Kings @ Nuggets Game Thread

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TXSactoFan said:
this is second break for peja in this half.. is there something wrong?
Think altitude... RA is wisely limiting every players min.
FYI for fans unfamilier with Denver Colorado the city is at 5820 feet (1,600 meters) so the aclimation orlack there of is aserious issue espcialy as the game wears on.
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I like the development of the game so far. Peja is red hot, Tag is great inside presence, Thomas plays well and I think Cat is starting to show up. 70-30 we will win this one. It would be a great win!
well considering the way we started the game...its nice to be up by 7 at the half...RA made a lot of great adjustments thus far...hopefully he can keep up that good work

after that nuggets layup drill to start the game, i'm so glad we came back and played hard, and now we're leading. :D

i'm SO happy tag made a difference! i hope adelman trusts him next time another team has a layup drill on us.

peja, playing well again: 16 pts on 6/8 fgs (3/3 3pts)

keep it up guys! :D
Very good first half, Pedja and Bibby both hitting, Tag giving a great effort. Most of all BIG props to Adelman for his roations, constatnly putting in fresh boddies and keeping the starters fresh! This will b VITAL in the 4th which means that Mo, House, Tag, Nasty and Darius HAVE to play long min in the 3rd and the start of the 4th, they also need to matain if not build on the lead.
Andriod_KiNg said:
When Tag jumped for rebounds... you know he was trying :D Same goes for Peja... jump fellas, jump ! :D
Hard to criticize Tags effors ON the court, hard to say much for them off the court. The man is an enigma.
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