apparently alot of people think curry is better than evans...

because he's a shooter

The only reason people think Curry is better is because he's a better shooter so he seems more efficient. If Tyreke can improve his outside shooting, he can lead us to championship. It's going to take a lot of work and I hope he works hard at it and not be happy with ROY. The controversy will hopefully push him to improve on his one weakness.
Both put up crazy numbers, and neither club would trade its own player for the other, but if I were to start a franchise I would choose Tyreke Evans.
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I think the warriors fan base is largely based with kids. I think most adults who like to follow basketball cannot be a fan of a team like that. So these little kids get enamored with curry's baby face and sweet jump shots and disregard the player who gets to the rim at will and plays stellar defense(cause remember, defense is not part of basketball).
I read that cra* for an hour. Thanks alot. Looks like three W's fans that like to do word gymnastics. I think they're comparing the wrong players anyway, it should be Jennings vs. Curry.

Jennings is better.
Me, I'd take Evans any day and twice on Sunday over Curry. Still, I think Curry will be a very good player in this league. I don't feel a need to trash Curry's obvious talent, just because I'd take Evans.
I read that cra* for an hour. Thanks alot. Looks like three W's fans that like to do word gymnastics. I think they're comparing the wrong players anyway, it should be Jennings vs. Curry.

Jennings is better.
lol BURN! It seems like a mistake made by the untrained eye. I can see how most casual fans would see Curry's sweet jumpshots and passes and have no problem ranking him ahead of Evans. The guy really is very good. Add that to the fact that the Kings had 1 or 2 nationally televised games all of last season and for some reason the Warriors had around a dozen. They won 2 more games than we did but were displayed for a national audience 1000% more than we were. If you dont get to watch Evans play then its that much harder to understand how good he is. Its a conspiracy i tell you.
This is like comparing Jim Brown and Walter Payton. Both Evans and Curry are very good young players. Evans was voted in as ROY. The best parts of Evans game are not in the stats....KB
This is like comparing Jim Brown and Walter Payton. Both Evans and Curry are very good young players. Evans was voted in as ROY. The best parts of Evans game are not in the stats....KB

I have a feeling that the people arguing Curry's supremacy would :confused::confused: at the mention of Sweetness and Brown.

In your example would Evans be Brown and Curry be Sweetness? I consider Brown to be one of the greatest pro athletes of all time, possibly number 1.
I agree with some of the guys over there said tho, it depends on which team and what situation it's at.

But if it's just a simply whos better, I don't think theres a question about it.


Hall of Famer
They're both good players with the chance to be great. One year does not a career make. Sometimes the second year in the NBA is the hardest. Everyone now knows your game, and the adjustments have to come. He who adjusts the best is the better player down the road. Having said that, I'd take either player on my team. Both would be great. Kudo's to both players for excelling far beyond the expectations of everyone. I think Evans and Curry were the two best rookies last year. Jennings isn't in the group yet. He's more of an incomplete player at this stage. I think his name was put up there because no one expected anything from him. But he definitely has talent and has a chance to be very good down the road.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I love Curry's game. I really do. And I was one who didn't think his game would translate to the NBA. He seemed like too much of a combo guard that lacked the size to play the two and the PG skill to play the point.

But he absolutely proved me wrong. He's got a tremendous feel for the game and hoops IQ, has great skills, especially shooting and eye opening (at least to me) ballhandling and passing ability and has a swagger to him. He improved as the year went on and in April he looked absolutely tremendous. He can play on the ball, off the ball, break down defenses, spot up or be a playmaker.

I'd take him on my team anytime and it's legitimate to question whether he's better than Evans.

But it's hard to say. They are such different players. Evans is a ball dominant slasher with tremendous size and physicality who also plays great defense. Personally, I'd call him the better talent with more superstar potential, but obviously I'm a Kings fan.

I think this next year will be a telling one for determining the overall career arc of both players and I'll enjoy watching both develop.
I love how some people here proclaim another forum naiive, ignorant, and going as far as to surmise that a general team fanbase be made up of children, wholly oblivious to the fact that they themselves are in a similar forum, with similar biases, with the same posters who were proclaiming Martin has a savior, Justin Williams as the next great find, talking about playoffs every year, and generally decrying any publication that does not put the Kings on top of the mantle along with the other great teams as "east coast bias," "market bias," "sacramento haters," etc.

Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

We, as a forum average/aggregate, are not better, or smarter, or more knowledgable than the next forum. We have good posters, we have idiot posters, we have posters who are objective, and we have posters that make threads about getting the ship after a 3 game win streak, just like every other forum.
Both put up crazy numbers, and neither club would trade its own player for the other, but if I were to start a franchise I would choose Tyreke Evans.
The Warriors would have to be pronounced dead if they refused an offer of Tyreke for Curry. But we know that would never happen and that mere mention of that will always get a good laugh around the campfire.
I love how some people here proclaim another forum naiive, ignorant, and going as far as to surmise that a general team fanbase be made up of children, wholly oblivious to the fact that they themselves are in a similar forum, with similar biases, with the same posters who were proclaiming Martin has a savior, Justin Williams as the next great find, talking about playoffs every year, and generally decrying any publication that does not put the Kings on top of the mantle along with the other great teams as "east coast bias," "market bias," "sacramento haters," etc.

Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

We, as a forum average/aggregate, are not better, or smarter, or more knowledgable than the next forum. We have good posters, we have idiot posters, we have posters who are objective, and we have posters that make threads about getting the ship after a 3 game win streak, just like every other forum.
Just stop with this. Some forums are better than others. Anyone who thinks Curry is better than Evans is either stupid, or having a very, very bad day.
I feel kind of dumb responding to people on another forum who wont see my response, but on the Curry vs. Evans debate, I can see why outsiders would go with Curry.

