Will Yolanda be booed when she plays here?

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We treat ex-Monarchs very good,actually amazing, However, I will not be able to give Yo the Monarchs alumni treatment. :mad:In the NBA we will boo people for as much as 14 years when they are traitors. I don't see how this is any different. Maybe it is just me but I am bitter.

Everyone is getting better and we are not progressing and that will even more obvious tomorrow. We need to make a great move. If we start bad (like we have many times) and take a month off for the Olympics it will be hard to get people back in seats in September.


Homer Fan Since 1985
You would boo Yolanda Griffith, the player that brought us a championship? That is bull. Is Yo a traitor because Seattle offered more money than Whiz would or could pay? That's bunk!!

Loyalty works both ways.
I don't care what went down. You don't trade 9 years and a championship, for a moment of satisfactory booing!!! That would be some punk b.s. if the crowd does nothing less than stand and give her a rousing ovation.
Someone asked, "Is Yo a traitor because Seattle offered more money than Whiz would or could pay?"

I wonder how much more Seattle could have available to pay with all the contracts they have on board. We don't know this stuff because it is kept under wraps.But I do know this is not like the megamillions the men leave for. It is not even like the $200K to $300K Yo made in Russia either. Maybe she picked up say 20 grand or so in Seattle. Who knows? It still looks to me like she just decided she can win it with them instead of with us and thus jumped ship.She quit on us.Yes I would boo her if the game were tonight. We will see if time heals.
One thing that could make things heal quicker is for Whiz to do some magic and get us some more consistent help inside. We are suddenly really lacking the inside depth to compete at a playoff level. That really sucks.


Homer Fan Since 1985
The Monarchs are not going to win another championship this year, with or without Yo. Seattle has a much better chance than we do......and the Sparks have an even better chance than that.
No way in heck do I boo my all time favorite player.
I try not to boo any player, however if they take a cheap shot at my Monarchs, I will protest like I do to our wonderful officials...

I'm not sure on the standing ovation, I will give her a respectful hand.
Wait so is Seattles new lineup

thats just f-ing brutal. they have no excuse for not winning it all IMO. talk about an all-star team.
The Monarchs are not going to win another championship this year, with or without Yo. Seattle has a much better chance than we do......and the Sparks have an even better chance than that.
Seattle's chances may be better, but it is highly improbable that Seattle jumps over Phoenix. To me they are still flat out the team to beat.

I do not know what that one thing was to make Yolanda move on from 9 (what I would hope were) good, productive years in the one place she has played in the league. And it is not like the Monarchs roster sucks. It's not like for nine years this team stunk. This team was very good and will be good. We just don't know if it is good enough to contend for a championship. Even if we don't make the playoffs, the Monarchs will compete.
Wait so is Seattles new lineup

thats just f-ing brutal. they have no excuse for not winning it all IMO. talk about an all-star team.
Their starting roster looks like an All-Star squad, until you consider that Yolanda Griffith and Sheryl Swoopes (and probably Swin Cash) are past their prime. Yo has two arthritic knees and is 38 years old, the oldest among WNBA players. Sheryl just turned 37 last month and is coming off an injury-plagued year.

In fact, I doubt Yo will be in the starting lineup for most (if at all) of Seattle's games. Janell Burse would be in the starting lineup and Yo will likely come off the bench.

The average age of Seattle's roster is probably the oldest in the league. But that is Seattle's (particularly G.M./Head Coach Brian Agler's) problem.

you know i never understood the logic behind an athlete joining a stacked team just for the sake of getting a dam ring. I for one wouldnt want to know that the reason I won a 'ship was only because my team was full of all star vets. I would take sooooo much more pleasure in knowing that the ring was fought hard for. This whole situation is very similiar to karl malone and payton playing for LA. I didn't get it then, and I dont get this s**t now. When free agency turns into ring whoring, then the ring turns into nothing more than a piece of jewelry. no meaning behind it at all.

I still have faith in powell, bekkah, walker, lawson, and newton.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
you know i never understood the logic behind an athlete joining a stacked team just for the sake of getting a dam ring. I for one wouldnt want to know that the reason I won a 'ship was only because my team was full of all star vets. I would take sooooo much more pleasure in knowing that the ring was fought hard for. This whole situation is very similiar to karl malone and payton playing for LA. I didn't get it then, and I dont get this s**t now. When free agency turns into ring whoring, then the ring turns into nothing more than a piece of jewelry. no meaning behind it at all.
This is wrong on multiple levels.

