i was typing a response, and when i went to post, it was closed, mightily quick, i might add. anyways, i typed a lot more than i usually do, so i thought id just throw it in a thread:
this is in response to everyone that says, why not trade arteest for pennies on the dollar, than risk getting nothing, there is an important economic factor here.
supermarkets have groceries go bad ALL THE TIME. they expire, and then supermarkets must dump them for nothing. so should they start selling food that is ripe for 20 cents instead of a dollar? NO. it makes more sense to dump the food. this goes for arco arena tickets as well. if seats are not sold by gametime, do they give them out for a few bucks? NO. they take the hit. can someone tell me why?
its because you need to keep a certain price structure for your supermarket. if you always sell off food that gets old, people will just start waiting till there is that food, and they will buy low. same for arena tickets: if you knew that 10 minutes before tipoff, you could hit the box office and pick up some tickets for a few dollars, would you now forgo the more expensive tickets?
geoff plays hardball. once he blinks, people will all know he blinked on the artest trade. then what happens? next time theres a standstill, they will expect him to blink. he will receive nothing until the end, because people will know that he does this. is this absolute? no, but it is a factor in terms of playing this game as a GM. if he stands here, and says, i am not helping you if you are giving me this kinda crap, the next time, a gm will remember that artest went into free agency instead of to denver, and denver lost out.
this is in response to everyone that says, why not trade arteest for pennies on the dollar, than risk getting nothing, there is an important economic factor here.
supermarkets have groceries go bad ALL THE TIME. they expire, and then supermarkets must dump them for nothing. so should they start selling food that is ripe for 20 cents instead of a dollar? NO. it makes more sense to dump the food. this goes for arco arena tickets as well. if seats are not sold by gametime, do they give them out for a few bucks? NO. they take the hit. can someone tell me why?
its because you need to keep a certain price structure for your supermarket. if you always sell off food that gets old, people will just start waiting till there is that food, and they will buy low. same for arena tickets: if you knew that 10 minutes before tipoff, you could hit the box office and pick up some tickets for a few dollars, would you now forgo the more expensive tickets?
geoff plays hardball. once he blinks, people will all know he blinked on the artest trade. then what happens? next time theres a standstill, they will expect him to blink. he will receive nothing until the end, because people will know that he does this. is this absolute? no, but it is a factor in terms of playing this game as a GM. if he stands here, and says, i am not helping you if you are giving me this kinda crap, the next time, a gm will remember that artest went into free agency instead of to denver, and denver lost out.