Grades v. Wizards 1/21

Player you were most impressed with tonight?

  • John Salmons

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Beno Udrih

    Votes: 30 56.6%
  • Sheldon Williams

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • Francisco Garcia

    Votes: 6 11.3%

  • Total voters
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We actually lost the Toilet Bowl. Impressive, the fake hustle charge at the end notwithstanding. I am thinking all the hard work, all the remarkable efforts may finally pay off this week with some dead last #30s in the upcoming power polls. We've worked hard for that honor. We deserve it, and it will be nice to finally get some recognition for our astounding incompetence. In the interim I think losing the Toilet Bowl deserves some recognition of its own, a trophy perhaps. So here ya go guys! You earned it:

Record needed to tie for the #8 seed: 38-1

While being down by 21 to the 8-32 Washington Wizards on your home court should realistically automatically trigger a Pretty Girls theme regardless of how things go thereafter, in the interests of not cheapening the tradition I am undecided.

Salmons ( B+ ) -- in the first half had some one on one scoring, but wasn't helping much on any front. Of course drew the Butler assignement on defense, and had minimal luck with it for 3/4 as Butler just overpowered our skinny excuse for a "forward". But this game was reminscient of the Milwaulkee game in many many ways, not least of it John suddenly coming alive again in the early 4th as the Wizards tried to do the collapse against us. Not only were he and Beno the offensive engines of the comeback, but suddenly the defense on Butler kicked in in a major way too as we awesomely held an 8-32 team to only 110 points. I am well and tired of the pattern of slouching around and losing the game for three quarters, and then making a big oh so exciting "comeback" that falls short because we already lost the game by not showing up. I am even more tired of it against quite possibly (coming in) THE worst team in the NBA, on our homecourt, with them missing half their team to injuries and us 100% healthy. That sort of thing is not going to earn an A from me.

Thompson ( B- ) -- off to another good start to this one with 8pts 3rebs in the first. Was iced by the long and effective first Sheldon stint, and did not return until the end of the 2nd quarter after sitting out for 8-10 minutes. Got in quick foul trouble against Jamison in the third severely curtailing his minutes. Had a brief burst of open court running helping us to begin the 4th, but just that quickly was gone. Fouled out quickly, once on an unnecessary push foul against Darius Suckgaila (who just might be the most worthless "big" in the NBA -- I remember our debates about him. Short, slow, no defense, no rebounding and no post game, but hey, kinda has a jumper sometimes), then on a phantom 6th foul where he barely slapped the guy's upper arm. He really could have gotten a technical for his protest too. Lessons he has to leanr -- all that "activity" much lauded and all that is hurting him on defense, he's bouncing around, hitting people, flailing his arms, and in general doing everything possible to draw the refs eye and look like an out of control flailer. His offensive game is looking more settled, he needs to bring calm and control on the other side of the ball too or there will be many short nights ahead.

Miller ( D- ) -- wow, prety sweet back to back there Brad. Never woke up from the Denver fiasco, and instead of Nene working him in the early going, this time it was Andray Blatche, who I have liked for years, but who should not be lighting up your former "All Star". Was quickly pulled for Spencer, given another shot in the third, failed again, given another shot in the 4th, and failed again as the Wizards used smaller quicker bigs to expose Brad's lack of footspeed. Got so bad that by the end of the game we were trying to win it with Natt's throw the game smallball lineup surrounding a single big: Sheldon Williams. Maybe Brad does not want to be traded and is tanking? Or maybe he is being really saavy -- hoping to be traded to a contender, and figuring if he can drive his value down far enough his new team won't have to give up hardly anything to get him and he'll have a better chance at that ring. Or maybe he has just quit. That would be a true shocker.

Martin ( C ) -- strangeness here on another bad shooting night (5-16) that dropped his season percentage to 42.5%. Stuggled mightily to a 1-6 first quarter. Took some not so bright shots and missed the ones he should have made. Was not involed in the seocnd quarter besides one nice pass to Brad and looked just awful and out of sync out there. Then of course it hit the third quarter -- a quarter without which Kevin might be a 12ppg scorer this season, and he found one thing, and one thing only, that he could do and do well. Scattered in 4 three pointers in the period, not all in one rush, but over the space of maybe 7-8 minutes. A three, long stretch of nothing, then a three, long stretch, then a three etc. Didn't seem like he was even really looking at much else in the period, and he even threw up a giveup 27 footer on one play because it just looked like it was all he could think to do. And then that was kind of it. A recurring pattern in what has really been a bad month for Kevin's late game cred -- he scored in the third to help us keep it under 30, and then it was others who took over in the 4th while Kevin contributed 2 points I think. On defense at least made an effort to hop the passing lanes a few times up top in this one, but otherwise outhustled all night by Dominic McGuire, who entered the game averaging 3.2pts and 4.5rebs.