In the first place: Monarchs all-time leading scorer, all-time leading rebounder, all-time leading shot blocker. Former MVP of the league. Former Defensive Player of the League. Finals MVP. She doesn't owe the Monarchs a damned thing.

I'll just mention, as a brief tangent, that Payton shouldn't even be part of this conversation, because Seattle traded him; it's not like he left them. Once your team trades you, the loyalty issue goes out the window. But, in the second place: it still doesn't remotely resemble what Karl Malone did, and anyone who says otherwise is speaking out of ignorance. Why is it different? Because Malone went to LA to do what he failed to do for Utah. You can't compare Griffith to Malone, because she actually won on her own. She got her team to the Finals, and actually won them that ring. She's not going to Seattle to do what she couldn't do; she's already done it. If anything, what Griffith is doing is more like what Pippen did after he left the Bulls than what Malone did.

In the third place, Griffith has earned the right. She carried the Monarchs on her shoulders for nine years, and took them from the outhouse to the penthouse. When you lead your team to the championship, can't nobody ask any more from you. Griffith never quit on the Monarchs, ever; she gave us everything she had, every minute she wore a Monarchs uniform. I wanted to see her retire as a Monarch but, if she wants to leave, I can't do anything but thank her for the championship, and wish her Fair Winds and Following Seas.

And, in the fourth place, championships aren't won on paper. As we learned from watching the Lakers in the 2004, no matter how many All-Stars you have on your team, nobody's going to hand it to you. It's still going to be a hard fight for them to win it, no matter what. Chances are, they're going to have to beat both the Mercury and the Sparks (possibly even both on the road), just to get to the Finals. So, if they do end up winning, nobody has any business saying that it won't be hard fought for.
You can't compare Griffith to Malone, because she actually won on her own. She got her team to the Finals, and actually won them that ring. She's not going to Seattle to do what she couldn't do; she's already done it. If anything, what Griffith is doing is more like what Pippen did after he left the Bulls than what Malone did.

In the third place, Griffith has earned the right. She carried the Monarchs on her shoulders for nine years, and took them from the outhouse to the penthouse. When you lead your team to the championship, can't nobody ask any more from you. Griffith never quit on the Monarchs, ever; she gave us everything she had, every minute she wore a Monarchs uniform. I wanted to see her retire as a Monarch but, if she wants to leave, I can't do anything but thank her for the championship, and wish her Fair Winds and Following Seas.
Thanks...I have been trying to make peace with this and not be so angry, heartbroken, and you helped with that a little. I will not be booing Yo, instead I will be wildly cheering for the Monarchs. I was not going to go to the pre-season game because I did not want to see Yo in Seattle green to start the season. Now, I plan to go to support the team. If this is hard for any of us, it must be miserable for them to think of playing against Yo, instead of with her.
i didnt say anything about Yo not having earned the right or that she owed the Monarchs anything....so i dont know where you wrongly pulled that from my post. I still stand by what I say. Even if those werent her intentions, I'll still feel that way, albeit not towards her though. no need to overanalyze my opinion and make more of what it is
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
i didnt say anything about Yo not having earned the right or that she owed the Monarchs anything....so i dont know where you wrongly pulled that from my post.
I did no such thing. Just because I stated that Griffith has the right to leave and that she doesn't owe anything to anybody doesn't mean that I accused you of saying that she did. It just so happens that I used that as part of my explanation of why the situations aren't parallel. I didn't attribute any statements to you that you didn't actually make.

I still stand by what I say.
Stand by what you say all you want to, you're still wrong. Griffith leaving is not like Malone leaving Utah (and bears no resemblance whatsoever to Payton leaving Seattle), for reasons I've already stated. And her joining a veteran team of All-Stars to try to win another championship would not, in any way, diminish any future championship wins, because she's already won on her own, and so have the other All-Stars on that team, and nothing that happens in Seattle will take away what they achieved before they got there.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Someone asked, "Is Yo a traitor because Seattle offered more money than Whiz would or could pay?"

