Hoopsworld says Monroe to the Kings

Lets see, one rumor says he wants to be in Detroit and the other rumor says he's good to go for several teams including the Kings. Why do people always choose the bad rumor when they have a choice.

Frankly, I don't really care what his preference is. If we draft him he'll play here. If the team becomes good and we win, he'll want to stay here. But right now that would be 4 years away. So I'm not going to worry about it now. Webb didn't want to come here either.
I said that before Cousins' twitter


Hall of Famer
Keep in mind that last year, when the fanbase was mostly in the tank for Rubio, there were tons of small hints, one after the other, that we weren't going to pick Rubio. These included things like Evans coming back for a second workout and Petrie saying he was only going to take a player that was going to help us immediately.

This year, with the fanbase mostly in the tank for Cousins, there are once again tons of small hints that we aren't going with Cousins, including a Monroe second workout and a bunch of small reports suggesting our interest in Monroe rather than Cousins.

History appears to be repeating itself. Buckle up, prepare yourself accordingly, and trust that this year's results will be as good as last year's, despite how you may have felt about the draft at the time.

(And an additional note: with Detroit's apparent deep interest in Cousins, if he falls to us and we pick him, don't pop the champagne too soon, especially if Detroit takes Monroe. There's a pretty good chance we'll swap the picks...and since there's not much "candy" on Detroit's roster to sweeten the deal, it would not be inconceivable that we ask Detroit to "buy" an available first-rounder for us. Miami's #18 is one that has been rumored to be potentially for sale. If such an event goes down, an official announcement wouldn't happen until after the "bought" pick, though unofficial reports might come through beforehand. If we take Cousins, it might be a long night before we're confident we're keeping him.)
While there's logic in your reasoning, there's also a distinct difference between scenarios. Last year Petrie made a statement that everyone chose to ignore. He said the Kings wouldn't draft any Player that couldn't play for the Kings in the upcoming season. That all but guaranteed that the Kings wouldn't pick Rubio. Also in Rubio's one workout, apparently he didn't impress the Kings staff very much. The opposite is true with Cousins. I'm not saying that your wrong, but I'm betting that the Kings go for the best talent.


Hall of Famer
Good post. I'd mildly disagree with the first point and say the subtle signs point to it being a photo finish for Monroe and Cousins more than anything. The big difference being that Cousins came here and knocked a workout out of the park.

The second part is a real possibility as well. Though there's perhaps more candy than you're giving them credit for. They could take Cisco's contract, we could like Austin Daye, Jerebko and/or Maxiell as well.
One other difference in the first scenario is that last year, while everyone seemed to be on the Rubio bandwagon, there was no huge anti-Evans group. This year is different. While most seem to want Cousins, there is an equally large group that will throw up if we draft Monroe.


Hall of Famer
I follow NBA a lot in addition to Kings, and this is definitely a stickler. To everyone outside of Kingsland, we still run the Princeton. It's what we are "known" for. But besides a few backdoor cuts from Hawes/Miller to Beno/Kmart, we haven't been anywhere close to Princeton for a long time.

Perceptions are hard to change, especially with us being small market and out of the national eye. Last time we were relevant was w/the Princeton, and it will continue until we are relevant again.
Your absolutely right. Plus, for some reason everyone outside of Sacramento seems to think were desperately searching for, and in need of another SF.
One other difference in the first scenario is that last year, while everyone seemed to be on the Rubio bandwagon, there was no huge anti-Evans group. This year is different. While most seem to want Cousins, there is an equally large group that will throw up if we draft Monroe.
True but that doesn't have any effect on the decision making process. So I don't think its much use in predicting what will actually happen.

I think Capt Fact's main point is that those who are going to throw up need to relax a little and make some peace with the idea. Because based off speculation (Kings like him maybe more than Cousins) and the facts (two workouts) Monroe is obviously a real possibility.
i think the only way minny considers trading down its going to be us or GS. because if cousins is gone and we take monroe , there is no chance johnson slips past GS. minny would be psychotic to not come away with either cousins or johnson in this draft.

