Summer League Kings Vs. Bobcats Gameday Thread

Anyone know how many of the guys on our roster are D-League players? Curious if they all are, or if they are just random players we call in for summer league.
The Utah Jazz used a Millsap - Favors - Jefferson lineup last season and it worked fantastic for them. You can beat teams by physically beating them. Robinson - Thompson - Cousins can do that.

I'm not making a call one way or the other, I'm just saying that the Robinson as SF thing sure looked possible after this game. If you didn't see that then I don't know what you are watching.

And for the last time, I understand that it is the summer league and it has only been one game. That's all I'm talking about here.

Just because a player can play little bit at another position does not mean he should primarily play at that position. That sort of thinking is part of the reason the Kings have sucked for so long.
If Petrie thinks TRob is a SF, that would have made going after Anderson make a lot more sense.

But as usual, this organization confuses the hell out of me. If it was intended to ply him at PF tonight, and he had to play SF just to get the ball across the court, that really doesn't make Jimmer look good. But if the plan is to play him at SF, then my god are we short up front on both size and players.
no, did you? cause if you think Hassan is in any shape to be getting NBA minutes your crazy. and if Jimmer cant show improvement he wont be seeing the court either
Yeah, I just started watching the team, lol.

But given your analysis has been off since you registered about week ago, it's a fair question to ask if you just started following the team. Jimmer will play, whether you, I or anyone else likes it, and Hassan did show some promise before turning his ankle. But, you'd have to had follow the team to know that.
Yeah, I just started watching the team, lol.

But given your analysis has been off since you registered about week ago, it's a fair question to ask if you just started following the team. Jimmer will play, whether you, I or anyone else likes it, and Hassan did show some promise before turning his ankle. But, you'd have to had follow the team to know that.
ive been following the team since i was old enough to understand basketball so dont question that. the Kings have a lot of guards. if a couple weeks into the season Jimmer is still playing like he played tonight and doesnt improve. he WILL NOT be seeing the court much.
Eh, I still don't get the SF thing. When we actually got settled in some sort of half-court set he actually reminded me a bit of Cousins. He would get the ball at about 15 ft. and either take the jumper or drive in, much like Cousins tends to do.

Yes, he brought the ball up the court and didn't get many low post looks. But I think that was the result of poor PG play primarily.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
From what we saw tonight im sure we'll all agree we'd rather have Robinson at SF then Evans
For Evans sake yes. But that was why I said it suddenly felt like we had drafted a project SF. Kidd Gilchrist kicked his behind, and he turned it over like mad. Some real skills there though if that were to actually happen. Just would need some considerable refining, and especially work on the jumper.

We'd never in 1000 years do it, but a TWill/TRob SF tandem would be a radical departure from all the weaksuace tweener SG/SF wannbe shooters we've trotted out there, and far more physical and smooth than the failed Omri/Donte platoon. Be real deficiencies, but in almost exactly the opposite way we have had them up to this point (shooting, turnovers would plague). Could restore us to the path of physicality we seemed to be headed down before last year's abrupt wussification.
Just because a player can play little bit at another position does not mean he should primarily play at that position. That sort of thinking is part of the reason the Kings have sucked for so long.
I agree with you. He should play the position he is best at. I just don't know what position that is.

He didn't look very interested OR effective defending on the block. He went for the poke steal at least 3 times and the player just spun off him and scored an easy layup. He also didn't rebound particularly well against NBA size in Biyombo and Mullins. If he can't rebound against those guys, then he's going to have issues rebounding against anyone.

Right now, as a PF, he is already one of the best ball handlers in the league .. which has to make you wonder if he belongs there. To be honest, he looks like a better ball handler than a lot of SF's too. He can pass OFF THE DRIBBLE. That's an SF skill. Cousins can pass from the high post or on the block. That's a big man passing skill. Robinson is finding guys out on the break as a ball handler. He also runs the floor like an SF. And he didn't show much of a post game. Of course, he didn't get the ball on the block, but I can only go off of what I saw tonight.

Offensively he played more like a small forward then a power forward. Defensively he looked more effective on the perimeter then in the post. That is what happened. Don't shoot the messenger.


Super Moderator Emeritus
ive been following the team since i was old enough to understand basketball so dont question that. the Kings have a lot of guards. if a couple weeks into the season Jimmer is still playing like he played tonight and doesnt improve. he WILL NOT be seeing the court much.
Word to the wise? You don't want to leave yourself open for further abuse by making comments like that around here. In case you haven't noticed, we've got a bunch of people who REALLY take their basketball seriously and if you don't bring the goods you'll be left by the side of the road wondering what kind of truck it was that ran you over.

