Okay then...
"Spazz" - Elastik Band
It seems fitting that this song that I know very little about has such a bizarre youtube presence as well. I first heard it in 1992, and it has been stuck in my head ever since. My friend Virgil and I went to the used record shop next to our dormitory and he picked up a 60s garage compilation which I believe was Pebbles #2. This had a few other great tracks on it as well, but Spazz just seemed so horrifically un-PC that we had to listen to it over and over (on vinyl, no less). I know next to nothing else about this song, but I absolutely must have it on my island.
"Spazz" - Elastik Band
It seems fitting that this song that I know very little about has such a bizarre youtube presence as well. I first heard it in 1992, and it has been stuck in my head ever since. My friend Virgil and I went to the used record shop next to our dormitory and he picked up a 60s garage compilation which I believe was Pebbles #2. This had a few other great tracks on it as well, but Spazz just seemed so horrifically un-PC that we had to listen to it over and over (on vinyl, no less). I know next to nothing else about this song, but I absolutely must have it on my island.