I agree with this. Especially when teams like Houston are talking about trading up for #4. I really don't see what Houston has to offer that would make it worth the Wolves time to trade back 10 spots.
I keep seeing that, too. Has me scratching my head. :confused:
Well - we may be DESPERATELY needing a 3, but the stark reality is that none of the 3's we currently have have shown they are going to be anything but average NBA players.

In my opinion, I don't think that you NOT draft Wesley Johnson because you have the triumverate of Garcia/Casspi/Greene there right now.
Whiteside had two workouts as well and no body is worrying about us picking him.

Petrie said he liked 6 guys if i remember rightly i assume thats spread over the 2 picks.

I fear Monroe is the pick; If we improve next season i think it'll be down to the impact of Dalembert rather than Monroe.

he doesn't dominate and he'll probably be stepping out throwing up long mid rangers.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Tyreke Evans is already on record as endorsing DeMarcus Cousins. He hasn't endorsed anyone else in this draft. Since drafting Evans we've already got rid of Hawes, Nocioni, and Martin for Landry and Dalembert. Considering how highly everyone related to the Kings front office or coaching staff talk about Tyreke Evans, I have to believe his opinion on the matter will be weighed heavily. If Monroe and Cousins are both there, we're not going to risk pissing off our franchise player by taking Monroe. I don't see it happening. And if it does happen, oh boy, it's not just going to be the fans who are upset this year.

Of course if Cousins is off the board already than all bets are off. And so we hope and pray...
According to Chad Ford's twitter:

"Another strong workout for Cousins in NJ today vs. Favors. He shot the lights out again. From what I gather it's now a toss-up in NJ @ 3"

ugh, this draft is going to be a tough one to watch...
if they take him at 3... favors will be surely taken by the tpups

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I think the problem the bulk of the fans have with Monroe is that his performance in college just wasn't up to par for an NBA quality big man. 9.6 boards and 1.5 blocks in 34 minutes per game is less than what Cousins did in 1/3 of the time.
Let's try not to exaggerate here. Your statement, taken literally (using 1/3 instead of the actual value of 68.7%), says that per minute Cousins was over three times as productive as Monroe. Not remotely.

Per-40, pace-adjusted, Cousins: 24.5 pts, 15.9 reb, 2.9 blk, 1.6 ast

Per-40, pace-adjusted, Monroe: 19.0 pts, 11.3 reb, 1.8 blk, 4.4 ast

Cousins had better numbers, but try to be in the right ballpark when comparing the two.
Tyreke Evans is already on record as endorsing DeMarcus Cousins. He hasn't endorsed anyone else in this draft. Since drafting Evans we've already got rid of Hawes, Nocioni, and Martin for Landry and Dalembert. Considering how highly everyone related to the Kings front office or coaching staff talk about Tyreke Evans, I have to believe his opinion on the matter will be weighed heavily. If Monroe and Cousins are both there, we're not going to risk pissing off our franchise player by taking Monroe. I don't see it happening. And if it does happen, oh boy, it's not just going to be the fans who are upset this year.

Of course if Cousins is off the board already than all bets are off. And so we hope and pray...
I doubt that. 20 year olds shouldn't be making draft picks no matter how good they are. Tyreke will be happy if we get the best player. He thinks its Cousins, I think its Cousins and I bet Petrie thinks its Cousins too...but if Petrie thinks its Monroe then that's who he should take.
According to Chad Ford's twitter:

"Another strong workout for Cousins in NJ today vs. Favors. He shot the lights out again. From what I gather it's now a toss-up in NJ @ 3"

ugh, this draft is going to be a tough one to watch...

Heres a write up about the workout-

Well, we could hope that the 76ers take Favors, letting Turner fall to the Nets.

Anyways...we just traded a top 10 pick, still on his rookie deal, for a backup C/expiring contract. The worst part? It was a good deal for us. Even worse yet? He was more physically gifted and skilled than Monroe. We just got rid of a big softy...one that we hoped would 'get it' year after year. He didn't 'get it', because he's soft. I don't want to go through that experience again, especially with a player that has less potential than Hawes.
I think the problem the bulk of the fans have with Monroe is that his performance in college just wasn't up to par for an NBA quality big man. 9.6 boards and 1.5 blocks in 34 minutes per game is less than what Cousins did in 1/3 of the time. Run far away from a "big man" who in college averages 1.5 blocks per game in 35 minutes. Those numbers extrapolate out awfully to the NBA. If a big man doesn't have the athleticism to dominate in college, why would he have the athleticism to make an impact in the NBA?
No player stacks up well to Cousins because Cousins was one of the most productive per minute players in recent college basketball history. However Monroe did foul less in more minutes, and of course the minutes. You can't do anything from the bench and its a good thing Monroe played 34 mpg, and a minus that Cousins played 23 mpg.

