5 Favorite Signs of Procrastination From My Daughter ...
1 - I'm tired .... (SAID WITH A WHINEY VOICE)
2 - I'll do it later ... (PRETENDING SHE'S BUSY)
3 - I promise ... (SAID WITH A HUGE SMILE)
4 - In ten minutes ... (ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING ... will come back with "I
and .... (drum roll please) .... the best one of all
5 - When I get back ... (SAID AS SHE'S LEAVING OUT THE DOOR)
Don't worry .... she's got me wrapped around her little finger !!!!
Five Fav. Wrestlers of all time(not including hulk hogan, the rock or stone cold...they remade wrestling)
1. Brutess "the barber" beefcake (sleeper hold baby)
2. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
3. Andre the Giant
4. Mick Foley (that man is crazy)
5. RVD (ECW RVD that is)