I wonder how much more Seattle could have available to pay with all the contracts they have on board. We don't know this stuff because it is kept under wraps.But I do know this is not like the megamillions the men leave for. It is not even like the $200K to $300K Yo made in Russia either. Maybe she picked up say 20 grand or so in Seattle. Who knows? It still looks to me like she just decided she can win it with them instead of with us and thus jumped ship.She quit on us.Yes I would boo her if the game were tonight. We will see if time heals.
One thing that could make things heal quicker is for Whiz to do some magic and get us some more consistent help inside. We are suddenly really lacking the inside depth to compete at a playoff level. That really sucks.
The mere idea that someone would boo Yolanda Griffith is so repulsive to me I had to look twice at the OP. Monarchs fans will NOT boo her. If you do, I hope you're tossed out of Arco.

This is arguably the most repugnant thing I think I've ever seen posted in the Monarchs forum.

It would, IMHO, be akin to people suggesting they would boo Vlade back when he returned to the Lakers as a free agent at the end of his career. You don't boo someone who has done as much for your team as Yo OR Vlade or anyone else who helped take your breath away. They deserve your gratitude for even getting you to the heights so few fans ever actually get to experience.

Be thankful we had Yolanda Griffith ... and move on.
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Thanks all you guys for much needed perspective

Having started this provocatively titled thread, I must say that it has really been helpful for me to hear from other Monarchs fans on this Yo issue. You have to understand that I have no friends who even know what the WNBA is, let alone anyone to vent to about my emotions concerning Yo going to a rival. After reading all your comments I am calmer now.

No, I won't ever boo Yo or ever forget about her brilliant contributions to Sac. However, I know I won't be a part of any Erin-like or Edna-like lovefests that I used to really enjoy.

As far as expressing animosity goes, I will direct it to Seattle in general not Yo. When I think about my attitude towards Jackson, Bird ,Cash, and Swoopes, it won't be hard for these guys to pass the Sparks on my most hated teams list.

Hopefully the Maryland girl can bring toughness out of the gate and help me get over Yo leaving us.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Having started this provocatively titled thread, I must say that it has really been helpful for me to hear from other Monarchs fans on this Yo issue. You have to understand that I have no friends who even know what the WNBA is, let alone anyone to vent to about my emotions concerning Yo going to a rival. After reading all your comments I am calmer now.

No, I won't ever boo Yo or ever forget about her brilliant contributions to Sac. However, I know I won't be a part of any Erin-like or Edna-like lovefests that I used to really enjoy.

As far as expressing animosity goes, I will direct it to Seattle in general not Yo. When I think about my attitude towards Jackson, Bird ,Cash, and Swoopes, it won't be hard for these guys to pass the Sparks on my most hated teams list.

Hopefully the Maryland girl can bring toughness out of the gate and help me get over Yo leaving us.

You can get past it. I know - I had to do it with Vlade. As time passes, you'll be very thankful for all the good memories. I promise.



Super Moderator Emeritus
oh excuse me, i didn't realize you were the say all, end all around here.
Here's the deal ... argue and discuss all you like but when you resort to snarky comments, you're crossing the line.

Slim made very valid points, especially in the case of Malone and Payton. Why not try to refute his comments and leave the sarcasm out of it?
I wonder if YO would have left the team last season, had she not been protected? So I guess were lucky to have had her in 07....
I agree with many of the points made on this thread, especially the one that we have a team to support. Yo is gone & although it's hard to have her sign with another team we will forever remember the player that brought toughness & heart to SacTown. Her leadership will be missed.

I have all the confidence in the world that our coaching staff & players will be well represented. Now us fans need to reunite & support our Monarchs.
i dont think i crossed the line at all, but I will step aside here and leave it at that. For him to outright say that my MERE opinion is wrong is pretty "snarky" in itself. i'm over it...goodnite all
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
This isn't kindergarten; opinions can be wrong.

You said something ridiculous, and then didn't bother to back it up with anything bearing anything resembling a cogent argument, but instead apparently just put your off the wall opinion out there and expected it to go unchallenged. I picked your statement apart, and you took offense. That's essentially what happened, in a nutshell.

Just because you get to say what you think around here doesn't mean that I don't get to say what I think about what you think. And I think what you said was ridiculous. I didn't attack Shorty_Balla14 the poster; I attacked your argument. If you can't handle that, that's a "you" problem.
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Booing Yo? Are you serious?