Again, just a word to the wise.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I agree with you. He should play the position he is best at. I just don't know what position that is.

He didn't look very interested OR effective defending on the block. He went for the poke steal at least 3 times and the player just spun off him and scored an easy layup. He also didn't rebound particularly well against NBA size in Biyombo and Mullins. If he can't rebound against those guys, then he's going to have issues rebounding against anyone.

Right now, as a PF, he is already one of the best ball handlers in the league .. which has to make you wonder if he belongs there. To be honest, he looks like a better ball handler than a lot of SF's too. He can pass OFF THE DRIBBLE. That's an SF skill. Cousins can pass from the high post or on the block. That's a big man passing skill. Robinson is finding guys out on the break as a ball handler. He also runs the floor like an SF. And he didn't show much of a post game. Of course, he didn't get the ball on the block, but I can only go off of what I saw tonight.

Offensively he played more like a small forward then a power forward. Defensively he looked more effective on the perimeter then in the post. That is what happened. Don't shoot the messenger.

This was what I saw too. Game was horrid, but this development was interesting if nothing else.
I agree with you. He should play the position he is best at. I just don't know what position that is.

He didn't look very interested OR effective defending on the block. He went for the poke steal at least 3 times and the player just spun off him and scored an easy layup. He also didn't rebound particularly well against NBA size in Biyombo and Mullins. If he can't rebound against those guys, then he's going to have issues rebounding against anyone.

Right now, as a PF, he is already one of the best ball handlers in the league .. which has to make you wonder if he belongs there. To be honest, he looks like a better ball handler than a lot of SF's too. He can pass OFF THE DRIBBLE. That's an SF skill. Cousins can pass from the high post or on the block. That's a big man passing skill. Robinson is finding guys out on the break as a ball handler. He also runs the floor like an SF. And he didn't show much of a post game. Of course, he didn't get the ball on the block, but I can only go off of what I saw tonight.

Offensively he played more like a small forward then a power forward. Defensively he looked more effective on the perimeter then in the post. That is what happened. Don't shoot the messenger.
Again, we cannot read too much (if anything!) about tonights game. He was essentially the only NBA rotational player on the floor for us tonight and had to deal with a PG who couldn't even bring the ball up the damn court on his own.

The one thing I do feel tonights game really highlighted is how little Jimmer has progressed as a ball-handler and as a player. Flat out, he should be dominating in the summer league. No excuses. To me, he looked a lot worse tonight than he do most of his rookie season. I'll be watching him closely the next few games to see what happens.
Word to the wise? You don't want to leave yourself open for further abuse by making comments like that around here. In case you haven't noticed, we've got a bunch of people who REALLY take their basketball seriously .
i take my Kings basketball very seriously as well. how is that comment going to lead to further abuse? sounds a little ridiculous
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Again, we cannot read too much (if anything!) about tonights game. He was essentially the only NBA rotational player on the floor for us tonight and had to deal with a PG who couldn't even bring the ball up the damn court on his own.

The one thing I do feel tonights game really highlighted is how little Jimmer has progressed as a ball-handler and as a player. Flat out, he should be dominating in the summer league. No excuses. To me, he looked a lot worse tonight than he do most of his rookie season. I'll be watching him closely the next few games to see what happens.
Jimmer should have played better. But to say he should dominate against another PG who was actually drafted ahead of him last year is a bit of an overstatement.
I agree with you. He should play the position he is best at. I just don't know what position that is.

He didn't look very interested OR effective defending on the block. He went for the poke steal at least 3 times and the player just spun off him and scored an easy layup. He also didn't rebound particularly well against NBA size in Biyombo and Mullins. If he can't rebound against those guys, then he's going to have issues rebounding against anyone.

Right now, as a PF, he is already one of the best ball handlers in the league .. which has to make you wonder if he belongs there. To be honest, he looks like a better ball handler than a lot of SF's too. He can pass OFF THE DRIBBLE. That's an SF skill. Cousins can pass from the high post or on the block. That's a big man passing skill. Robinson is finding guys out on the break as a ball handler. He also runs the floor like an SF. And he didn't show much of a post game. Of course, he didn't get the ball on the block, but I can only go off of what I saw tonight.

