yuck. i hate that. those are pretty devastating.
two weeks ago, I started with pocket A's, and made a small raise (2x the bb) to flush out the super weak hands, but still get some action. i get one caller, and we go to the flop. bam, a dream flop comes up: A66 rainbow, and i hit a full house, A's over 6's. I thought the guy had A6 or 6x, making him trips, or even better, sixes full of aces, because he was first to act, and opened up with a bet about the size of the pot. I re-raised, and I decide to push all-in because he seems to like his hand.
He calls quickly, and I'm pretty happy because I'm positive i'm going to take this huge pot.
Off comes the river, and I show aces full over sixes. He turns over pocket 6's, giving him quads! I wanted to jump into the American River holding a sack of bowling balls!
Haha! Oh well, that's the game though. Love it or leave it.