Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

Machado was pretty much what people saw him as. Ran the team well, got everyone involved and basically opened up the game by making the Rockets efficient on offense. On defense, he got blown by quite a few times and got a little lost on pick n rolls. Most impressive thing was that he didn't panic when he drove the lane and was cut off inside. He knew where he was going with the ball in what is often a bad/bailout situation for most young guards.
he was a thousand times better than Fortson that's for sure.


Hall of Famer
Don't think so, he's already been referred to as a wuss on this very page, despite putting up 25/9/2/2/1 in 25 minutes. Granted it's SL and means pretty much nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it's going to take a lot more to turn peoples heads when they have preconceived ideas about a player (usually based on where they come from).
Yep. Donte scored 40 in a summer league game, so I do take this with a grain of salt. But, the kid has talent, I've seen him play a number of times, as you have, and we've seen the improvement. Will he be an All Star, a starter, a rotation player or bench fodder? Who knows. We'll see. It's one thing to discuss his weaknesses and what he might have a hard time with in transitioning to the league, which is fine and we do with all players. It another to just dismiss him as a soft Euro after not watching him play.

But hey, it's similar to when an American goes to play soccer in Europe. They're underrated. How can Andy Carol possibly be worth 7M pounds more than Dempsey? Yet that's what I've heard lately. As if Clint isn't good enough for Liverpool, even though he scored a 3rd as many EPL goals last year by himself as Liverpool did as a team. Or Bradley can't get a shot at Villa, yet a year later Roma is hard after him. Stereotypes on each side of the pond regarding those on the other side.
I'm excited to see Michael Lee too. I've heard them saying he's been the most impressive guy they brought in. And he plays SF. I'd like to see one of these guys play there way onto our roster.
Yep. Donte scored 40 in a summer league game, so I do take this with a grain of salt. But, the kid has talent, I've seen him play a number of times, as you have, and we've seen the improvement. Will he be an All Star, a starter, a rotation player or bench fodder? Who knows. We'll see. It's one thing to discuss his weaknesses and what he might have a hard time with in transitioning to the league, which is fine and we do with all players. It another to just dismiss him as a soft Euro after not watching him play.

But hey, it's similar to when an American goes to play soccer in Europe. They're underrated. How can Andy Carol possibly be worth 7M pounds more than Dempsey? Yet that's what I've heard lately. As if Clint isn't good enough for Liverpool, even though he scored a 3rd as many EPL goals last year by himself as Liverpool did as a team. Or Bradley can't get a shot at Villa, yet a year later Roma is hard after him. Stereotypes on each side of the pond regarding those on the other side.
I don't think it's the same thing. Most people rate Dempsey as a good player over here, which he is. Carroll is a laughing stock, as are Liverpool as a club. Paying 35 million for him might be the worst transfer in football history, or certainly up there. I'm struggling to think of a worse buy. Don't judge Dempsey's price based on Carroll, because the latter is not worth what he was sold for. If he was the measuring stick for prices, no player would ever be bought again as the price would be too high. Ignore everything Liverpool is my advice. Disgraceful club as seen by the Suarez debacle. Re Bradley, Roma are hardly as great as they once were, and the Italian league has gone to crap, and he may not have gotten a chance there either.

I don't think people here have anywhere near as much of a complex when it comes to players from across the water. The fact is that while the US are starting to produce better footballers, there are still only a small handful that could play for the best clubs around Europe. Contrast that with basketball, where Europe is steadily producing players that can contribute on any NBA team, and the stereotypes are, IMO, still more pronounced on the US side.

That isn't meant as an accusation or anything, but it can be seen on any basketball forum, including this one. People who haven't watched guys play, but they're inevitable labelled soft by default. Ludicrous obviously, but happens often.

Don't think we could have gotten any more off topic! Barnes looking solid so far.
Glad to say I haven't seen this "soft" nonsense based on where I player has come from before. Interesting that you see it as so prevalent, though.
Glad to say I haven't seen this "soft" nonsense based on where I player has come from before. Interesting that you see it as so prevalent, though.
There's an example of it on the page before this one, and many more in the Kirilenko thread in the personnel moves forum. They're just recent examples. It pops up almost always when an international player is being discussed. It's hardly a relevation. Thankfully you rarely see the more knowledgable posters engaging in such nonsense as they know better.