I would hate to think after so much hard work that Yo has put in after so many years with the Monarchs that fans would just Boo her. If that happens it just shows how selfish and ungrate Monarchs fans are. Yo did this because she was happy with her decision at least Monarchs fans can do is support her. She would appreciate that more. She loves the fans. You can tell by just how she interacts with us and her personality. Although, I live in chicago, I have always supported her. As long as she's happy, Then I'm all for the decisions she makes. Yo is a great player. Believe me I would be pissed off if Monarchs fans have the nerve to Boo Yo.

Just because La got Parker doesn't mean that they have the greater chance of winning a championship. The West is tight as far as talent goes.
from yoyo's #1 fan


Super Moderator Emeritus

Sorry, Tiff, but I think Monarchs fans have every right to vent their initial reactions to a heart-breaking and stunning announcement. For someone who never posts to come here and accuse them of being "selfish and ungrate (sic)" is misguided - and quite frankly, wrong.

Monarchs fans are exceedingly loyal and supportive and, after the initial shock wears off, they are NOT going to boo Yolanda Griffith. Arco Arena is in Sacramento, not Philadelphia.
Well I certainly hope fans don't Boo her. Yes, It's been a while since I been on here. but I'm always posting on wnba.com and sacbee.com I really don't have time to post on here. But really enjoy being on here and reading everybody's comments. I just couldn't resist when some fans were talking about booing Yo.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It's frustration and shock. The same thing happened on the Kings side when Vlade signed with LA. And was Vlade booed? Oh no...

I hope you find time to check back here more often. We have a really loyal following of Monarchs fans.
i will not boo Yo ...

Sorry, Tiff, but I think Monarchs fans have every right to vent their initial reactions to a heart-breaking and stunning announcement. For someone who never posts to come here and accuse them of being "selfish and ungrate (sic)" is misguided - and quite frankly, wrong.

Monarchs fans are exceedingly loyal and supportive and, after the initial shock wears off, they are NOT going to boo Yolanda Griffith. Arco Arena is in Sacramento, not Philadelphia.
Tiff is a knowledgable and positive poster, and she has every right to say whom she might think was being ungrateful ... I don't think she was trying to say that ALL Monarch fans are (already) selfish and ungrateful, and she did say IF ...

in any case, I will not be boo-ing Yo ... in fact i will be giving her a big cheer, hey, i think a standing O is in order ... same way I still feel about Tange ...


Homer Fan Since 1985
Tiff is a knowledgable and positive poster, and she has every right to say whom she might think was being ungrateful ... I don't think she was trying to say that ALL Monarch fans are (already) selfish and ungrateful, and she did say IF ...

in any case, I will not be boo-ing Yo ... in fact i will be giving her a big cheer, hey, i think a standing O is in order ... same way I still feel about Tange ...

Well, here's the thing......a new poster (or new to our forum) should know better than to pop in and say that some Monarchs fans are selfish and ungrateful. That certainly is not a way for someone new to ingratiate themselves. Doesn't matter how knowledgable and positive she is on other forums. We are here....not on other forums. While I have made it clear that I don't think anyone should boo Yo, I did not call my fellow fans selfish and ungrateful if they choose to boo.
Yo is the greatest.

Well, here's the thing......a new poster (or new to our forum) should know better than to pop in and say that some Monarchs fans are selfish and ungrateful. That certainly is not a way for someone new to ingratiate themselves. Doesn't matter how knowledgable and positive she is on other forums. We are here....not on other forums. While I have made it clear that I don't think anyone should boo Yo, I did not call my fellow fans selfish and ungrateful if they choose to boo.
Well you know what that's my opinion. It doesn't matter if I haven't been on here in a while or at all. All I know is that I'm a monarchs and Griffith fan, a true fan at that. I would never boo her. Yes I did say monarchs fans would be acting ungrateful and selfish if they did that. But I didn't mention your name. And thank god I'm not in sacramento because If I ever saw a fan do that I can't hold my tongue. It just reminds me of the time when I met Tangela for the first time in Indy and a fan said something awful to Tangela when she was playing. now I didn't she the fan but who ever said that was very mean.
Thanks for your kind comments. You are the best and a true Yo fan!
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