Offensively he played more like a small forward then a power forward. Defensively he looked more effective on the perimeter then in the post. That is what happened. Don't shoot the messenger.
It's just weird. BJax said all of 2-3 days ago there's no way TRob would play SF. Now it looks like he's our best SF and we had no intention of playing him at PF tonight. I'm getting the impression Petrie/coaching staff don't know what we drafted. That isn't a knock on TRob at all, I love the guy and he'll help us. Players always revert to their strengths. But the quesiton has to be asked, did our FO and does our coaching staff even know the position of the player they drafted?

It's confusing. It's one freakin game and it already looks like we have no intention on using him at the position we drafted him for. TRob may very well turn out to be a SF. But did we fully intend on drafting him as a PF and pairing him with Cuz? If so, we're not good at scouting, to put it mildly. But if we did intend on using him as a SF, which I guess is possible, then we really, really have no depth up front.
ive been following the team since i was old enough to understand basketball so dont question that. the Kings have a lot of guards. if a couple weeks into the season Jimmer is still playing like he played tonight and doesnt improve. he WILL NOT be seeing the court much.
This opens you up for ridicule because it doesn't provide us with any useful information. It doesn't add to the conversation, it doesn't use any facts to back it up. All it does is say "trust me, I know what I am talking about." And you very well maybe know a lot about basketball and the Kings. NONE of us know that, all we can see is the posts you leave here which have been subpar to say the least.
I agree with you. He should play the position he is best at. I just don't know what position that is.

He didn't look very interested OR effective defending on the block. He went for the poke steal at least 3 times and the player just spun off him and scored an easy layup. He also didn't rebound particularly well against NBA size in Biyombo and Mullins. If he can't rebound against those guys, then he's going to have issues rebounding against anyone.

Right now, as a PF, he is already one of the best ball handlers in the league .. which has to make you wonder if he belongs there. To be honest, he looks like a better ball handler than a lot of SF's too. He can pass OFF THE DRIBBLE. That's an SF skill. Cousins can pass from the high post or on the block. That's a big man passing skill. Robinson is finding guys out on the break as a ball handler. He also runs the floor like an SF. And he didn't show much of a post game. Of course, he didn't get the ball on the block, but I can only go off of what I saw tonight.

Offensively he played more like a small forward then a power forward. Defensively he looked more effective on the perimeter then in the post. That is what happened. Don't shoot the messenger.
He seems to clearly be a PF with good pick n roll potential. He can guard 3s a little and handle the ball well for a PF, but that just makes him better at PF rather than more ideally a SF. For comparison's sake, Terrence Jones looked far better as a tweener in SL than TRobb did, but that just makes Jones a good potential stretch 4 since he can handle banging inside while still drawing defenses out on offense. Trobb works best from the FT line and in. The problem was that Jimmer was an absolute failure out there at PG and the rest of the summer league squad seemed void of ball handlers. When the Cats ran the 2-1 press, it left the inbounder to be the second ball handler and that was Robinson. He did pretty well, but that doesn't mean a position change.

If he can't adapt to NBA size as a PF then he won't be a starter in the league at 3 or 4. It is something he will have to adapt to and overcome. He's got enough hops to do it. You don't stunt his natural growth by screwing around with his position.
I would really laugh if the Kings started off 0-20 and then there is a big announcement.


It is ludicrous even that the Maloof's might do it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I would really laugh if the Kings started off 0-20 and then there is a big announcement.


It is ludicrous even that the Maloof's might do it.
been saying this since the beginning
I think I will go poke around the old posts after we drafted Jimmer to see peoples expectations. Most of them were about how we should have drafted someone else... but I think it will be interesting to see if people had him pegged as a point guard back then and not a kick out guy.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think I will go poke around the old posts after we drafted Jimmer to see peoples expectations. Most of them were about how we should have drafted someone else... but I think it will be interesting to see if people had him pegged as a point guard back then and not a kick out guy.
um, sactownfan already did that when he resurrected his thread from January of this year...
I didn't really think about Robinson at sf, but considering how similar guys like Derrick Williams and Beasley transitioned maybe I should have. All three came out billed as athletic, undersized, good rebounding power forwards with a high all around skill level. Beasley is a sf at this point and Williams seems to be heading down that path as well.

Robinson has improved that jumper a lot over the last couple of years, obviously he has to keep that going, and he's quick enough to stay in front of guys on the perimeter, so this seems like a pretty natural fit rather then playing a small pf out of position. It should be interesting to watch his maturation, although it could be a few years before he puts it all together.