Curry was the better known prospect coming out of college ( ok, maybe not better, but I'd say more popular ). His run with Davidson a few years ago got him a ton of fans ( including myself ). He's a much better interview, and while he is kind of a combo guard, I would say he played point this year better than Evans, and his body is more geared towards playing point than Evans. When outsiders look at Evans, without watching him play 82 games like we do .. I think they assume he's a shooting guard who cant shoot and is playing out of position .. that he can do one with well ( get to the hoop ) and nothing else. Curry is quick, and a deadly shooter. He's a better play to watch ( if you're a fan of neither team ) .. Evans gets alot of his points at the line, and who likes to watch FT's?

Im not saying Curry is better than Evans, Im saying that I can see why fans of other teams prefer Curry. I'll take Evans and let them continue to argue about it though =]
I think it's funny that some GS fans say that Tyreke isn't a real point guard, and then say that Curry is the second coming of Steve Nash. Really? Your Steve Nash 2.0 averaged one tenth of an assist more per game than our selfish shooting guard then. That means, over a ten game stretch, expect Curry to collect one more assist than Tyreke.


Thats like saying you would rather have Jason Williams than Mike Bibby. Sure, JDub was flashy and fun to watch, and even played a good little game there. But you got wins with Mike Bibby.
im not sure where to post this but, my friend forwarded me this link of an ongoing argument over curry and evans. whoever thinks curry is better than tyreke doesn't know anything about basketball. well theres the link to the forum, its great comedy; how naive people are. a poll)
Why do you feel people are naive who think that? IMH, people are naive if they think it's not even close. Curry is a quality guard who already has a more refined skillset. Evans has a bigger upside, but at this point in time, it's not clearcut by any means.


Why do you feel people are naive who think that? IMH, people are naive if they think it's not even close. Curry is a quality guard who already has a more refined skillset. Evans has a bigger upside, but at this point in time, it's not clearcut by any means.
Anyways. At the end of the game, when it is WINNING time, give me Tyreke everyday all day and 17 times on Thursday. Curry disappeared when it was winning time. Evans stepped it up. Evans is a finisher, and you canNOT teach that. I can't emphasize it enough, to have someone who has a game built for success in the playoffs, WHEN IT COUNTS, is so much more valuable than a regular season guy who can light it up for 3 quarters (Peja vs. Robert Horry anyone?). And the best part about Evans is that unlike Horry, he can carry you in the regular season as well as bop your head in when it comes time to step on your throat. Curry can't do that. And Curry can't take the defensive assignment to shut down the other teams dominant preimeter threat. You don't put Curry on the Wades and the Kobes. But you damn sure can put Tyreke on those guys when you want to. Remember the Arenas.......
Anyways. At the end of the game, when it is WINNING time, give me Tyreke everyday all day and 17 times on Thursday. Curry disappeared when it was winning time. Evans stepped it up. Evans is a finisher, and you canNOT teach that. I can't emphasize it enough, to have someone who has a game built for success in the playoffs, WHEN IT COUNTS, is so much more valuable than a regular season guy who can light it up for 3 quarters (Peja vs. Robert Horry anyone?). And the best part about Evans is that unlike Horry, he can carry you in the regular season as well as bop your head in when it comes time to step on your throat. Curry can't do that. And Curry can't take the defensive assignment to shut down the other teams dominant preimeter threat. You don't put Curry on the Wades and the Kobes. But you damn sure can put Tyreke on those guys when you want to. Remember the Arenas.......
Dude, I'm not even trying to make the argument that Curry is superior. Last season, Evans had a better season. But to act as if there isn't even a legit comparison is flat out wrong. Both are very talented players, and they haven't even had enough time in the game yet to accurately compare them.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Sorry, it really isn't that close.

Many people are blown back by the furor of the Curry jockers and shaken in their convictions to some extent. I am not. I fancy myself a better basketball observer than all but a handful of those dips. But we can play a game that one of the posters in that thread was playing: name me one player in forever who has played like Stephen Curry and led his team to the Finals. Not even winning it. Just to the Finals. While you are working on that (and you better start breaking out your books on the Cold War) I will name you players who have similar traits -- power game, complete game, to the basket game, plays both sides -- to Reke and have been there just in the last 10-15 years. Kobe, Wade, Parker (to the basket game, smaller so already inferior overall), MJ, Billups, Pierce, Kidd and Payton for that matter share more traits with Reke than Curry...all those guys = power guys. To the basket guys (old Kobe obviously has become more jumper oriented). Post guys. Guys who fill up the stat sheet. THAT'S how you win the NBA. Not running up and down the floor chucking up jumpers and giving ah isn't he cute interviews. That's for the tourists.

You win by phsyically overwhelming people, beating them up inside.


Dude, I'm not even trying to make the argument that Curry is superior. Last season, Evans had a better season. But to act as if there isn't even a legit comparison is flat out wrong. Both are very talented players, and they haven't even had enough time in the game yet to accurately compare them.
Curry will never be the 2-way player Tyreke is, and you can't teach size and strength. Sorry, he is more refined right now, but Evans will kick his *** up and down I80.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Curry will never be the 2-way player Tyreke is, and you can't teach size and strength. Sorry, he is more refined right now, but Evans will kick his *** up and down I80 while speeding with one hand on the wheel and the other holding Curry's head in his lap.
watch the colorful comments, that's taking it too far.