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  1. Block Party

    SL Kings vs. Lakers Game Thread

    I wish we could have landed Sacre and told Hassan to GTFO.
  2. Block Party

    SL Kings vs. Lakers Game Thread

    Quick first half notes: - Akognon is a good guard. Superior to Jimmer in terms of ball handling and passing and everything so far. - T-Rob is not being used in the post at all. We don't really have anyone working the post except maybe Darnell Jackson for the few minutes he's out there. Even...
  3. Block Party

    SL Kings vs. Lakers Game Thread

    I really see no hope for Fredette to ever be a primary ball handler. Like ever ever ever.
  4. Block Party

    SL Kings vs. Lakers Game Thread

    I'm looking forward to Whiteside no longer being on this team. He shows no effort at all.
  5. Block Party

    SL Kings vs. Lakers Game Thread

    Actually a much better start than yesterday.
  6. Block Party

    SL Kings vs. Lakers Game Thread

    That was a bad rejection.
  7. Block Party

    SL Kings vs. Lakers Game Thread

    They were just talking about DeMarcus Cousins during the Denver vs Golden State game and both commentators agreed that they think Cousins has actually grown and looked taller. Awesome. lol
  8. Block Party

    Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

    I agree 100%
  9. Block Party

    Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

    Hahah whatever! They lost and got beat up in the playoffs. And they're pathetic defensive coordinator was banned indefinitely! Justice served... ;)
  10. Block Party

    Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

    Agreed. It reminded me of when the Saints blitzed the hell out of the 49ers during their first preseason game last year.
  11. Block Party

    Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

    comments above!
  12. Block Party

    Jimmer is awful and not ready to play

    Yeah I know. I was making a joke based on his investment analogy. I like Jimmer as a kid, but I just don't think he has the athleticism or ball handling skills to create his own shot on a consistent basis, nor create plays for others. I really hope he proves me wrong.
  13. Block Party

    Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

    After watching his interviews over the years and his play, I think he's just not very mature or really understands what it takes to be a pro. He might not be the brightest star in the sky, but I don't know if I'm willing to say that because I've never met him.
  14. Block Party

    Jimmer is awful and not ready to play

    Yeah, but when an investment is bad, it's best to cut your losses quickly before you lose even more ;) Just playing devil's advocate haha
  15. Block Party

    Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

    The undrafted guys didn't really stand out at all. Michael Lee nailed a few treys and didn't show any hesitation when he had those open shots. That was nice to see. Hassan just doesn't look like he knows what he's doing on the court. It's so frustrating to watch because he has all the...
  16. Block Party

    Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

    I'm excited to see Michael Lee too. I've heard them saying he's been the most impressive guy they brought in. And he plays SF. I'd like to see one of these guys play there way onto our roster.
  17. Block Party

    "Boogie Vision" is 20/20

    I want to get these made. Even though I live in Orlando, I plan on spending the money to sit near or close to the Kings bench during the games they play here and wear my Boogie Vision glasses!
  18. Block Party

    Why is it so hard for this team to find a suitable SF?!?

    Does anyone think we maybe juggle our starting line up a bit too much? I think what some of these guys might need is some consistency. Just leave either Salmons or Outlaw out there. Outlaw actually had a stretch towards the end of the season where he looked, dare I say, serviceable? I'm...
  19. Block Party

    Cuz named to Select Team

    I think his elbow to the face of Iggy probably hurts our chances. lol
  20. Block Party

    Cuz named to Select Team

    Cousins is a straight old school basketball player and I love that about him.