Udrih ( A- ) -- another one of these well what do you do with this grades. Got his first half minutes, not that he did much with them against a very weak PG tandem. But lets stop right there -- nobody cares about his performance in the first quarter, the second quarter, or even the third quarter in this one. this game was 100% about Beno's ridiculous 4th quarter. Last year, when he earned his big contract, Beno was NEVER consistent, but he would occassionally tease oyu with a ridiculous quarter or half where he was flowing and could literally be the best player on the floor. Better than Kevin or John or ron, better than Parker on night, Kobe the next. And for maybe the second time all seasaon (early season Clippers game was the other) he sudduenly, out of nowhere, had one of those quarters. The guy who can not hit ahtree this year, bombed in three of them, including one in the final minute that kept us alive. He sliced through the defense, set peoipe up, popped in short jumpers, made little layups. It in fact was such a ridiculous turnaround from his play in the first three quarters, or all seasosn for that matter, that I am strongly tempted to discount it altogether. This wasn't a guy correcting a few things or tightening it up. this was an entirely different player. And on the back of such a silly display, we almost mounted a 19pt 4th quarter comeback against...well, against a middleschool girls team. I'll deliver the appropriate grade here, but let's just say I'll believe this means anything when I see it repeated.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Hawes ( C- ) -- came in early with Brad's head still in the funny smelling clouds, and worked well with Jason in the early going. Of course important to see given that those two guys might be the starters here for a long time if everything works out. Was part of the 2nd quarter hustle crew that came in actually making an effort, but his own productivity was minimal and was having trouble with Blatche's quickness himself. Some activity in a disastrous 3rd, but little production and no rhythm leading to us actually turning to seldom used (read: basically never used) Sheldon Williams as our only big down the stretch rather than Spencer.

Cisco ( B- ) -- got an early call to replace the struggling Kevin, and did alright in the first half. Had some moments with the hustle crew and pushed the pace. But another one of those guys mostly struggling along (with his own 5-13 his season shooting % is down to 42.1%) until he was able to stp up with some big threes down the stretch. For that is really hwo we made our "comeback" -- we just got hot from three. Sure, we were hustling more on defense. But we would never have threated if we had not hit something like 7 threes in the quarter. Two of those were Cisco's after he entered the game with 5 minutes to go in what has become Natt's standard crunchtime smallball lineup. He does like the moment. Big side three near the three minute mark, and then a bigger one oin the final second that brought us wihtin 1 with 3 second to go. After an intentional foul on Blatche that led to him calmly sinking two clutch FTs, we got Cisco a pretty good corner three look for the tie too, but he could not close the deal. Its tough figuring out these grades when guys are just crap for most of the game and then really really good for a few minutes.

Williams ( B+ ) -- a Sheldon sighting! And a Sheldon impact too as he came in in the second quarter instead of the ridiculous Mikki/KT 2nd quarter platoon and made an impact with energetic play. Not huge numbers, but banged, and poked balls away, and moved his feet on defense and generally played liked he cared. And late in the game with Brad AWOL, Jason fouled out, and Haes indifferent, amusingly a guy who has barely played in months was left in as Natt's lone "big" man when he went smallball to guarantee the Wizards win at the end. Generally did ok in that stretch, although on a key possession the Wizards spread the floor and had Jamison take him off the dribble for a sealing bucket.

Jackson ( INC ) -- no numbers of any kind, but part of a hustling 2nd quarter crew that actually made up little ground, but at least was clearly trying. Never returned after half.

