World Series of Poker


Homer Fan Since 1985
doone said:
doone. :p I know I know, boring, but at least I'm easily recognizable! :D
:D Hey, NME is N.M.E. How is that for originality? And, if I remember correctly, uolj is uolj. So don't feel like the Lone Ranger. :p
Oh yay! So is anyone playing right now? I haven't been able to find anyone, just wondering if my find a player thing is not working right.
6th said:
Twix, please consider joining us at Most of us play the play money tables. Newbies fit right in there. I did.
I just barely got although I haven't play there yet.

I'll see if I can get too.
Thanks for letting me know, 6th.


Homer Fan Since 1985
VF21 said:
What a great idea!!

And we could meet two or three times a week, talk about our obsession and maybe play a few hands, just to get it out of our system!

Hey, I'm game. Sign me up. Bwahahahahaha!!!!


Homer Fan Since 1985
For me to have much play time (where I don't stay up till 1 a.m.) I need to start about 9 p.m., but that is only 7 p.m. for you West Coasters.

I am not available on Tues nights and Friday I could start about 9:30 to 10:00 my time...7:30 to 8:00 PT.

Sat night is usually the best night since I can stay up as late as you guys (within reason).


Homer Fan Since 1985
Twix said:
What happen, 6th??
Well, I lost over 55,000 chips in the last 2 1/2 days. I went all in with a full house only to be beat by 4 of a K. Unbelievable run of bad luck.

Well, I went to a cheaper fixed table and turned my new 1000 chips into 3100 so maybe things are improving. See why I don't gamble with real money? :p
yuck. i hate that. those are pretty devastating.

two weeks ago, I started with pocket A's, and made a small raise (2x the bb) to flush out the super weak hands, but still get some action. i get one caller, and we go to the flop. bam, a dream flop comes up: A66 rainbow, and i hit a full house, A's over 6's. I thought the guy had A6 or 6x, making him trips, or even better, sixes full of aces, because he was first to act, and opened up with a bet about the size of the pot. I re-raised, and I decide to push all-in because he seems to like his hand.

He calls quickly, and I'm pretty happy because I'm positive i'm going to take this huge pot.

Off comes the river, and I show aces full over sixes. He turns over pocket 6's, giving him quads! I wanted to jump into the American River holding a sack of bowling balls!

Haha! Oh well, that's the game though. Love it or leave it. :D
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