Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

I thinik that's true. Everything, I mean basically eveything he has done tonight good and bad has been SF. If that is what he was, I would know how to approach what i have seen. But as a player that 2 hours ago was expected to end up as the starting PF...there's been nothing. He even looks better as a defender on the perimeter than he does inside.
Tomorrow will be itneresting. Do we make changes and try to use him more as a PF, or do we take advantage of the SF skills he's flashed today?
Honestly outside of BYU when have you seen Jimmer even be a good shooter??? Donte Greene shot a better % than Jimmer In fact Jimmer only shot better than Garcia, Honeycutt, and Outlaw.
He has had one year in the NBA and then the other years at BYU. Not sure what kind of answer you expect. If you want to believe it or not, Jimmer is a good shooter. I don't think any reasonable person has every questioned that. It is the only good thing that he does do. If you want to judge his shooting on the limited minutes he played in his rookie year, on a team with little offensive sets be my guest.


The Game Thread Dude
He has had one year in the NBA and then the other years at BYU. Not sure what kind of answer you expect. If you want to believe it or not, Jimmer is a good shooter. I don't think any reasonable person has every questioned that. It is the only good thing that he does do. If you want to judge his shooting on the limited minutes he played in his rookie year, on a team with little offensive sets be my guest.
The thing is that (much like Douby) that shooting ability hasn't transferred to games.
/sigh. 1 summer league game and we're ready to move Robinson out of his normal position. Considering our history with doing that, I'd think people would be more opposed to doing so


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
At least Robinson can get to the line. And he's shown some ball-handling and passing ability.
realistically his SF skills tonight have looked good. Not great. His pullup jumper is fugly, and despite the smooth handle when matched against Kidd-Gilchrist he was just getting the ball taken away and was a human turnover. But he looks very comfortable handling, can pass off the move, and can attack off the dribble. He also looks very comfortable moving on he perimeter defensively.

Now the problem is he was supposed to be a PF. And on that front the rebounding has been nothing special at all, guys have been able to get around him in the post, he hasn't challenged or altered anybody's drives, and his post moves were ineffective. Maybe he's not a PF?
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The Game Thread Dude
Ugh. Yes, Steve Kerr, we understand our system hasn't been set in years but I'd appreciate it if you stopped acting like TRob is somehow going to be the biggest bust since Kwame Brown.
^yea everyone saying hes a SF is moronic. he will be playing PF at all times in the NBA. tonight it was just a combination of the stupid full court press, and the kings coaching wanting to see what hes capable of
/sigh. 1 summer league game and we're ready to move Robinson out of his normal position. Considering our history with doing that, I'd think people would be more opposed to doing so
I have no issues trying to move a player slightly 'out of position' if it makes the team bigger. Evans to SF - no thanks. Donte to PF - no thanks. But Robinson to SF - especially after he has shown some SF skills. That is worth a shot.
The thing is that (much like Douby) that shooting ability hasn't transferred to games.
Totally. But most people don't give up on rookies, especially when they are put in far from optimal positions for their style of play. That's the reason I am not ready to say he can't have a successful NBA career. And by successful I mean coming off of the bench and knocking down shots for a team with an offensive identity.
the thing i took away from this game. the commentators somehow think that this kings summer league team indicates how good the real kings are, they completely disregard the fact that Thomas Robinson is really the only player on this team that will get minutes in the NBA next year
Okay, this is interesting. robinson has shown nothing inside at all. no post work. no boarding. no defensive presnece. Ont th eother hwand if I had not seen him before I would have thought he was an atheltic SF with some shooting woes. Very smooth with the ball out there and on the break,.
yep. His motor and passing ability showed. Not much else. Im slightly concerned to say the least however i guess hes trying to lead this team with jimmer playing rubbish. Still no post game at all is an issue
Ugh. Yes, Steve Kerr, we understand our system hasn't been set in years but I'd appreciate it if you stopped acting like TRob is somehow going to be the biggest bust since Kwame Brown.
He's not saying TRobb is a bust. He's saying that the Kings aren't a good place to go as a young talent because the organization is directionless from the ownership on down. He's saying TRobb will have a tougher time because he's less likely to be put in a position to succeed. He compared that to Sullinger having the advantage of veterans around him and being asked to do nothing outside of his natural strengths.
the thing i took away from this game. the commentators somehow think that this kings summer league team indicates how good the real kings are, they completely disregard the fact that Thomas Robinson is really the only player on this team that will get minutes in the NBA next year
Except for Jimmer and Hassan. Did you just start following the team or something?
Not sure why people are talking about moving Robinson to SF. He had a less than stellar performance in one game, and a summer league game at that, and you want to change his position? He played out on the perimeter too much and was way too involved in bringing the ball up the court, but that was more a product of poor coaching and point guard play than anything else.
That's EXACTLY the type of interview I wanted to hear. 19 pts 5 boards 2 steal on 9/15 shooting is nothing to sneeze at in your pro debut. I blame the 8 TO's on him essentially having to play PG. But still, it shows how dedicated and hard this guy is going to work and he will not accept losing. Him and Boogie are going to make other teams cry from sheer intensity


Hall of Famer
People are talking about TRob as a SF because either that's the position he chose to play tonight or the coach wanted him on the perimeter. He sure didn't act like a PF. I want him at PF and if this is how the SL is going to play out, he will learn nothing.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Not sure why people are talking about moving Robinson to SF. He had a less than stellar performance in one game, and a summer league game at that, and you want to change his position? He played out on the perimeter too much and was way too involved in bringing the ball up the court, but make no mistake about it he is a PF.
Well I wouldn't have made any mistake about it until I just saw a guy play exactly like a SF, with the exception of a couple of post moves that had little chance against superior size inside.

I did not anticipate that at all. The game tommorow will be interesting.

The thing is he looked small too and his measurements coupled with his athleticism don't make it impossible that he could end up at SF and look natural doing it if that is actually where his skillset leads him. Doesn't mean he is a SF after one summer league game. But its not as if this is JT we are talking about here when Westphal decided to be a bigger fool than normal.
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^yea everyone saying hes a SF is moronic. he will be playing PF at all times in the NBA. tonight it was just a combination of the stupid full court press, and the kings coaching wanting to see what hes capable of
The Utah Jazz used a Millsap - Favors - Jefferson lineup last season and it worked fantastic for them. You can beat teams by physically beating them. Robinson - Thompson - Cousins can do that.

I'm not making a call one way or the other, I'm just saying that the Robinson as SF thing sure looked possible after this game. If you didn't see that then I don't know what you are watching.

And for the last time, I understand that it is the summer league and it has only been one game. That's all I'm talking about here.