Kings get #4 pick

Im actually ok with this. In my opinion Blake will be a very good player (21 and 11) but I just dont see him as an anchor player. He cant post up, isnt a long player and is average at best on defense. I wanted Rubio but Jennings will probably be the pick and will give us a dynamic backcourt to go with a promising young frontcourt. Getting a coach with an actual system and adding a few role players we should be making some major strides.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Jeeez, this sucks but reading some of these posts is hilarious. We are a crappy team right now, we were still going to be a crappy team next year and by all accounts this is a pretty crappy draft with no guaranteed superstars. Sometimes those are the drafts where 5 years later you look back and the guys that get picked in the mid lotto spots become steals. Nobody we drafted this year was going to turn things around immediately. Maybe next year we improve our standing 3 or 4 spots and luck into a top 3 pick in a better draft. Maybe not. Its hardly the end of the world. May as well take a chance on Jennings here.


Hall of Famer
Jeeez, this sucks but reading some of these posts is hilarious. We are a crappy team right now, we were still going to be a crappy team next year and by all accounts this is a pretty crappy draft with no guaranteed superstars. Sometimes those are the drafts where 5 years later you look back and the guys that get picked in the mid lotto spots become steals. Nobody we drafted this year was going to turn things around immediately. Maybe next year we improve our standing 3 or 4 spots and luck into a top 3 pick in a better draft. Maybe not. Its hardly the end of the world. May as well take a chance on Jennings here.

Not a problem

1. Clippers (Baron Davis already at PG)

2. Memphis (Conley at PG, need defensive presence inside like Thabeet)

3. OKC (Russell Westbrook)

4. Which leaves us with Rubio!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the optimisim, but I don't think Memphis would pass on Rubio because of Conley.


Hall of Famer
Not a problem

1. Clippers (Baron Davis already at PG)

2. Memphis (Conley at PG, need defensive presence inside like Thabeet)

3. OKC (Russell Westbrook)

4. Which leaves us with Rubio!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Clippers - (Griffin)

2. Memphis - didn't they trade Gasol por bag of chips.

3. OKC - won't even get a chance

4. Kings - ****ing luck - You ****ing suck all season for this. Bull****.
Not a problem

1. Clippers (Baron Davis already at PG)

2. Memphis (Conley at PG, need defensive presence inside like Thabeet)

3. OKC (Russell Westbrook)

4. Which leaves us with Rubio!!!!!!!!!!!
Clips: Griffin (BPA)
Memphis: Rubio (BPA, Conley not a sure thing. They take Rubio, and see what pans out)
OKC: Thabeet (giving them the Tysonesque defending center they wanted)
Sac: CRAP.
This is where Petrie is really going to have to work for his money. Honestly, if we're stagnant and contempt with the 4th pick and do nothing else, I'd be on the fire Petrie bandwagon. Obviously the NBA isn't going to give us handouts, we need to be aggessive and better our situation by ourselves. It's a disgusting situation, but at the same time, we need to make things work. I'm still pretty devestated.
Chad Ford is such an idiot. Memphis already has Marc Gasol. They're not taking Thabeet #2 over Rubio.

Edit: Well, then again, I forgot who Memphis' GM is.
If Ford is right then I don't see Russell Westbrook and Rubio working well together. I don't like Westbrook at the 2 nearly as much as him at the 1. Westbrook is only 6'3", pretty much too short for shooting guard.
I really think you can book #1 Griffin, #2 Rubio, #3 Thabeet. The Kings' only hope is that OKC decides it wants to plug their SG spot with Harden. But the thing is, they already tried to bring in Tyson Chandler, and it's easier to plug the SG spot than finding a Chandler-esque center.

#1. Griffin
#2. Rubio
#3. Thabeet
#4. ???
My take.......

I am warming to this pick actually by the minute, and to make you feel better, check the 1996 NBA Draft for evidence. We'll get this. Listening to Gavin (I think) on Sportsline, I am also warming to them as well. It's Stern I loathe.

I still think we'll be playing for Stoudamire, and possibly still end up with Rubio. Not all is lost....and I am still excited about Westphal, Rambis, and TT more than Eddie Jordan.

Chin up.........much as this sucks, I think this team has always performed best as the underdog. Now should be no different. And (hopefully) Geoff can have confidence in his coach, pick, and moves and stick around a while longer.....
Okc will definitely not get a chance at rubio. Why would the grizz pass on him? Thabeet is perfect in okc. He wont be required to do anything on offense aside from dunk. He can stick to what he does best. Block shots and take up space.
what a joke, absolute sham, webber and his #4. If petrie loves rubio that much i see us trading 4th for the 2nd pick. Then again the clips might as well take rubio considering there PG situation.

Jennings it is
I really think you can book #1 Griffin, #2 Rubio, #3 Thabeet. The Kings' only hope is that OKC decides it wants to plug their SG spot with Harden. But the thing is, they already tried to bring in Tyson Chandler, and it's easier to plug the SG spot than finding a Chandler-esque center.

#1. Griffin
#2. Rubio
#3. Thabeet
#4. ???
Why would you ditch Conley/Westbrook? If anything, I think 2/3 will trade for a big...

As for four, something tells me Tyreke Evans or Jennings could be a match, although Jerry Reynolds was VERY down on Jennings on the radio show, for what it's worth......
Why would you ditch Conley/Westbrook? If anything, I think 2/3 will trade for a big...

As for four, something tells me Tyreke Evans or Jennings could be a match, although Jerry Reynolds was VERY down on Jennings on the radio show, for what it's worth......
Memphis was trying to ditch Conley ALL YEAR. They were trying to get Sessions. Who would YOU choose between Rubio and Conley?
The league can take their 4th pick and shove it up their azzes!! The Maloofs better let Petrie do his thing, if not we're going to suck for another 5 years. Petrie has his work cut out for him, for sure. I'm pissed, bu whatever...our 'luck' continues...even when we suck, we lose! They should play Sinatra's 'Here's to the Losers' after every game at Arco. Hey, 75 more years of this crap and we'll be the Cubs of the NBA.