Weird, it's my pick again and I'm about to pick some evilness I intended to select rounds ago but pushed back because I needed to shore up some other needs first. Now, I'm picking this evilness only because I can't decide where I want to go right now. Amazing how things play out...
Anywhoooz...MBF selects
IT/Pennywise - IT
With this pick I have either violated something I tacitly agreed to but never pinky sweared to, I think there is a technical loophole to exploit..
or just set myself up to get the crap scared out of me again. Not sure. But oh well...I was going here 3 picks ago before I got distracted.
I completely and wholeheartedly admit to coulrophobia - a phobia I have repeatedly argued is completely rational and with valid cause. Meet exhibit A...Pennywise. The dudes who shove themselves into cars and make balloon animals are just working up to the vileness of Pennywise, I had them figured out years ago.
But IT (as it manifests itself in clown-form or just for kicks spiders, which freak me out just a tad less than clowns, yay) is just pure evilness and by pure evilness I mean evilness in its very essence. The clown and spider thing are just physical manifestations so we can fully appreciate its scary nastiness before it scares you to death or drives you insane, your choice really. May want to put some shades on for the deadlights... :shudder: This is Team MBF's shock and awe component...if um, you survive that then you get the rest of the baddies...again, your choice...