Will Yolanda be booed when she plays here?

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Homer Fan Since 1985
One of the things we do not allow on this site is arguments about what constitutes a "true fan." Fans come in all types. One is not better than another, only different.

And, yeah, it does matter. People don't show up on a board and start degrading those who already post at that site......at least, not those who want to be believed or respected. Respect is earned. There are many respected fans on this site. I'm only suggesting that if you want to be respected as a regular here, that you treat others with respect, as well.
off on the wrong foot ...

Well, here's the thing......a new poster (or new to our forum) should know better than to pop in and say that some Monarchs fans are selfish and ungrateful. That certainly is not a way for someone new to ingratiate themselves. Doesn't matter how knowledgable and positive she is on other forums. We are here....not on other forums. While I have made it clear that I don't think anyone should boo Yo, I did not call my fellow fans selfish and ungrateful if they choose to boo.
I've enjoyed Tiffany's comments on some of the other boards, and I feel like I encouraged to post here as well, sigh ... before Yo went to Seattle, little did I expect that things would get off to such a bad start ... oh well ... ; ( ... I still say she's a good poster !!! ... and I would hate for her to leave over this ... ; (

btw: other posters also had some strong words about Yo being boo-ed ......

"That would be some punk b.s. "

"I would be totally ashamed and pis**ed, if Monarchs fans were that clueless and ungrateful"

"That is bull."

"The mere idea that someone would boo Yolanda Griffith is so repulsive to me I had to look twice at the OP. Monarchs fans will NOT boo her. If you do, I hope you're tossed out of Arco.

This is arguably the most repugnant thing I think I've ever seen posted in the Monarchs forum."
Well you know what that's my opinion. It doesn't matter if I haven't been on here in a while or at all. All I know is that I'm a monarchs and Griffith fan, a true fan at that. I would never boo her. Yes I did say monarchs fans would be acting ungrateful and selfish if they did that. But I didn't mention your name. And thank god I'm not in sacramento because If I ever saw a fan do that I can't hold my tongue. It just reminds me of the time when I met Tangela for the first time in Indy and a fan said something awful to Tangela when she was playing. now I didn't she the fan but who ever said that was very mean.
Thanks for your kind comments. You are the best and a true Yo fan!
i have to side with Tiff on this one, now my purpose here is not to start drama (i know things got a lil out of hand with me and slim), but what i want to say is sometimes it feels like the "regulars" here are quick to jump on the not so frequent members whenever we say something that doesnt bode well with the majority. we have opinions too, and like she said, she didn't point anyone out. just my two cents, please dont take it personally


Homer Fan Since 1985
i have to side with Tiff on this one, now my purpose here is not to start drama (i know things got a lil out of hand with me and slim), but what i want to say is sometimes it feels like the "regulars" here are quick to jump on the not so frequent members whenever we say something that doesnt bode well with the majority. we have opinions too, and like she said, she didn't point anyone out. just my two cents, please dont take it personally
I hear what you say, and I certainly don't like seeing Tiff get off to a wrong start here. If she is a WNBA fan, then she is certainly welcome here.

I admit that having Yo leave us certainly put me in a "bad mood." To have a new person show up and start calling Monarchs fans selfish and ungrateful certainly got my hackles up even more. For that, I apologize.

Opinions are always welcome, but since this is a Monarchs site, don't be surprised if fans from other parts of the country get questioned. It is not about regulars jumping on infrequent members who do not side with the majority. It would be boring if we all had the same opinion. Rather, it is about new or infrequent members making comments that can be (and were) taken as an attack on regular members.


Super Moderator Emeritus

This is getting a little out of hand and WAY off topic, so I'm going to step in and clarify.


This is an Internet community devoted to the Sacramento Kings and Sacramento Monarchs. This particular forum is for discussion of the Monarchs, but is governed by the same rules as the other forums on this site.

When someone who is either a brand new or extremely infrequent poster makes comments about Monarchs fans being selfish and ungrateful, it is going to be viewed with a great deal of skepticism and suspicion. When people are questioned, it is for the good of THIS board, not any other WNBA board or other sports board. And it's not about people taking sides. This is one of the few message boards around that does not allow flame fests, personal attacks, etc. and it's something we're very proud of and work very hard to maintain.

Tiff may be the most well-known poster on other boards but she's unknown HERE. As such, her comments about Monarchs fans being selfish and ungrateful were questionable.

The whole "true fan" thing is judgmental and never works out. For that reason, as 6th has pointed out, we try not to go down that path.

Joining a message board is like moving to a new town and wanting to fit in with the community. You need to earn the respect of those who are already here... or at least not alienate them before they get to know you.

It looks like the best way to handle this is to let it die. After a brief exchange with Tiff, I don't think there was any intent by Tiff to insult anyone, which is why I posted my comments in the first place.

I'm closing this thread for the simple reason that it's now becoming more about posters than the topic at hand.

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