No hope for the kings? FOX Sports article.

Charley Rosen wrote an article that covered all the teams in the Pacific Division. Apparently, we don't have too much to hope for the future.

Sacramento Kings

Going down! Next stop is the basement level, featuring a guaranteed lottery pick, diminished attendance and an arrogant leader who dresses much better than he coaches.

Kevin Martin is the only star-quality player on the Kings. As such, look for his stats to skyrocket and his body to wear down.

Spencer Hawes and Brad Miller are both limited performers with minimal talent levels.

Mikki Moore is all finesse and too much mouth.

John Salmon's versatility would be more valuable on a better team.

Some day Francisco Garcia will realize his high-stepping potential.

Bobby Jackson is on his last legs, and even when he was young, he couldn't pass on the move.

Beno Udrih is nothing more than functional.

Which will be worse, the Kings' defense or their offense?

In any event, the rookies will get plenty of floor time.

Their best hope: Relocating to Seattle instead of Las Vegas.

I know we're rebuilding and all, but I think he completely underestimates the quality of our team. It will be a tough year but I can't believe our best hope, according to him, is on the relocating topic. Aye...
what a f****** tool. The Kings wouldn't move to Seattle. Sorry, Rosen, but we have one of the three oldest franchises in the NBA, so for history's sake alone we wouldn't move to Seattle. This guy seems like he is just trying to be insulting.
Yes, inflammatory even. Nerdbomber went and said Kevin Martin is the only star player then bashed on 2 time all star Brad Miller and devalued everyone else (without grounds) to the point of near suckitude. Tool.
Charley Rosen just hates the Kings. Always has. It borders on irrational a good part of the time. Not saying everything he says is wrong, but I usually don't bother reading his stuff anymore, because I know in advance it will be mostly vitriol when it comes to the Kings. :rolleyes:
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Yes, inflammatory even. Nerdbomber went and said Kevin Martin is the only star player then bashed on 2 time all star Brad Miller and devalued everyone else (without grounds) to the point of near suckitude. Tool.
agree with the general sentiment, but can we all stop touting brad's "2 time all-star" appearances at this point in his career? it's irrelevant now, he hasn't performed at that level in ages.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ah...Charley Rosen. Such a charmer, as always. :rolleyes:

Gotta love a grump so willing to put his prejudices on full display in every article he writes (not just for us either).
You know how hard it is to get an all-star appearance, look at Mike Bibby. I gotta throw it out whenever somebody gets all over one of them, besides Brad will probably be real good again this year like last year. Based on what I've seen in preseason anyway.


Hall of Famer
agree with the general sentiment, but can we all stop touting brad's "2 time all-star" appearances at this point in his career? it's irrelevant now, he hasn't performed at that level in ages.
How right are you?? quick answer your not.

Brad Miller All-Star season stats

13.1ppg 8.3reb 2.6ast 0.9blks

Brad Miller last year

13.4ppg 9.5reb 3.7ast 1.0blks

"he hasn't preformed at that level in AGES." Want to rethink that statement unless last season is ages.:rolleyes:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Brad was never so much All Star as he was just a victim of circumstance -- the circumstance being that the center position just completely sucked during the early part of this decade. Jamaal Magloire was an All Star too.

And he's certainly not even close now.

But that still doesn't make him minimally talented.
How right are you?? quick answer your not.

Brad Miller All-Star season stats

13.1ppg 8.3reb 2.6ast 0.9blks

Brad Miller last year

13.4ppg 9.5reb 3.7ast 1.0blks

"he hasn't preformed at that level in AGES." Want to rethink that statement unless last season is ages.:rolleyes:
wow, you totally got me there. i guess we can all expect to see brad in this year's all-star game then, huh? i mean, since he is an all-star caliber player at this point and all. hey, you know who else is an all star center? mehmet okur! and jamal magloire! we should mention them as all-stars AD INFINITUM whenever their names come up, even in the twilight of their careers, because they made it to an all-star game! pffft, whatever, you've totally gotten me.


Hall of Famer
wow, you totally got me there. i guess we can all expect to see brad in this year's all-star game then, huh? i mean, since he is an all-star caliber player at this point and all. hey, you know who else is an all star center? mehmet okur! and jamal magloire! we should mention them as all-stars AD INFINITUM whenever their names come up, even in the twilight of their careers, because they made it to an all-star game! pffft, whatever, you've totally gotten me.
I never said he should be an allstar. He shouldn't have been then. Brick just atested to that. I was refering to the FACT that you said he hasn't perfromed like that in ages. Well you were wrong he has. I noticed you didn't address that in your little rant of how i got you and your smartass okur comments. you could have just simply said "hmm I was wrong he has performed the same way." But thats not fun is it.
This article is a good sign for the Kings. People will take them for granted and not prepare well to play them and the Kings will defeat them in embarrassing upsets!!! BUHAHAHAHAH! BUAHAHAHAHA! And remember, everyone loves the underdog.
I never said he should be an allstar. He shouldn't have been then. Brick just atested to that. I was refering to the FACT that you said he hasn't perfromed like that in ages. Well you were wrong he has. I noticed you didn't address that in your little rant of how i got you and your smartass okur comments. you could have just simply said "hmm I was wrong he has performed the same way." But thats not fun is it.
1) ryanandty used brad's 2 time all-star appearance to support his stance that brad miller is talented (and not becuase of any particular stat).

2) i pointed out that he hasn't performed at "that level" in ages, and since no one up to that point has brought up stats, it can be seen that i am referring to "performing like an all-star."

