Yolanda Griffith message to her fans with Bryan May of New10.

Yolanda Griffith's one-on-one with Bryan May will air tonight on New10. Part of the interview will be shown at 6 pm and part at 11 pm. The whole interview will be posted on new10.net. I will post the link once it is available.
Awesome...I'm looking forward to checking out the whole interview.
Everytime I think about Yolanda G. no longer being a Monarch, I feel sorta sad. One of my all time favorite players is gone. I describe it as bitter/sweet.
Bitter thats she's gone...
Sweet that she's still playing.
I really wish Yo the best & want her to know that she has been the ultimate warrior to have ever wore Monarchs Purple. I also put Ruthie B. & Ticha P. as my other favorites. I am so fortunate to have seen every Monarch home game since 97...thats alot of Yo Griffith. It's gonna feel strange not seeing that game face & that feeling that everything will be alright no matter what happens during the season.

Now begins a new era in Monarch's basketball without Yo Griffith...

Thanks for the memories that will forever live on.

Yo's great interview

You know after watching that interview it made me emotional. But I'm happy that she's coming back in 08. I have always been a Yolanda Griffith fan and always will be. Last weeks interview with radio host Koz was exciting. I had the chance to speak with her. Just from hearing her in both interviews tells you that she appreciates all the support that fans gives her. After hearing both interviews from her, I'm very excited for this new journey that she has came upon. With all the great players that Seattle got, I've got to watch them this year. I'm not a Seattle fan, but I'll most defintely watch Yo along with Sheryl, Sue, and LJ. After hearing her interview, The things she said were true. As far as the negatively is concern, it doesn't bothers her at all. Yo is a great role model and a great player. She keeps it real! Lol! She has a great personality and is a really great mentor to me which is one of the reason why I love watching her.After hearing the interviews, I'm really glad she has taken this great opportunity and I hope she wins a championship. She mentions that she has alot of events in sacramento. What about her home town in chicago? Please don't tell me I have to come all the way from chicago to sacramento to participate in the fun events. Lol! Well Yo is the best and I luv her.

Much luv from the only #1 fan
Very Interesting Interview

I completely respect Yolanda's decision and wish her absolutely nothing but the best. With that said, I do believe she wanted to come back to Sac, but something went down. Communication wise this whole thing was not handled properly on somebody's end if not all parties. Something could have been worked out, but did not. Based on Yolanda's taking so long to decide, and then when she finally expressed her sentiments to return, those sentiments were not expressed back whether it was love or money or both. This was not just a fly by night decision (based on some of Allaboutusgirlz comments in previous threads dropping hints that Yolanda was not to return)

What I also read into the interview is that Yo's relationship with Ticha Penichiero and Coach Jenny may not have been all it should have. You notice when the interviewer asked about Ticha, and Yo just glossed over her name and went straight to Lawson and Walker. Yo may have respected Jenny, but.......

Anyway, God's speed to the greatest Monarch of them all.
I'll echo your sentiments Reign, that was an extremely illuminating interview for an interview in which not a whole lot had publicly changed seemingly between this one and the one on King/MonarchsTalk.

My sentiments haven't changed. We may never know what really happened, I'm not sure I even freaking care at this point quite frankly. Nothing will change what the net result is so I hope both sides continue to put their happy spin on it and leave the fans out of it.
Agree with Purple Reign on this...I too noticed that Yo glossed right over the question about Ticha. I am, however, ready to move on from this, and support our Monarch Team on May 2nd.
I'm having issues getting the video to play...damn computer:cool:
I'll take your thoughts to heart...I too want to move on.
i just know we fans had some great seasons with Y0 & TICHA.
So if they had some friction, thats something they will work out themselves.
I know they won a championship together & brought the fans of Sacramento so much pride. Thats what I want to remember.

By the way Tiff...you may be one of YO's #1 fans from Chicago...but I got dibs on SacTown;) Holler at us should you make your way to SacTown for a game we could all meet.
Purple -

I don't know where you got your inclination that I dropped hints b/c it do not have that kind of information. But if you check the threads that I have posted on you will see that I said nothing until the information was confirmed...

Truly respect your insight but check your facts first.

Ty aaug.
Purple -

I don't know where you got your inclination that I dropped hints b/c it do not have that kind of information. But if you check the threads that I have posted on you will see that I said nothing until the information was confirmed...

Truly respect your insight but check your facts first.

Ty aaug.
I am not trying to offend you, I am not that type of poster, I play fair. But here is a quote that you posted back last month. "On a different point, Seattle as a contender has been questioned due to their lack of defense. Well hold on to your seats. And I'll check back with you all on this point in April"

Now if you had insight on Swoopes, Cash or the like accept my apology based on that inference. I just found it interesting when you said it, and after the fact, I took it as if you knew Griffith was going away. You also said that the organization knew, but did nothing about it. That is something an ordinary fan like me would not know, but a fan that knows Griffith may know. That's all.
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Actually, the entire post Reign is quoting from was one giant foreshadow.

