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Looks like DC has killed off Bruce Wayne. Like Marvel killed off Steve Rogers (Captain America).

Vaporized by Darkseid. Broke Batman rule #1 and used a gun (with a special bullet I'm guessing) to kill Darkseid at the same time.

Rumored that Dick Grayson or one of the other Robin's will be taking over as the Batman character from now on.

I've recently been keeping up with my childhood super-heroes thanks to Wikipedia. Looks like the current trend with comics now is when characters die they stay dead and mantle gets replaced (so far).
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Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Um, I guess this is a reminder not to eat poisonous fish testicles....

...but should that REALLY be necessary? :eek:,2933,483504,00.html

TOKYO — Seven diners in northern Japan fell ill and three remained hospitalized Tuesday after eating blowfish testicles prepared in a restaurant not authorized to serve the poisonous delicacy.
The owner of the restaurant in Tsuruoka city, who is also the chef, had no license to serve blowfish and was being questioned on suspicion of professional negligence, police official Yoshihito Iwase said.
Blowfish, while extremely poisonous if not prepared properly, is considered a delicacy in Japan and is consumed by thrill-seeking gourmets.
Iwase said the seven men ordered sashimi and grilled blowfish testicles at the restaurant Monday night.
Shortly after, they developed limb paralysis and breathing trouble and started to lose consciousness — typical signs of blowfish poisoning — and were rushed to a hospital for treatment, Iwase said.
A 68-year-old diner remained hospitalized in critical condition with respiratory failure and two others, aged 55 and 69, were in serious condition, he said.
"It's scary. If you go to a decent-looking restaurant that serves fugu, you would assume a cook has a proper fugu license," Iwase said, using the Japanese term for blowfish.
Blowfish poison, called tetrodotoxin, is nearly 100 times more poisonous than potassium cyanide, according to the Ishikawa Health Service Association. It can cause death within an hour and a half after consumption.
Three people died and 44 others were sickened by blowfish poisoning in 2007 — most of them after catching the fish and cooking it at home — according to the Health Ministry.
Fugu is a delicacy primarily because of the riskiness of eating it. The thrill of eating something that could kill me somehow escapes me. Of course, you won't find me free-climbing cliffs either. Commuting to work on two-lane Hwy 99 is all the risk I can stand. ;)


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Registered Nurse Fired After Saving Boss' Life,2933,486505,00.html

A mother of five has been fired from her job months after saving the life of one of her bosses.
Office worker Sharon Hegyi, 39, is devastated by her employer's decision to let her go.
She and her mechanic husband David had worked on Tipperary Station in Australia's Northern Territory for seven years and had planned to stay there until they retired.
"We loved the lifestyle," Sharon Hegyi said. "We loved bringing up our kids there. We don't drink or smoke. We just worked hard and went home to our family."
A letter from Tipperary's human resources boss, Elise Dunlea, said the couple was laid off because of "downsizing."
"I could understand it if we'd done something wrong," Hegyi said. "But we didn't."
The firing comes just months after Hegyi, a registered nurse, saved the life of station finance manager David Breed, who suffered a severe heart attack at work in September.
According to Hegyi, she helped Breed by giving him medication, hooking him up to oxygen and calling an ambulance from Adelaide River.
"But he deteriorated rapidly and I thought he was going to die," Hegyi said. "So we put him in a car and David drove towards Adelaide River. The ambulance met us half way."
Tipperary general manager David Warriner confirmed that Hegyi saved the life of one of his managers.
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I have no idea what's going on, but I cut and pasted it
I just had a cavity filled and my jaw area still hurts. I could even feel a sharp pain while they were drilling (I have a high pain tolerance?). If this doesn't go away I'll need a root canal :(


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I just had a cavity filled and my jaw area still hurts. I could even feel a sharp pain while they were drilling (I have a high pain tolerance?). If this doesn't go away I'll need a root canal :(
I hope that you don't have to have one, but they really aren't anything to fear except for the cost of the root canal and a crown.
I hope that you don't have to have one, but they really aren't anything to fear except for the cost of the root canal and a crown.
Amen to that. I've got a root canal scheduled for mid-March that I'm paying for out of pocket and am trying desperately to line up insurance to help with the cost of the crown. In matters such as this, being unemployed is teh suck.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Mine was out of pocket but even my current insurance significantly caps what they pay for on crowns and has a maximum amount as well. I suspect if I were on one of the plans where I'm fully covered they would have yanked my tooth which the dentist offered to do when I told him I was uninsured.