3) YOU were the one who brought up his stats. and since his stats last year were better than his stats during his all-star years, shouldn't that mean he'd be an all-star last season? and you know the answer is no, because all-star caliber talent depends on more factors than just stats, which bring me to

4) THAT'S WHY I WASN'T REFERRING TO HIS STATS. which is why i am pretty sure that "Brad Miller has not performed at an all-star level in AGES" is a true statement.

try it. just try to apply logic to threads and read the semantics before you fire off one of your "clever" bon mots in an effort to catch someone on a f*cking technicality.

Entity said:
How right are you?? quick answer your not.
you could have just simply said "hmm I was wrong he has performed the same way."
there are two tools in this thread. one is rosen, the other is quoted here.
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Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I think the article was written from a cursory look at the team's roster. No mention of rookies or their impact, and inflammatory comments created to generate "hits." Sure, BJax is a shell of his former self, but we did not bring him in for major minutes. His comments on Hawes and Miller are baseless, given earlier arguments.

There are some truths to his statements, however:

- Will Cisco live up to potential?
- Will KMart wear down?
- Salmons' versatility may help a contender.
- Beno? I don't know yet. He seemed pretty good in big games, but he also had moments of mediocrity.

Either way, I wouldn't get too worked up about things. The season will unfold soon enough.


Hall of Famer
1) ryanandty used brad's 2 time all-star appearance to support his stance that brad miller is talented (and not becuase of any particular stat).

2) i pointed out that he hasn't performed at "that level" in ages, and since no one up to that point has brought up stats, it can be seen that i am referring to "performing like an all-star."

3) YOU were the one who brought up his stats. and since his stats last year were better than his stats during his all-star years, shouldn't that mean he'd be an all-star last season? and you know the answer is no, because all-star caliber talent depends on more factors than just stats, which bring me to

4) THAT'S WHY I WASN'T REFERRING TO HIS STATS. which is why i am pretty sure that "Brad Miller has not performed at an all-star level in AGES" is a true statement.

try it. just try to apply logic to threads and read the semantics before you fire off one of your "clever" bon mots in an effort to catch someone on a f*cking technicality.

there are two tools in this thread. one is rosen, the other is quoted here.

Still? Ok you win Brad is nothing like he used to be.
Except he is the same. 1 year of inconstistency. That 1 year??? The year of the Muss.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Are Rosen and Voison related?
Not even remotely close to true or accurate, IMHO. Voisin has had some pretty good articles about the Kings and she at least knows the team is rebuilding. Charley Rosen is more like R.E. Graswich. He'll never let the facts or the complete story get in the way of a good ill-informed rant.
I strongly disagree with that article. It's obvious he doesn't know anything about Hawes or Beno.

I usually don't judge people this quickly but... I don't like that guy... :mad:

I almost used the H word too. Whew.

;) :D


Hall of Famer
Sure, we have hope. We hope for the #1 pick in the draft. And we hope that our youngins get some significant playing time and we hope that Reggie develops our youngins so that they improve and we hope Reggie doesn't argue publicly with our best player. We have lots of hope.
Come to think of it, I never have seen the two of them in the same place.....

When it comes to the Kings they are both of the glass totally empty point of view. In fact, if they were in the same room, they'd probably argue over whose glass was really the empty and bone dry one. ;)
that article is written by a a jackazz who is bandwagoner it easy to pick the favorites lets just hope kings prove him wrong sho b-mil can serve him a big sh-t bruger


agree with the general sentiment, but can we all stop touting brad's "2 time all-star" appearances at this point in his career? it's irrelevant now, he hasn't performed at that level in ages.
I'm not trying to jump in here and get on somebody's back or start a fight or anything. But when you say somebody hasn't PERFORMED at that level in ages, well, it leads one to look at their PERFORMANCE. Just because that same PERFORMANCE (or actually one better than) doesn't earn an all-star berth, well, your argument doesn't hold up. He PERFORMED at a better clip, the PERFORMANCE wasn't enough to earn a trip to the all star game, but he still PERFORMED at the same clip, albeit actually a better one.

Performance: The act or style of performing a work or role before an audience

He did the same thing. It just didn't have the same (all star selection) result. I know you will argue this, but I had to present some logic in this situation, so whatever you come with, I sure hope you believe it. Cuz it ain't true, however you might spin it. Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, just stating what any and everyone who reads your comments picked up, vs. what you are trying to say you really meant.


I like turtles
Honestly, for the past two years we don't have anywhere to go other than up, so I'm not sure why he's predicting doom and gloom. This was the same guy who in 2000-01 predicted us to finish 8th in the West when in fact we finished 3rd.

On the flip side, I hope some of the kings players post this article in their locker.
He did the same thing. It just didn't have the same (all star selection) result.
then...that's not really the same thing, no? ok, since you and entity keep harping on it, you are both correct: he has put up the same stats. now, since you brought up logic, i'll bite, and let's have a go at it:

1) in 02-03 and 03-04, brad miller put up X stats. those stats earned him a trip to the all star games for those years.

2) in 08, brad miller put up >X stats. those stats did not earn him to the all star game.

it stands to reason then that over the years, the requirements to getting into the all star game have outpaced his production. for goodness sakes, dwight howard put up like 20+ pts, 10+ board, and 2+ blocks. now THAT is what's needed to get into the all star game these days at center.

so...brad miller is no longer performing at an all star level. does that work logically or am i missing something? his production has not change, but he is not an all star anymore, which was my whole point. people keeping mentioning 2 time all star brad miller as if it means something in today's game, when it doesn't. he was selected to be an all star at a time when there was a dearth of big men, not because of stellar production.


Side note: if you're not trying to pick a fight or get on my back, you really don't need to post the definition of "performance," and on top of that provide a link; it's condescending and generally a d*ck move on message boards. assume that the person you are having discourse with has a modicum of intelligence.


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