The Game Thread Dude
There's an example of it on the page before this one, and many more in the Kirilenko thread in the personnel moves forum. They're just recent examples. It pops up almost always when an international player is being discussed. It's hardly a relevation. Thankfully you rarely see the more knowledgable posters engaging in such nonsense as they know better.
My softness comment was not based on his being from Europe (I was one of the more adamant Kirelinko pushers here) but rather due to the fact that his game while also having some aspects of Cousins in it, also has aspects of Spencer Hawes (but such is the conceit of having an outside-in game). Suggesting that someone is soft because they are from a specific continent is tantamount to suggesting that Yao is tall because he came from China.


Hall of Famer
If we wanted outside shooting, taking Jimmer over Klay could prove to be a huuuuge mistake, unless hopefully Jimmer starts to put it together at this level.
If we wanted outside shooting, taking Jimmer over Klay could prove to be a huuuuge mistake, unless hopefully Jimmer starts to put it together at this level.
Yeah, Klay has that confidence that is nice to watch. You could see him cross half court with a instinct in his eyes.


The Game Thread Dude
Just turned on the Warriors vs Lakers game......Harrison Barnes & Klay Thompson are going off
Are the Lakers fielding anyone on that roster who actually stand a chance of being on their team during the regular season aside from Goudelock? I'm not watching so I'm not sure who's on the court.
Are the Lakers fielding anyone on that roster who actually stand a chance of being on their team during the regular season aside from Goudelock? I'm not watching so I'm not sure who's on the court.
Nope, Eyenga (sp?) is the only other one AFAIK who could make an NBA roster, but even he's unlikely to make one. They're terrible. Still, always feels good to see the Lakers get beaten badly.


Hall of Famer
Yeah, Klay has that confidence that is nice to watch. You could see him cross half court with a instinct in his eyes.
Having an NBA father helps with that instinct. I wonder how Petrie missed him unless it is the obvious. Petrie is good at finding shooters.
I don't think it's the same thing. Most people rate Dempsey as a good player over here, which he is. Carroll is a laughing stock, as are Liverpool as a club. Paying 35 million for him might be the worst transfer in football history, or certainly up there. I'm struggling to think of a worse buy. Don't judge Dempsey's price based on Carroll, because the latter is not worth what he was sold for. If he was the measuring stick for prices, no player would ever be bought again as the price would be too high. Ignore everything Liverpool is my advice. Disgraceful club as seen by the Suarez debacle. Re Bradley, Roma are hardly as great as they once were, and the Italian league has gone to crap, and he may not have gotten a chance there either.

I don't think people here have anywhere near as much of a complex when it comes to players from across the water. The fact is that while the US are starting to produce better footballers, there are still only a small handful that could play for the best clubs around Europe. Contrast that with basketball, where Europe is steadily producing players that can contribute on any NBA team, and the stereotypes are, IMO, still more pronounced on the US side.

That isn't meant as an accusation or anything, but it can be seen on any basketball forum, including this one. People who haven't watched guys play, but they're inevitable labelled soft by default. Ludicrous obviously, but happens often.

Don't think we could have gotten any more off topic! Barnes looking solid so far.
cough cough..... Liverpool fan here. :) There are a few things with comparing Carroll with Dempsey. Dempsey is old in footballer's terms and Andy is young. Andy was tearing it up with newcastle before he went to Liverpool. Also, Liverpool's sell of Torres directly went to buy Carroll. If Torress was sold for 30M, then you'd see Carroll for 20M. Alas, Torres was sold for 50M, so Carroll was bought for 35M. Not that I agree with everything Liverpool did, although it was a shame of what happened with Suarez. It was basically his word against Evra's, so I don't take the FA charges at full value. Everyone will call him a racist, but I don't really care. I love football, and he's a fine footballer.
I'm getting "this game is currently not on air." I've watched most of the games prior to this, if it decides not to work for the one game I actually want, I won't be a happy camper.