Brown ( C ) -- back from the scrap heap, and well, did not do enough to guarantee he stays off of it. Did give us effort though, so often lacking with these Kings, but 0-4 0pts 1 ast in the first half and no return in the second half as I think that Natt may actually have had Beno go for the entire half. Giving a little grade here for the intangible (he hustled), but nothing tangible to hang it on.
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"And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And youll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you"


Hall of Famer
And this is the worst draft since what? 03? That we'll get a top 3 pick in...

...At least we'll suck again next season.
I hope its like the 03 draft where we get a Lebron, or a Wade, Bosh, Or Carmelo as are number one pick but well probally end up picking a Darko:rolleyes:
We actually lost the Toilet Bowl. Impressive, the fake hustle charge at the end notwithstanding. I am thinking all the hard work, all the remarkable efforts may finally pay off this week with some dead last #30s in the upcoming power polls. We've worked hard for that honor. We deserve it, and it will be nice to finally get some recognition for our astounding incompetence. In the interim I think losing the Toilet Bowl deserves some recognition of its own, a trophy perhaps. So here ya go guys! You earned it:

Record needed to tie for the #8 seed: 38-1

While being down by 21 to the 8-32 Washington Wizards on your home court should realistically automatically trigger a Pretty Girls theme regardless of how things go thereafter, in the interests of not cheapening the tradition I am undecided.

grades will come...
Aw man, Brick, bring back the hot chicks. And by the way, where did the hot chick (Grades v. Denver) thread go?
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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
The Toilet Bowl. I love it!! And losing it to "the-least-from-the-east" AT HOME should send a clear message from fans, KingsFans at least. The brand new and first time poster from Missouri in the other thread hit one point squarely on the head with the metaphor about the first person dropping the rope is quickly followed by others doing the same.

The Kings 4th Q last night is how to play the game. Since they don't play that way very much maybe they are saving themselves for the stretch run.

You can see glimpses of "Coachies" influence with the motion but too often with poor passes. Again we get the BMiller contradiction: best passer and high post player, really good mid-range jumper but a continuous matador in the middle.

Hawes is trying too hard but that is his personality and I'll take it over what Mikki takes away from the Kings game when he is in there. Heck, based on last night alone I'd put Shelden above Mikki in the rotation if for nothing more than his hustle and banging down low, foreign territory to Jello Hands.

Beno has to step up in the 1st Q and really put-pedal-to-the-metal in the 3rd then maybe some hustle will rub off on the others.

Oh yeah, read this morning that Donte Greene wants to go back to the Reno team in the NBDL. Says its more fun. DUH!!!
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Aw man, Brick, bring back the hot chicks.
You know there are quite a few of us here that are not the least bit consoled by hot chicks, right? :p

Cruzdude: I noticed that Donte was not his usual cheerleading self on the bench last night. Quite subdued for him, actually.


Hall of Famer
Well, once again, That was fun! One has to think that if Beno played the whole game the way he played in the fourth quarter, we would have won. Hawes is back to his first year habits of rushing everything. Natural thing for young players that don't think their going to get many minutes, so they try to cram everything into a couple of minutes. Thanks Natt. Nice way to develop a young player. Destroy his confidence.

I don't usually complain about officials. But its getting tiresome to see Thompson get the short end of every call. Yeah, I know he went to the line 15 times a couple of games ago, but that was the exception. I think the only way he's allowed to play defense is to simply get out of the way of the player he's guarding.


Hall of Famer
I don't usually complain about officials. But its getting tiresome to see Thompson get the short end of every call. Yeah, I know he went to the line 15 times a couple of games ago, but that was the exception. I think the only way he's allowed to play defense is to simply get out of the way of the player he's guarding.
All he has to do is do is follow Miller's lead...


Homer Fan Since 1985

But the rest of us don't care. :p
{{{slap...slap}}} ;)

kennadog does have a point. There are a lot of lousy games and not every single one has to have hot chicks to make you feel better. Themes are great when Brick mixes them up a bit.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
There are a lot of lousy games and not every single one has to have hot chicks to make you feel better. Themes are great when Brick mixes them up a bit.
Yeah, but the "Famous Salamanders of the 1930's" theme probably won't have good photos available..... ;)

I kid, I kid. But maybe he could use some theme ideas from others. If you (the general "you", not 6th in particular) have any you think are worthwhile, he might be interested in hearing them.....
Brick, I love the hot girls theme, but the 10 best at each position has been very interesting as well. When will you break out the 10 best small forwards?
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