Kings Preseason game 2 vs. Portland. Wed 7 p.m. Game Thread (redux)

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Well, he may yet turn out to be Shaq 2 -- that was the thought when he was drafted. But if not, big, strong, physical inside player = gee, shocker he would join our Wiltzilla list, since we as a franchise seem to have made a conscious choice to avoid those sorts of guys, because they never like, you know, when titles or anything.

Well, regardless, I don't think the answer is to throw Kenny Thomas out there! hahaha.
Ok, I cant help myself.

I dont care what excuse Westphal uses, Greene needs to play in this game.

I cant stress this enough. The fact that he didnt get in.... unbelievable.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Um, I'm pretty sure we didn't have much of a chance to get Greg Oden, considering how he was taken #1 and all...

Come on, Brickie. I know you love to poke sticks at Petrie but just what imposing bigs have we passed over?

I never said anything about us getting Oden. Although given that we should have been in intetnional rebuild mode by that time, would have been nice to have had a few more ping pong balls in the race.

I am talking about the entirety of Geoff's soft little tenure in Sacramento. Finesse finesse finesse finesse and oh, maybe let's add a little more finesse. And then the big bully on the block comes along and kicks sand in our face, and gee, its such a shock. You don't get a soft label stuck to your franchise for ten years straight, some of them even good years, by accident.

Our young bigs are our young bigs, and they are a significant part of any hope we have as a franchise. But there is absolutely positively 100% no doubt what needs to be added to our frontcourt before we're going to scare anybody. And that's size and toughness. As oh, half of this little fan board was able to easily diagnose that over the summer. And for years for that matter.
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depressing... Casspi and Brockman should be getting Thomas' time out there. Im already not liking the rotations.. yah yah i know its pre-season but we need those guys to get comfortable.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ok, I cant help myself.

I dont care what excuse Westphal uses, Greene needs to play in this games.

I cant stress this enough. The fact that he didnt get in.... unbelievable.
I guess we have diametrically opposing views on this. This isn't a junior high school tryout. This is the NBA. If Donte Greene isn't seeing court time, I'm going to believe there's a reason. And considering how disappointing he's been thus far (especially for a #5 pick that Houston had no real problem getting rid of), I have to think it's more likely his own fault than Westphal's... I've yet to hear or read anything that says Donte Greene is doing anything to impress anyone.
Just a guess. Maybe Greene has not matured from last season, maybe he's slacking in practice, maybe Coach W has already decided he's not going to be part of his Kings plan - meaning Reno is in the cards. Who knows?


Super Moderator Emeritus
I never said anything about us getting Oden. Although given that we should have been in intetnional rebuild mode by that time, would have been nice to have had a few more ping pong balls in the race.

I am talking about the entirety of Geoff's soft little tenure in Sacramento. Finesse finesse finesse finesse and oh, maybe let's add a little more finesse. And then the big bully on the block comes along and kicks sand in our face, and gee, its such a shock. You don't get a soft label stuck to your franchise for ten years straight, some of them even good years, by accident.

Our young bigs are our young bigs, and they are a significant part of any hope we have as a franchise. But there is absolutely positively 100% no doubt what needs to be added to our frontcourt before we're going to scare anybody. And that's size and toughness. As oh, half of this little fan board was able to esily diagnoase over the summer.
I don't disagree with our obvious frontcourt woes. What I was finding fault with was the idea that Petrie intentionally passed over Oden-caliber players. It's not about "we should/could have had more ping pong balls." It's about who we picked when our turn came up.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Not until the regular season....because right now, wins only matter to some of us fans.


I don't care about pre-season wins. Never have. I want to know that they're working on finding the right combinations of players, that the players are getting to know each other in real game situations, and that if nothing else, we're going to see a TEAM this year instead of a bunch of guys who look like they found a box of matching jerseys.
I guess we have diametrically opposing views on this. This isn't a junior high school tryout. This is the NBA. If Donte Greene isn't seeing court time, I'm going to believe there's a reason. And considering how disappointing he's been thus far (especially for a #5 pick that Houston had no real problem getting rid of), I have to think it's more likely his own fault than Westphal's... I've yet to hear or read anything that says Donte Greene is doing anything to impress anyone.
He warrants playing time because we traded our best player Artest for him.hes young and He needs court time.. so what if he fails out there at the start.. at least hes getting the experience to turn that failure into success next time around. he dosent need to see kenny thomas taking all his minutes especially since kenny hasnt gotten off the bench for like 4 years.
Not until the regular season....because right now, wins only matter to us fans.
I'm trying to remember that...

Will say I'm happy about showing a bit of character coming back in the 4th.

Other than that, will wait until I can actually, you know, see a game before I can really comment on anything.


I never said anything about us getting Oden. Although given that we should have been in intetnional rebuild mode by that time, would have been nice to have had a few more ping pong balls in the race.
If I remember correctly, the reason we didn't get that pick was because we beat the clippers at the end of the year cuz Muss needed to go out a winner before getting fired. We lose that game and we end up ?7th? which is where Portland was when they won the lottery.

But everything else you said was spot on.
why does our 23rd pick only have 10 minutes played....

If you're going to play to win then at least win, you idiot Westphal.

Kenny Thomas and Nocioni playing more than Brockman, Casspi and Greene (who sat out the entire game) is completely ****ing unacceptable. Paul Westfail isn't gaining any points with me, I'll tell you that much.


Super Moderator Emeritus
He warrants playing time because we traded our best player Artest for him.hes young and He needs court time.. so what if he fails out there at the start.. at least hes getting the experience to turn that failure into success next time around. he dosent need to see kenny thomas taking all his minutes especially since kenny hasnt gotten off the bench for like 4 years.
Oh please. Saying he "deserves" playing time is bogus to begin with, especially when you're using the Artest trade as a rationale. Greene had chances last year and he was singularly UNIMPRESSIVE. Face it; he could easily be the Joe Kleine of this team, except that we didn't actually burn a high draft pick on him. Houston did. We just inherited him when we finally found someone to take Artest off our hands.
Well the team with the worst record last year played one of the better teams in the western conference close. And did it without their starting center. Once again Reke, Omri and Brock played well.

At this point losing close is an improvement!



Super Moderator Emeritus
Was this in disagreement at some point?
There is a small but vocal group of people that, for whatever reason, seems to think Donte Greene is, in fact, a diamond in the rough. It's been everyone else's fault but his that his brilliance has not been allowed to shine.

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