Monroe was mere fractions away from leading his team in every single counting stat: points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks. This was a very good team in a very tough league and he carried them as a 19 year old. I still think Cousins will be better, but anyone saying Monroe's performance "wasn't up to par" doesn't know what they are talking about.


Hall of Famer
True but that doesn't have any effect on the decision making process. So I don't think its much use in predicting what will actually happen.

I think Capt Fact's main point is that those who are going to throw up need to relax a little and make some peace with the idea. Because based off speculation (Kings like him maybe more than Cousins) and the facts (two workouts) Monroe is obviously a real possibility.
I just curious where the speculation comes from. I've heard nothing from Petrie or any Kings official that they're in love with Monroe. I hear most of that from pundits on the east coast, or from other teams pr dept. Petrie was almost asked point blank on Grants show, what was the deciding factor when a player is very talented and is known to have other issues. Petrie sort of danced around the isssue by saying that sometimes you can get an entirely different impression of a player when you go out into a relaxed atmosphere of a resturant and sit around an just chat about things over dinner.

Jerry Reynolds on the rise guys show said that every team would love to draft nice guys, but if a player is talented enough you can live with a some immaturity problems. As I've said before, I'm not a big Monroe fan. But if the Kings pick him then I'll live with it and hope like hell that I'm wrong and they're right.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Well with Cousins you're looking at a guy who might be the most talented player in this draft. He has the talent to be a franchise center. If he somehow falls to us, that would be a godsend. With Monroe you're looking at a typical lottery big -- very good at some things, questionable at others and lacking in either size or athleticism (in his case, the latter). It's really hard to get excited about Monroe with Cousins right over there dominating.

But giving Monroe his due, his talent at passing the ball is something you can't teach. Georgetown players don't usually put up numbers that compare favorably to other prospects because of the way they play. They're slow and deliberate and they like to get a lot of players involved. I don't have any problem saying that he's a better player than Hawes, now and in the future. And he will be a valuable part of an NBA team as long as that team is willing to get him the ball and let him make decisions. It's an interesting option for us because it basically means there'd be another play maker out there for the offense to work around.

At best he's a complimentary piece on a good team though, not a franchise cornerstone. For example, Lamar Odom was basically an afterthought on this year's Lakers team. That's the tradeoff when you get a player like that who's key strength is "versatility". He can help your team in a lot of ways, but he's not good enough at any one thing to be a guy you're going to gameplan around. So we're only getting marginally better at a time when we really need to be acquiring that #2 option. If Tyreke and company continue to improve, we may not get another top 5 pick for a long time.

What bothers me the most about the Greg Monroe at 5 rumor though is that it really sets us up as the suckers in this draft. What it looks like right now is that Minnesota and New Jersey are both in a position to make big moves and we're left out in the cold because we've shown our hand too early. That may not be the case, but that's how it appears. Favors, Cousins, and Johnson should all be in play for 3 through 5 and we might have a shot at Favors or Cousins if we're willing to deal. Settling for Monroe and seeing Golden State or Detroit make the deal we wouldn't make would be incredibly depressing.


Hall of Famer
Let's try not to exaggerate here. Your statement, taken literally (using 1/3 instead of the actual value of 68.7%), says that per minute Cousins was over three times as productive as Monroe. Not remotely.

Per-40, pace-adjusted, Cousins: 24.5 pts, 15.9 reb, 2.9 blk, 1.6 ast

Per-40, pace-adjusted, Monroe: 19.0 pts, 11.3 reb, 1.8 blk, 4.4 ast

Cousins had better numbers, but try to be in the right ballpark when comparing the two.
I believe Cousins played around 23 minutes a game and Monroe played 35 minutes a game. And your per 40 numbers are correct. And based on those numbers, who would you want? Also consider that Monroe was in his second year and Cousins was in his first.
If we draft Monroe with Cousins on the board I'm going to explode on draft day. :mad:
Same here.. I'll be pissed off for a day or so but then I will come around to the whole Monroe pick.. I don't really hate Monroe or anything. If Cousins is off the board I expect the Kings to take Monroe and I would be happy, BUT if Cousins is still on the board and we take Monroe I will be pretty upset.


