Your Five Favorite Anything!

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My Five Favorite Beers:

1. MGD
2. Sam Adams
3. Becks
4. Hoegaarden
5. Bud (I know it's weird having both Bud and MGD on my list, but what the hey, it's my list.:p )
5 Favorite Signs of Procrastination From My Daughter ...

1 - I'm tired .... (SAID WITH A WHINEY VOICE)
2 - I'll do it later ... (PRETENDING SHE'S BUSY)
3 - I promise ... (SAID WITH A HUGE SMILE)
4 - In ten minutes ... (ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING ... will come back with "I

and .... (drum roll please) .... the best one of all

5 - When I get back ... (SAID AS SHE'S LEAVING OUT THE DOOR)

Don't worry .... she's got me wrapped around her little finger !!!!
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uolj said:
My Five favorite places to poo:

1. Home
2. The bathroom at the other end of my office building
3. Hebrew School
4. Fry's Electronics (in Fremont)
5. Tie: Everywhere else

Sorry if that's too much information. :eek:
it was but...

yashercoach...its hard to spell in english but thas ok


Jew power.....

5 favorite " survivor's" or all time

1. rupert!!!! ( pearl islands)
2. sandra ( pearl islands)
3. lex ( africa)
4. colleen ( first survivor)
5. elizabeth ( australia)


Super Moderator Emeritus
My five favorite teachers:

1. Mrs. Cohen - Latin/French
2. Mr. Birchfield - Civics
3. Mrs. Lial - Geometry
4. Mrs. Worthley - 3rd grade
5. Mr. Sertic - Humanities/French
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
:: raises eyebrow in intrigue ::

Five Favorite Professional Wrestlers (all-time):

1. Bret "Hitman" Hart
2. "Crippler" Chris Benoit
3. Nora Greenwald (aka Molly Holly)
4. Jyushin "Thunder" Liger
5. Eddy Guerrro

Oh man i got this too...thanks for the idea SLIM

Five Fav. Wrestlers of all time(not including hulk hogan, the rock or stone cold...they remade wrestling)

1. Brutess "the barber" beefcake (sleeper hold baby)
2. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
3. Andre the Giant
4. Mick Foley (that man is crazy)
5. RVD (ECW RVD that is)
5 of My Favorite Sports Movies

Not in any particular order ....

1 - Caddy Shack
2 - Remember the Titans
3 - Bull Durham
4 - The Rookie
5 - The Longest Yard
My five favorite fast food items:

1. Taco Bell beef Gordita Supreme
2. McD's Quarter Pounder w/cheese
3. BK Whopper w/cheese
4. Carls Jr.'s Santa Fe chicken sandwich
5. BK sausage egg croissant
My five favorite toes:

1. My wife's left middle toe.
2. My right big toe.
3. My wife's right pointer toe.
4. My left big toe.
5. My co-worker's right pinky toe.
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