Hey to all -

I have been following this thread. First would like to say that I am glad to see women's b-ball discussed on this level. Second ya'll are true fans!!

But I think that there is something missed in this discussion. Yea we can agree that Yo is in no way coming back... but we do have a wild card returning and that is Coach Jenny.:confused: How is she going to do this season? She took a team that went from Conf. finals in 2004 to champs in 2005 to fifth game of finals in 2006 to (with Coach Jenny) not making it passed the first round in 2007. Mind you that was with Yo, the leader of team. Now lets fast-forward to 2008.

You don't have Yo and now Coach Jenny has to try to coach DeMaya and transition her back into a team. Does she have the skills to do this???:eek:
Personally I do not think she has the gusto!!!

On a different point, Seattle as a contender has been questioned due to their lack of defense. Well hold on to your seats. And I'll check back with you all on this point in April :p...

At that point here in the forum there was not consensus amongst the fans that Yo wasn't coming back but ok, chalk that up to individual interpretation of the conversation that had taken place up until then. The bolded statement above was the strongest mention of Yo and "not coming back" made here.

Couple that with the foreshadowing of something happening in April involving Seattle? That wasn't hard to miss.

and then on the 7th there was this...

And further are any of you wondering why Yo hasn't offically retired yet?:confused:
and weird, a few hours later word leaks out that Yo is going to be announced as the newest member of the Seattle Storm. That I do believe was dropped to foreshadow what was coming later that day or had otherwise been or would be leaked elsewhere.

So I'm not sure what the issue is re: what Reign posted. You suggested matter of factly that Yo was not coming back and she wasn't. You hinted that Seattle would get some bolstering defensively in April, and they did. That we would need to hold on to our seats when the news came out re: who it was, and I think judging from the reaction we all were sufficiently gripping something last Monday. Your rhetorical question re: why hasn't Yo retired was answered in my head "because she's going to Seattle". Which oddly, I don't think I would have had happen if that idea wasn't planted two weeks earlier.

But if this was all just a coincidence, kudos to you for guessing right on a variety of levels because you also seem to nail some of the ancillary things too.
Actually, the entire post Reign is quoting from was one giant foreshadow.

At that point here in the forum there was not consensus amongst the fans that Yo wasn't coming back but ok, chalk that up to individual interpretation of the conversation that had taken place up until then. The bolded statement above was the strongest mention of Yo and "not coming back" made here.

Couple that with the foreshadowing of something happening in April involving Seattle? That wasn't hard to miss.

and then on the 7th there was this...

and weird, a few hours later word leaks out that Yo is going to be announced as the newest member of the Seattle Storm. That I do believe was dropped to foreshadow what was coming later that day or had otherwise been or would be leaked elsewhere.

So I'm not sure what the issue is re: what Reign posted. You suggested matter of factly that Yo was not coming back and she wasn't. You hinted that Seattle would get some bolstering defensively in April, and they did. That we would need to hold on to our seats when the news came out re: who it was, and I think judging from the reaction we all were sufficiently gripping something last Monday. Your rhetorical question re: why hasn't Yo retired was answered in my head "because she's going to Seattle". Which oddly, I don't think I would have had happen if that idea wasn't planted two weeks earlier.

But if this was all just a coincidence, kudos to you for guessing right on a variety of levels because you also seem to nail some of the ancillary things too.
Amen! I didn't think I was crazy:D
Well being that Sea signed Swin in Feb and Swoops in early March, anyone who follows the sport could tell that they were boosting their defense. And at the time of my post, there were allot of FA's out there. So thanks to all who think that I'm a b-ball swami, but I graciously decline the honor. Much love!!
Well being that Sea signed Swin in Feb and Swoops in early March, anyone who follows the sport could tell that they were boosting their defense. And at the time of my post, there were allot of FA's out there. So thanks to all who think that I'm a b-ball swami, but I graciously decline the honor. Much love!!

We knew who already had arrived in Seattle. Of alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the free agents out there of the time of your late March post, which one did Seattle sign in early April, when incidentally you checked back in on us as?

It's cool tho, if you want to play like you're just a swami. But give us a little bit of credit here.
just listened to the interview ...

aside from what has already been mentioned ... a couple things, YO said several times that she was coach, mentor, captain, etc., but she wasn't just a player, and that she wasn't being herself, and that the fun had gone out of it ... she said that she came back last year, becasue she felt the team needed her, not just that she wanted to play ...

She said that she's not going anywhere, but she is, I gather for just one year, and then back to live in Sacto ...

I still think that long story short, she wanted to play on a team that could win the title, to play on the best team possible ...

I think she was also burned out on her role in Sacto ... and wanted to end that role ... it almost sounds like a year long sabbatical in Seattle ...