up some tough shots. He even dished some usable assists while being...
  10. The_true_KING

    Can't believe this ....

    I went to to see how C-Web played against Raptors and imagine my surprise when I saw the numbers Donyell Marshall had today!!!! Look at his minutes... amazing! p.s. sorry for posting this one here but I thought it might be interesting. B.
  11. The_true_KING

    Stupid, Mental Mistakes

    it's not Skinner's fault... It simply isn't Brian's fault, the entire team played kinda tired today and that's why they lost. On the other hand The Rockets played great all-around game with all players involved. They were simply too good to be beaten by injured Sac. team with so many new faces...
  12. The_true_KING

    Rockets @ Kings Game Thread

    I'll eat up everything I said about Mo if we win this one ..
  13. The_true_KING

    Rockets @ Kings Game Thread

    Songaila is jumping up and down like a kangaroo ... Maybe Peja should look after him. But we've concluded he's alergic to rebounds :)
  14. The_true_KING

    Rockets @ Kings Game Thread

    So far the only bright spot is Peja... 16 pts. already... and Mobley comes with another miss :mad:
  15. The_true_KING

    Rockets @ Kings Game Thread

    It amazes me :) btw. Skinner is invisible today.
  16. The_true_KING

    Rockets @ Kings Game Thread

    Mobley Mobley is 1-8 from the filed... this can't be happening:(