Hall of Famer
So far I've heard nothing from the Kings about the last Monroe workout. But it didn't sound good that the Warriors reported that Samhan out played Monroe in their meeting the next day. Its not like the Kings to say anything bad about a player, but they have been known to say good things. They certainly pointed out that Cousins had a good workout. So read into it what you want, by the Kings saying nothing about Monroe's last workout.

As an aside, I hope they invite Samham to play on the summer league team. I really like the kid and he's breath of fresh air when interviewed.
Basically, Monroe is Brad Miller V 2.0

Ehhh I wouldn't call him Brad Miller.. He is a mix between a few players and Brad Miller might be one of them though. He's probably a role player at best though. I can see a 15ppg 8rpg 3apg 0.5bpg career. Just good enough to stay in the starting lineup on a fringe playoff team. He's not tough enough to make it as a star in the league. He lacks the killer instinct, and the attitude that goes with it. Monroe is soft..

But that being said if Cousins is gone he is the player I want because there is that small chance he could be a decent player and prove all the haters wrong. So I am kind of torn..

Bottom line for me though, the more I like Cousins the less I like Monroe..


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Hmmm, lets see now:

Cousins is best Big but has some buts....
Detroit wants Cousins but he won't be there at 7
Monroe is a 4 not a 5
Kings really need a dedicated center
Kings/Petrie might prefer Aldrich or Orton or Whiteside to backup Dalembert
Kings could trade down to DET at 7, get Prince (scorer) and #7 for their #5
Kings need some shooter/scorers particularly from 3pt range (2nd rounders)

somehow a draft day trade goes down involving the Kings getting a scorer and a center they like to backup Dalembert in first round. After that, bring on summer league.
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I just curious where the speculation comes from. I've heard nothing from Petrie or any Kings official that they're in love with Monroe. I hear most of that from pundits on the east coast, or from other teams pr dept. Petrie was almost asked point blank on Grants show, what was the deciding factor when a player is very talented and is known to have other issues. Petrie sort of danced around the isssue by saying that sometimes you can get an entirely different impression of a player when you go out into a relaxed atmosphere of a resturant and sit around an just chat about things over dinner.

Jerry Reynolds on the rise guys show said that every team would love to draft nice guys, but if a player is talented enough you can live with a some immaturity problems. As I've said before, I'm not a big Monroe fan. But if the Kings pick him then I'll live with it and hope like hell that I'm wrong and they're right.
Not to be a wiseass, but the speculation comes from the people who are speculating like the title of this thread ;)....

...I just meant there are numerous outlets who've reported that sources have told them the Kings might like Monroe over Cousins. The Hoopsworld guy says he "has it on good authority", Ford said "Sources say Kings had Monroe ranked higher, but Cousins workout might give them pause"...Maybe their sources are bogus, but that's why I said its speculation and not fact like the two workouts he's had.

Either way, the point is that Monroe is clearly in contention whether you and others like it or not. Could be first, second, or third, who really knows?...But if you had to bet your house in Baja on who the Kings will get and you could say two names, wouldn't Monroe be one of them?
Let's try not to exaggerate here. Your statement, taken literally (using 1/3 instead of the actual value of 68.7%), says that per minute Cousins was over three times as productive as Monroe. Not remotely.

Per-40, pace-adjusted, Cousins: 24.5 pts, 15.9 reb, 2.9 blk, 1.6 ast

Per-40, pace-adjusted, Monroe: 19.0 pts, 11.3 reb, 1.8 blk, 4.4 ast

Cousins had better numbers, but try to be in the right ballpark when comparing the two.
I had meant in 2/3 the time - just FYI.

Either way, Cousins is MUCH more productive in the right categories (rebounds and blocks).

Pick the most dominant big men in the NBA right now or over the past 15 years. Go back and look at their college production and compare against the above. You tell me whose numbers translate out to better NBA production.