Had I known how this draft would have gone, I would not have chosen Bon Jovi. I really reached there looking for a rock album to include early. My bad. I like the album, but it could have been a much later pick or maybe just missed my list. Rookie mistake.
Some of the others on my list in no particular order:
Information Society (unsure of the album at this time, maybe Peace and Love, Inc.)
Cause & Effect (Trip)
Dead or Alive (Youthquake)
Depeche Mode (Violator)
The Unreal score (from the video game)
Gladiator and Star Wars scores
Bagpipes and Drums of Scotland (traditional music - "Scotland the Brave" is my cell ringtone)
Enigma (MCMXC a.D.)
Melissa Etheridge (Yes I Am)
The Cure (Disintegration)
Natalie Merchant (Tigerlilly)
Yanni (Live at the Acropolis)
Colorhaus (Water to the Soul)
Mary-Chapin Carpenter (Come On Come On)
Brad Paisly (5th Gear) and pretty much solely for the song "Online".
Never seen the video before now, but here it is - the song is f'n awesome.

Reminds me of some folks around here, I think.....